Promise | Promise object constructor |
addCalendar | adds a calendar into Gantt |
addLink | adds a new dependency link |
addLinkLayer | displays an additional layer with custom elements for a link in the timeline area |
addMarker | adds a marker to the timeline area |
addShortcut | adds a new keyboard shortcut |
addTask | adds a new task |
addTaskLayer | displays an additional layer with custom elements for a task in the timeline area |
adjustTaskHeightForBaselines | adjusts the task's row height for proper display of baseline elements |
alert | calls an alert message box |
assert | if the specified expression is false, an errorMessage is shown in the red popup at the top right corner of the screen |
attachEvent | attaches the handler to an inner event of dhtmlxGantt |
autoSchedule | recalculates the schedule of the project |
batchUpdate | updates multiple tasks/links at once |
bind | creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value |
calculateDuration | calculates the duration of a task |
calculateEndDate | calculates the end date of a task |
calculateTaskLevel | calculates the level of nesting of a task |
callEvent | calls an inner event |
changeLightboxType | repaints the lighbox for the task according to its type |
changeLinkId | changes the link's id |
changeTaskId | changes the task's id |
checkEvent | checks whether an event has some handler(s) specified |
clearAll | removes all tasks and additional elements (including markers) from the Gantt chart |
clearRedoStack | clears the stack of stored redo commands |
clearUndoStack | clears the stack of stored undo commands |
close | closes the branch with the specified id |
collapse | collapses gantt from the full screen mode to the normal mode |
columnIndexByDate | returns the index of the column by the date |
confirm | calls a confirm message box |
copy | creates a deep copy of provided object |
correctTaskWorkTime | recalculates the task duration in the work time |
createCalendar | creates a working calendar |
createDataProcessor | creates a new dataProcessor instance and attaches it to gantt |
createDatastore | creates a datastore according to the provided configuration |
createTask | adds a new task and opens the lightbox to confirm |
dataProcessor | dataProcessor constructor |
dateFromPos | gets the date of the specified horizontal position in the chart area |
defined | returns false if the provided argument is undefined, otherwise true |
deleteCalendar | deletes a task calendar by its id |
deleteLink | deletes the specified dependency link |
deleteMarker | deletes the specified marker |
deleteTask | deletes the specified task |
destructor | destroys the gantt instance |
detachAllEvents | detaches all events from dhtmlxGantt (both custom and inner ones) |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent() method) |
eachParent | iterates over all parent tasks of the specified task in the Gantt chart |
eachSelectedTask | iterates over all selected tasks in the Gantt chart |
eachTask | iterates over all child tasks of a specific task or the of whole Gantt chart |
event | attaches an event handler to an HTML element |
eventRemove | removes an event handler from an HTML element |
expand | expands gantt to the full screen mode |
exportToExcel | exports data from the Gantt chart to an Excel document |
exportToICal | exports data from the Gantt chart to an iCal string |
exportToJSON | exports the structure and data of a Gantt chart into a JSON object |
exportToMSProject | exports data from the Gantt chart to MS Project |
exportToPDF | exports a Gantt chart into the PDF format |
exportToPNG | exports a Gantt chart into the PNG format |
exportToPrimaveraP6 | exports data from the Gantt chart to Primavera P6 |
findCycles | returns all dependency loops in the chart |
focus | sets focus on the gantt |
getCalendar | gets worktime calendar by id |
getCalendars | gets all the calendars added into Gantt |
getChildren | returns the 1st-level child tasks of the specified parent branch |
getClosestWorkTime | returns the closest working time |
getColumnIndex | returns the index of the column by its name |
getConnectedGroup | returns all tasks and links that a task is connected with |
getConstraintLimitations | returns the earliest and latest dates allowed by the constraint applied to a task |
getConstraintType | returns the constraint type applied to the task |
getDatastore | returns the configuration object of a datastore |
getFreeSlack | returns the free slack of a task |
getGlobalTaskIndex | gets the index of a task in the tree |
getGridColumn | gets the configuration object of a column |
getGridColumns | gets columns of the Gantt chart |
getLabel | gets the label of a select control in the lightbox |
getLastSelectedTask | returns the id of the last selected task |
getLayoutView | returns the object of the layout view by its name |
getLightbox | gets the lightbox's HTML object element |
getLightboxSection | returns the object of the lightbox's section |
getLightboxType | returns the name of the active lighbox's structure |
getLightboxValues | returns values of the lightbox's sections |
getLink | returns the dependency link object by the specified id |
getLinkCount | returns the number of all dependency links presented in the Gantt chart |
getLinkNode | returns the HTML element of the specified dependency link |
getLinks | returns all links presented in the Gantt chart |
getMarker | gets the marker's object |
getNext | returns the id of the next item (no matter what the level of nesting is: the same or different) |
getNextSibling | returns the id of the next task of the same level |
getParent | returns the id of the parent task |
getPrev | returns the id of the previous item (no matter what the level of nesting is: the same or different) |
getPrevSibling | returns the id of the previous task of the same level |
getRedoStack | returns the stack of stored redo user actions |
getResourceAssignments | returns all tasks assigned to the resource |
getResourceCalendar | returns a calendar which the resource is assigned to |
getScale | returns the configuration of the time scale |
getScrollState | returns the scroll position |
getSelectedId | returns the id of the selected task |
getSelectedTasks | returns an array of the currently selected tasks |
getShortcutHandler | gets a key navigation shortcut handler |
getSiblings | returns siblings of the specified task (including itself) |
getSlack | checks how much time (in the current duration unit) a task has before it starts to affect other tasks |
getState | gets the current state of the Gantt chart |
getSubtaskDates | calculates the combined start/end dates of tasks nested in a project or another task |
getSubtaskDuration | calculates the combined duration of tasks nested in a project or another task. |
getTask | returns the task object |
getTaskAssignments | returns the parsed resource assignments of a specific task from the datastore |
getTaskBarHeight | returns the height (in pixels) of the DOM element of the task |
getTaskBaselines | returns an array of baselines of a specific task from the datastore |
getTaskBy | finds a task by the specified criteria |
getTaskByIndex | returns a task by its global task index |
getTaskByTime | returns a collection of tasks which occur during the specified period |
getTaskByWBSCode | returns a task by its WBS code |
getTaskCalendar | gets a calendar assigned to the specified task (a task level calendar) |
getTaskCount | gets the number of tasks that are currently loaded in the gantt |
getTaskHeight | returns the visible height of a task |
getTaskIndex | gets the index of a task in the branch |
getTaskNode | returns the HTML element of the task bar |
getTaskPosition | calculates the position and size of the task's DOM element in the timeline area |
getTaskResources | returns the array of unique resources assigned to a specific task from the datastore |
getTaskRowNode | returns the HTML element of the task row in the table |
getTaskTop | gets the top position of the task's DOM element in the timeline area |
getTaskType | returns the type of a task |
getTotalSlack | returns the total slack of a task |
getUndoStack | returns the stack of stored undo user actions |
getVisibleTaskCount | gets the number of tasks visible on the screen (those that are not collapsed) |
getWBSCode | returns the WBS code (the outline number) of a task |
getWorkHours | returns the working hours of the specified date |
groupBy | groups tasks by the specified task's attribute |
hasChild | returns the number of child task(s) |
hideCover | hides the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen |
hideLightbox | closes the lightbox if it's currently active |
hideQuickInfo | hides the pop-up task form (if it's currently active) |
importFromExcel | converts an Excel file to JSON |
importFromMSProject | converts an XML or MPP MS Project file to JSON |
importFromPrimaveraP6 | converts an XML or XER Primavera P6 file to JSON |
init | initializes a dhtmlxGantt inside a container |
isChildOf | checks whether a task is a child of a different task |
isCircularLink | checks whether the link is circular |
isCriticalLink | checks whether the specified link is critical |
isCriticalTask | checks whether the specified task is critical |
isLinkAllowed | checks whether the specified link is correct |
isLinkExists | checks whether the specified link exists |
isReadonly | checks whether the specified task/link, or the whole Gantt is read-only |
isSelectedTask | checks whether the specified task is currently selected |
isSplitTask | checks whether the specified task is split |
isSummaryTask | checks whether the specified task is summary |
isTaskExists | checks whether the specified task exists |
isTaskVisible | checks whether the specifies task is currently rendered in the Gantt chart |
isUnscheduledTask | checks if the task is unscheduled |
isWorkTime | checks whether the specified date is working or not |
load | loads data to the gantt from an external data source |
locate | gets the id of a task from the specified HTML event |
mergeCalendars | merges several working calendars into one |
message | calls a message box of the specified type |
mixin | adds properties of the 'source' object into the 'target' object |
modalbox | calls a modalbox |
moveTask | moves a task to a new position |
open | opens the branch with the specified id |
parse | loads data from a client-side resource |
plugins | activates the specified extensions |
posFromDate | gets the relative horizontal position of the specified date in the chart area |
redo | applies the reverted changes to the gantt once again |
refreshData | refreshes data in the Gantt chart |
refreshLink | refreshes the specifies link |
refreshTask | refreshes the task and its related links |
removeLinkLayer | removes the specified layer related to a link |
removeShortcut | removes a keyboard shortcut |
removeTaskLayer | removes the specified layer related to a task |
render | renders the whole Gantt chart |
renderMarkers | updates all markers on the page |
resetLayout | rebuilds the Gantt layout using the current value of the layout config |
resetLightbox | removes the current lightbox's HTML object element |
resetProjectDates | re-calculates the duration of a project task depending on the dates of its children |
resetSkin | re-calculates the skin's settings from the related attached skin CSS file |
resizeLightbox | forces the lightbox to resize |
roundDate | rounds the specified date to the nearest date in the time scale |
roundTaskDates | rounds the start and end task's dates to the nearest dates in the time scale |
scrollLayoutCell | scrolls the layout view to the specified position |
scrollTo | scrolls the Gantt container to the specified position |
selectTask | selects the specified task |
serialize | serializes the data into JSON or XML format |
serverList | returns a list of options |
setParent | set the parent for a task |
setSizes | resizes the Gantt chart |
setSkin | sets the active skin |
setWorkTime | sets the working time for the Gantt chart |
showCover | shows the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen |
showDate | scrolls the chart area to makes the specified date visible |
showLightbox | opens the lightbox for the specified task |
showQuickInfo | displays the pop-up task form for the specified task |
showTask | makes the specified task visible on the screen |
silent | makes all code inside it not to trigger internal events or server-side calls |
sort | sorts tasks in the grid |
toggleTaskSelection | selects the specified task if it was unselected and vice versa |
uid | returns a unique id |
undo | reverts the changes made in the gantt |
unselectTask | removes selection from the selected task |
unsetWorkTime | unsets a working time in the Gantt Chart |
updateCollection | updates the specified collection with new options |
updateLink | updates the specified dependency link |
updateMarker | updates the specified marker |
updateTask | updates the specified task |
updateTaskAssignments | updates the resource property of the task object with the values of the resource assignments from the datastore |
auto_scheduling | enables auto scheduling |
auto_scheduling_compatibility | disables usage of time contraints for tasks |
auto_scheduling_descendant_links | allows or forbids creating links from parent tasks (projects) to their children |
auto_scheduling_initial | defines whether gantt will do autoscheduling on data loading/parsing |
auto_scheduling_move_projects | defines whether the whole project will be moved (see the details below) |
auto_scheduling_project_constraint | defines whether tasks should inherit the constraint type from their parent project |
auto_scheduling_strict | enables the auto scheduling mode, in which tasks will always be rescheduled to the earliest possible date |
auto_scheduling_use_progress | sets the way the scheduling algorithms process completed tasks |
auto_types | automatically converts tasks with subtasks to projects and projects without subtasks back to tasks |
autofit | enables automatic adjusting of the grid's columns to the grid's width |
autoscroll | enables autoscrolling while dragging a task or a link out of the current browser screen |
autoscroll_speed | defines the speed of autoscrolling (in ms) while dragging a task or link out of the current browser screen |
autosize | forces the Gantt chart to automatically change its size to show all tasks without scrolling |
autosize_min_width | sets the minimum width (in pixels) that the Gantt chart can take in the horizontal 'autosize' mode |
bar_height | sets the height of task bars in the timeline area |
bar_height_padding | adjusts the padding around task bars in the timeline when `bar_height` is set to "full" |
baselines | configures the functionality of baselines in the Gantt chart |
branch_loading | enables dynamic loading in the Gantt chart |
branch_loading_property | specifies that the task has children that are not yet loaded from the backend |
buttons_left | stores a collection of buttons resided in the left bottom corner of the lightbox |
buttons_right | stores a collection of buttons resided in the right bottom corner of the lightbox |
calendar_property | changes the name of the property that affects binding of a calendar to a task/group of tasks |
cascade_delete | enables cascade deleting of nested tasks and links |
click_drag | enables advanced drag-n-drop |
columns | configures the columns of the table |
constraint_types | contains all available constraint types |
container_resize_method | defines whether the gantt should track resizing of the container at time intervals |
container_resize_timeout | specifies the delay (in milliseconds) before redrawing the gantt when resizing the container |
correct_work_time | enables adjusting the task's start and end dates to the work time (while dragging) |
csp | defines internal implementation of the code of date formatting methods |
date_format | sets the date format that is used to parse data from a data set and to send dates back to the server |
date_grid | sets the format of dates in the "Start time" column of the table |
date_scale | sets the format of the time scale (X-Axis) |
deadlines | enables or disables the display of deadline elements for tasks |
deepcopy_on_parse | defines whether gantt will perform a deep copy of data objects passed into the gantt.parse() method |
details_on_create | 'says' to open the lightbox while creating new events by clicking the '+' button |
details_on_dblclick | 'says' to open the lightbox after double clicking on a task |
drag_lightbox | enables the possibility to drag the lightbox by the header |
drag_links | enables creating dependency links by drag-and-drop |
drag_mode | stores the types of available drag-and-drop modes |
drag_move | enables the possibility to move tasks by drag-and-drop |
drag_multiple | enables the possibility to drag several selected tasks at once |
drag_progress | enables the possibility to change the task progress by dragging the progress knob |
drag_project | enables drag and drop of items of the project type |
drag_resize | enables the possibility to resize tasks by drag-and-drop |
drag_timeline | configures the behavior of the drag_timeline extension |
duration_step | sets the number of 'gantt.config.duration_unit' units that will correspond to one unit of the 'duration' data property. |
duration_unit | sets the duration unit |
dynamic_resource_calendars | enables automatic merging of multiple resource calendars into one |
editable_property | changes the name of a property that affects the editing ability of tasks/links in the read-only Gantt chart |
editor_types | an object that contains definitions of inline editors |
end_date | sets the end value of the time scale |
external_render | renders an external component into the DOM |
fit_tasks | 'says' the Gantt chart to automatically extend the time scale in order to fit all displayed tasks |
grid_elastic_columns | adjusts the width of columns inside a scrollable grid |
grid_resize | makes the grid resizable by dragging the right grid's border |
grid_resizer_attribute | sets the name of the attribute of the grid resizer's DOM element |
grid_resizer_column_attribute | sets the name of the attribute of the column resizer's DOM element. The attribute presents the column's index |
grid_width | sets the width of the grid |
highlight_critical_path | shows the critical path in the chart |
horizontal_scroll_key | enables/disables horizontal scroll by the Shift|Alt|Meta key + mouse wheel movement |
inherit_calendar | defines whether tasks should inherit work calendars from their summary parents |
inherit_scale_class | specifies whether sub-scales shall use the scale_cell_class template by default |
initial_scroll | sets whether the timeline area will be initially scrolled to display the earliest task |
inline_editors_date_processing | keeps the duration of a task unchanged during editing of the start/end of a task |
inline_editors_multiselect_open | defines whether inline editor should be opened after one click on a task when multi-task selection is enabled |
keep_grid_width | 'says' to preserve the initial grid's width while resizing columns within |
keyboard_navigation | enables keyboard navigation in gantt |
keyboard_navigation_cells | enables keyboard navigation by cells |
layer_attribute | sets the name of the attribute of the task layer's DOM element |
layout | specifies the layout object |
lightbox | specifies the lightbox object |
lightbox_additional_height | increases the height of the lightbox |
link_arrow_size | sets the size of the link arrow |
link_attribute | sets the name of the attribute that will specify the id of the link's HTML element |
link_line_width | sets the width of dependency links in the timeline area |
link_radius | sets the radius for rounding corners of link lines in the timeline |
link_wrapper_width | sets the width of the area (over the link) sensitive to clicks |
links | stores the types of links dependencies |
min_column_width | sets the minimum width for a column in the timeline area |
min_duration | sets the minimum duration (in milliseconds) that can be set for a task during resizing. |
min_grid_column_width | sets the minimal width for each grid column (in pixels) while resizing grid |
min_task_grid_row_height | sets the minimal row height that can be set for a task during resizing |
multiselect | enables/disables multi-task selection in the Gantt chart |
multiselect_one_level | specifies whether multi-task selection will be available within one or any level |
open_split_tasks | enables the possibility to expand/collapse split tasks by clicking the +/- button |
open_tree_initially | openes all branches initially |
order_branch | activates the 'branch' mode that allows vertically reordering tasks within the same tree level |
order_branch_free | activates the 'branch' mode that allows reordering tasks within the whole gantt |
placeholder_task | adds an empty row into the end of the list of tasks to simplify tasks editing via keyboard |
preserve_scroll | preserves the current position of the vertical and horizontal scrolls while re-drawing the gantt chart |
prevent_default_scroll | specifies whether the gantt container should block the mousewheel event, or should it be propagated up to the window element |
process_resource_assignments | enables/disables parsing of the resource assignments |
project_end | specifies the end date of a project |
project_start | specifies the start date of a project |
quick_info_detached | defines whether the task form will appear from the left/right side of the screen or near the selected task |
quickinfo_buttons | stores a collection of buttons resided in the pop-up task's details form |
readonly | activates the read-only mode for the Gantt chart |
readonly_property | changes the name of a property that affects the read-only behaviour of tasks/links |
redo | enables the Redo functionality for the gantt |
reorder_grid_columns | enables the possibility to reorder grid columns by drag and drop |
resize_rows | enables the ability to adjust the row height by drag-and-drop |
resource_assignment_store | specifies the name of the dataStore which stores resource assignments |
resource_attribute | changes the name of the attribute that Gantt uses to find which resource the task row in the resource grid/timeline is referring to |
resource_calendars | defines a set of working calendars that can be assigned to a specific resource, e.g. a user |
resource_property | defines the property of a task object that stores a resource id associated with resourceGrid/Timeline/Histogram/Calendar |
resource_render_empty_cells | tells the resource timeline to render elements and call templates for non-allocated cells |
resource_store | specifies the name of the dataStore connected to the resourceGrid/resourceTimeline/resourceHistogram views |
resources | defines an extra configuration for the resource store |
root_id | sets the id of the virtual root element |
round_dnd_dates | enables rounding the task's start and end dates to the nearest scale marks |
row_height | sets the default height for rows of the table |
rtl | switches gantt to the right-to-left mode |
scale_height | sets the height of the time scale and the header of the grid |
scale_offset_minimal | sets the minimal scale unit (in case multiple scales are used) as the interval of the leading/closing empty space |
scale_unit | sets the unit of the time scale (X-Axis) |
scales | defines configuration settings of the time scale |
schedule_from_end | enables backward scheduling |
scroll_on_click | specifies whether the timeline area shall be scrolled while selecting to display the selected task |
scroll_size | set the sizes of the vertical (width) and horizontal (height) scrolls |
select_task | enables selection of tasks in the Gantt chart |
server_utc | enables converting server-side dates from UTC to a local time zone (and backward) while sending data to the server |
show_chart | shows the chart (timeline) area of the Gantt chart |
show_empty_state | defines whether to display the placeholder element inside the grid when it is empty |
show_errors | enables showing error alerts in case of unexpected behavior |
show_grid | shows the grid area of the Gantt chart |
show_links | enables/disables displaying links in the Gantt chart |
show_markers | shows/hides markers on the page |
show_progress | enables displaying of the progress inside the task bars |
show_quick_info | activates/disables the 'quick_info' extension (pop-up task's details form) |
show_task_cells | enables/disables displaying column borders in the chart area |
show_tasks_outside_timescale | enables showing tasks that are outside the specified date range in the Gantt chart |
show_unscheduled | enables showing unscheduled tasks |
skip_off_time | hides non-working time from the time scale |
smart_rendering | enables the smart rendering mode for gantt's tasks and links rendering |
smart_scales | specifies that only visible part of the time scale is rendered on the screen |
sort | enables sorting in the table |
start_date | sets the start value of the time scale |
start_on_monday | sets the starting day of the week |
static_background | generates a background image for the timeline area instead of rendering actual columns' and rows' lines |
static_background_cells | enables rendering of highlighted cells in the static_background mode |
step | sets the step of the time scale (X-Axis) |
subscales | specifies the second time scale(s) (deprecated) |
task_attribute | sets the name of the attribute that will specify the id of the task's HTML element |
task_date | sets the format of the date label in the 'Time period' section of the lightbox |
task_grid_row_resizer_attribute | sets the name of the attribute of the resizer's DOM element of the grid row. The attribute presents the row's index |
task_height | sets the height of task bars in the timeline area |
task_scroll_offset | sets the offset (in pixels) of the nearest task from the left border in the timeline |
time_picker | sets the format of the time drop-down selector in the lightbox |
time_step | sets the minimum step (in minutes) for the task's time values |
timeline_placeholder | shows the background grid in the empty timeline |
tooltip_hide_timeout | sets the length of time, in milliseconds, before the tooltip hides |
tooltip_offset_x | sets the right (if positive) offset of the tooltip's position |
tooltip_offset_y | sets the top (if positive) offset of the tooltip's position |
tooltip_timeout | sets the timeout in milliseconds before the tooltip is displayed for a task |
touch | enables/disables the touch support for the Gantt chart |
touch_drag | defines the time period in milliseconds that is used to differ the long touch gesture from the scroll gesture |
touch_feedback | returns vibration feedback before/after drag and drop on touch devices |
touch_feedback_duration | defines the duration of vibration feedback before/after drag and drop on touch devices (in milliseconds) |
type_renderers | redefines functions responsible for displaying different types of tasks |
types | stores the names of lightbox's structures (used for different types of tasks) |
undo | enables the Undo functionality for the gantt |
undo_actions | sets the actions that the Undo operation will revert |
undo_steps | sets the number of steps that should be reverted by the undo method |
undo_types | sets the types of entities for which the Undo operation will be applied |
wai_aria_attributes | enables WAI-ARIA support to make the component recognizable for screen readers |
wheel_scroll_sensitivity | specifies the speed of scrolling the gantt by the mouse wheel |
wide_form | sets both the section and its label on the same line |
work_time | enables calculating the duration of tasks in working time instead of calendar time |
xml_date | defines date formats that are used to parse data from a data set and to send data to a server |
baseline_text | specifies the text displayed inside the baseline element |
date_grid | specifies the content of columns that show dates (return `Date` values) in grid |
drag_link | specifies the text of tooltips that are displayed when the user creates a new dependency link |
drag_link_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the pop-up that appears when a user drags a link |
format_date | converts a date object to a date string. Used to send data back to the server |
grid_blank | specifies the custom content inserted before the labels of child items in the tree column |
grid_date_format | specifies the format of dates for the columns that show dates (return the `Date` values) |
grid_file | specifies the icon of child items in the tree column |
grid_folder | specifies the icon of parent items in the tree column |
grid_header_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the headers of the table's columns |
grid_indent | specifies the indent of the child items in a branch (in the tree column) |
grid_open | specifies the icon of the open/close sign in the tree column |
grid_row_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to a grid row |
histogram_cell_allocated | defines the height of the filled area in the resourceHistogram |
histogram_cell_capacity | specifies the height of the line that defines the available capacity of the resource |
histogram_cell_class | defines the CSS class which is applied to a cell of the resource panel |
histogram_cell_label | defines the label inside a cell |
link_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to a link |
link_description | specifies the text in the header of the link's "delete" confirm window |
parse_date | converts date string into a Date object |
progress_text | specifies the text in the completed part of the task bar |
quick_info_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the pop-up edit form |
quick_info_content | specifies the content of the pop-up edit form |
quick_info_date | specifies the date of the pop-up edit form |
quick_info_title | specifies the title of the pop-up edit form |
resource_cell_class | defines the CSS class names of cells in the resource timeline cells |
resource_cell_value | defines the HTML content of resource timeline cells |
scale_cell_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to cells of the time scale of the timeline area |
scale_row_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the time scale |
task_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to task bars |
task_date | specifies the date format of the label in the 'Time period' section of the lightbox |
task_end_date | specifies the format for the end dates of tasks in the lightbox |
task_row_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the row of the timeline area |
task_text | specifies the text in the task bars and the header of the lightbox |
task_time | specifies the date period in the header of the lightbox |
task_unscheduled_time | specifies the dates of unscheduled tasks |
time_picker | specifies the format of the drop-down time selector in the lightbox |
timeline_cell_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the cells of the timeline area |
timeline_cell_content | specifies custom HTML content in the timeline cells |
tooltip_date_format | specifies the format of start and end dates displayed in the tooltip |
tooltip_text | specifies the text of tooltips |
xml_date | a string from an XML file is converted into a date object in conformity with this template |
xml_format | a date object is converted into a string in conformity with this template. Used to send data back to the server |
rightside_text | specifies the text assigned to tasks bars on the right side |
leftside_text | specifies the text assigned to tasks bars on the left side |
lightbox_header | specifies the lightbox's header |
marker_class | specifies the CSS class that will be applied to markers |