onAfterAutoSchedule | fires when autoscheduling is done |
onAfterBatchUpdate | fires after the batchUpdate method was called |
onAfterBranchLoading | if dynamic loading is enabled, fires after the task branch was loaded to the page |
onAfterLightbox | fires after the user has closed the lightbox (edit form) |
onAfterLinkAdd | fires after a new link is added to the Gantt chart |
onAfterLinkDelete | fires after the user deletes a link |
onAfterLinkUpdate | fires after the user updates a link |
onAfterQuickInfo | fires after the pop-up edit form is closed |
onAfterRedo | fires after the redo() method was called |
onAfterRowResize | fires after resizing of the row height is finished |
onAfterSort | fires after tasks are sorted in the grid |
onAfterTaskAdd | fires after the user adds a task to the Gantt chart |
onAfterTaskAutoSchedule | fires for each task which has been autoscheduled |
onAfterTaskDelete | fires after the user deletes a task |
onAfterTaskDrag | fires after the user has finished to drag and released the mouse button |
onAfterTaskMove | fires after a task was moved to a new vertical position |
onAfterTaskUpdate | fires after the user updates a task |
onAfterUndo | fires after the undo() method was called |
onAjaxError | fires if the server returns an error |
onAutoScheduleCircularLink | fires if some dependency loops were found during auto scheduling |
onBeforeAutoSchedule | fires before auto scheduling |
onBeforeBatchUpdate | fires before the batchUpdate method is called |
onBeforeBranchLoading | if dynamic loading is enabled, fires after a user expands the task branch but before loading starts |
onBeforeCollapse | before gantt exits the fullscreen mode and goes back to normal mode |
onBeforeDataRender | fires before data is rendered on the page |
onBeforeExpand | fires before gantt is expanded to full screen |
onBeforeGanttReady | fires before the dhtmlxGantt initialization is started |
onBeforeGanttRender | fires before the Gantt chart is rendered on the page |
onBeforeLightbox | fires immediately before the user opens the lightbox (edit form) |
onBeforeLinkAdd | fires before a new link is added to the Gantt chart |
onBeforeLinkDelete | fires before the user deletes a link |
onBeforeLinkDisplay | fires after the links have been loaded to the Gantt chart but before they are displayed |
onBeforeLinkUpdate | fires before a link is updated |
onBeforeMultiSelect | fires before selecting a task or a range of tasks |
onBeforeParse | fires before data started to be parsed |
onBeforeRedo | fires before the redo() method is called |
onBeforeRedoStack | fires before an action is added into the redo stack |
onBeforeRollupTaskDisplay | fires before the rollup task is displayed on its parent project |
onBeforeRowDragEnd | fires when a user drops a row in the grid |
onBeforeRowDragMove | fires before a row of the grid is dragged vertically to a different position |
onBeforeRowResize | fires before the user starts to resize the row height by drag-and-drop |
onBeforeRowResizeEnd | fires before resizing of the row height is completed |
onBeforeSplitTaskDisplay | fires before a part of the split task is displayed on the Gantt chart |
onBeforeTaskAdd | fires before a new task is added to the Gantt chart |
onBeforeTaskAutoSchedule | fires for each task which is rescheduled |
onBeforeTaskChanged | fires after the user has finished dragging and released the mouse button but before the changes are applied |
onBeforeTaskDelete | fires before the user deletes a task |
onBeforeTaskDisplay | fires after the tasks have been loaded to the Gantt chart, but before they are displayed |
onBeforeTaskDrag | fires after the user has pressed the mouse button and started dragging, but before dhtmlxGantt starts the drag-and-drop operation |
onBeforeTaskMove | fires before a task is moved to a new vertical position |
onBeforeTaskMultiSelect | fires before the task selection state is being changed (the task is being selected or unselected) |
onBeforeTaskSelected | fires before the user selects a task |
onBeforeTaskUpdate | fires before the user updates a task |
onBeforeUndo | fires before the undo() method is called |
onBeforeUndoStack | fires before an action is added into the undo stack |
onCircularLinkError | fires when the circular reference has been detected and auto scheduling is not possible |
onClear | fires after all tasks were removed from the Gantt chart by the clearAll method |
onCollapse | fires when gantt went back to normal mode from the full screen mode |
onColumnResize | fires when the user is dragging the column's border to resize the column |
onColumnResizeEnd | fires after the user finished dragging the column's border to resize the column |
onColumnResizeStart | fires before the user starts to drag the column's border to resize the column |
onContextMenu | fires when a user clicks the right mouse button inside the Gantt chart (see the details) |
onDataProcessorReady | fires on the `dp.init(gantt)` call |
onDataRender | fires after data has been rendered on the page |
onDestroy | called after gantt has been cleared by the destructor method |
onEmptyClick | fires when the user clicks on an empty space in the Gantt chart (not on tasks) |
onError | fires when assert receives 'false' value, i.e. when assertion fails |
onExpand | fires when gantt is expanded to full screen |
onGanttLayoutReady | fires after the Gantt layout is ready, but before it is rendered |
onGanttReady | fires after the dhtmlxGantt initialization is complete but the Gantt chart is not rendered on the page yet |
onGanttRender | fires after the Gantt chart was rendered on the page |
onGanttScroll | fires when the Gantt chart is scrolled to a particular point |
onGridHeaderClick | fires when the user clicks on the grid's header |
onGridResize | fires when the user is dragging the grid's border to resize the grid |
onGridResizeEnd | fires after the user finished dragging the grid's border to resize the grid |
onGridResizeStart | fires before the user starts to drag the grid's border to resize the grid |
onLightbox | fires after the user has opened the lightbox (edit form) |
onLightboxButton | fires when the user clicks on a custom button in the lightbox |
onLightboxCancel | fires when the user clicks on the 'Cancel' button in the lightbox |
onLightboxChange | fires when the structure of the lightbox is changed |
onLightboxDelete | fires when the user clicks on the 'Delete' button in the lightbox |
onLightboxSave | fires when the user clicks on the 'Save' button in the lightbox |
onLinkClick | fires when the user clicks on a link |
onLinkCreated | fires when a user creates a new link between tasks |
onLinkDblClick | fires when the user double clicks on a link |
onLinkIdChange | fires when the id of a link is changed |
onLinkValidation | fires when the user adds a new link and dhtmlxGantt checks whether the link is valid |
onLoadEnd | fires after loading data from the data source has been completed |
onLoadStart | fires immediately before loading data from the data source has been started |
onMouseMove | fires when the mouse is moved over the gantt container |
onMultiSelect | fires after selection of a task or a range of tasks has been completed |
onOptionsLoad | fires after a collection of options has been loaded from the server, but isn't parsed yet |
onParse | fires after data was parsed (became available for API) but before it was rendered in the Gantt chart |
onQuickInfo | fires when the pop-up edit form appears |
onRowDragEnd | fires after the user drops a vertically reordered row in the grid |
onRowDragStart | fires before the user drags a row of the grid to vertically reorder it |
onRowResize | fires when the user is dragging the border of the row to resize the row height |
onScaleAdjusted | fires when the scale is re-rendered in order to display all tasks completely |
onScaleClick | fires when the user clicks on the cell in the time scale |
onTaskClick | fires when the user clicks on a task row in the grid area (including the 'expand/collapse' and 'add task' buttons) or on a task bar in the timeline area |
onTaskClosed | fires when a branch has been closed |
onTaskCreated | fires when a user creates a new task by pressing the'+' button in a grid, or when the createTask method is called |
onTaskDblClick | fires when the user double clicks on a task |
onTaskDrag | fires when the user drags a task |
onTaskIdChange | fires when the id of a task is changed |
onTaskLoading | fires when a task is being loaded from the data source |
onTaskMultiSelect | fires after the task selection state has changed (the task has been selected/unselected) |
onTaskOpened | fires when a branch has been opened |
onTaskRowClick | fires when the user clicks on a row in the table |
onTaskSelected | fires when the user selects a task |
onTaskUnselected | fires when the user unselects a task by selecting some other task |
onTemplatesReady | fires when the dhtmlxGantt templates are initialized |