configures the behavior of the drag_timeline extension
gantt.config.drag_timeline = {
ignore:".gantt_task_line, .gantt_task_link",
useKey: false,
render: false
This option is defined in the drag_timeline extension, so you need to activate the drag_timeline plugin.
The config value can be either an object or the null value, the null value disables the extension.
gantt.config.drag_timeline = null; // disables the extension
The drag_timeline object includes the following properties:
ignore - (string) - CSS selector. Scrolling the timeline won't be activated for the elements that match the selector
useKey - (string | boolean) - if the property is specified, scrolling the timeline will be activated only when the specified modifier key is pressed. The supported values are: "ctrlKey", "shiftKey", "metaKey", "altKey"
render - (boolean) - if the property is enabled, scrolling the timeline will be rerendered when the scroll is started and when it is ended