
onAfterAutoSchedule fires when autoscheduling is done
onAfterBatchUpdate fires after the batchUpdate method was called
onAfterBranchLoading if dynamic loading is enabled, fires after the task branch was loaded to the page
onAfterLightbox fires after the user has closed the lightbox (edit form)
onAfterLinkAdd fires after a new link is added to the Gantt chart
onAfterLinkDelete fires after the user deletes a link
onAfterLinkUpdate fires after the user updates a link
onAfterQuickInfo fires after the pop-up edit form is closed
onAfterRedo fires after the redo() method was called
onAfterRowResize fires after resizing of the row height is finished
onAfterSort fires after tasks are sorted in the grid
onAfterTaskAdd fires after the user adds a task to the Gantt chart
onAfterTaskAutoSchedule fires for each task which has been autoscheduled
onAfterTaskDelete fires after the user deletes a task
onAfterTaskDrag fires after the user has finished to drag and released the mouse button
onAfterTaskMove fires after a task was moved to a new vertical position
onAfterTaskUpdate fires after the user updates a task
onAfterUndo fires after the undo() method was called
onAjaxError fires if the server returns an error
onAutoScheduleCircularLink fires if some dependency loops were found during auto scheduling
onBeforeAutoSchedule fires before auto scheduling
onBeforeBatchUpdate fires before the batchUpdate method is called
onBeforeBranchLoading if dynamic loading is enabled, fires after a user expands the task branch but before loading starts
onBeforeCollapse before gantt exits the fullscreen mode and goes back to normal mode
onBeforeDataRender fires before data is rendered on the page
onBeforeExpand fires before gantt is expanded to full screen
onBeforeGanttReady fires before the dhtmlxGantt initialization is started
onBeforeGanttRender fires before the Gantt chart is rendered on the page
onBeforeLightbox fires immediately before the user opens the lightbox (edit form)
onBeforeLinkAdd fires before a new link is added to the Gantt chart
onBeforeLinkDelete fires before the user deletes a link
onBeforeLinkDisplay fires after the links have been loaded to the Gantt chart but before they are displayed
onBeforeLinkUpdate fires before a link is updated
onBeforeMultiSelect fires before selecting a task or a range of tasks
onBeforeParse fires before data started to be parsed
onBeforeRedo fires before the redo() method is called
onBeforeRedoStack fires before an action is added into the redo stack
onBeforeRollupTaskDisplay fires before the rollup task is displayed on its parent project
onBeforeRowDragEnd fires when a user drops a row in the grid
onBeforeRowDragMove fires before a row of the grid is dragged vertically to a different position
onBeforeRowResize fires before the user starts to resize the row height by drag-and-drop
onBeforeRowResizeEnd fires before resizing of the row height is completed
onBeforeSplitTaskDisplay fires before a part of the split task is displayed on the Gantt chart
onBeforeTaskAdd fires before a new task is added to the Gantt chart
onBeforeTaskAutoSchedule fires for each task which is rescheduled
onBeforeTaskChanged fires after the user has finished dragging and released the mouse button but before the changes are applied
onBeforeTaskDelete fires before the user deletes a task
onBeforeTaskDisplay fires after the tasks have been loaded to the Gantt chart, but before they are displayed
onBeforeTaskDrag fires after the user has pressed the mouse button and started dragging, but before dhtmlxGantt starts the drag-and-drop operation
onBeforeTaskMove fires before a task is moved to a new vertical position
onBeforeTaskMultiSelect fires before the task selection state is being changed (the task is being selected or unselected)
onBeforeTaskSelected fires before the user selects a task
onBeforeTaskUpdate fires before the user updates a task
onBeforeUndo fires before the undo() method is called
onBeforeUndoStack fires before an action is added into the undo stack
onCircularLinkError fires when the circular reference has been detected and auto scheduling is not possible
onClear fires after all tasks were removed from the Gantt chart by the clearAll method
onCollapse fires when gantt went back to normal mode from the full screen mode
onColumnResize fires when the user is dragging the column's border to resize the column
onColumnResizeEnd fires after the user finished dragging the column's border to resize the column
onColumnResizeStart fires before the user starts to drag the column's border to resize the column
onContextMenu fires when a user clicks the right mouse button inside the Gantt chart (see the details)
onDataProcessorReady fires on the `dp.init(gantt)` call
onDataRender fires after data has been rendered on the page
onDestroy called after gantt has been cleared by the destructor method
onEmptyClick fires when the user clicks on an empty space in the Gantt chart (not on tasks)
onError fires when assert receives 'false' value, i.e. when assertion fails
onExpand fires when gantt is expanded to full screen
onGanttLayoutReady fires after the Gantt layout is ready, but before it is rendered
onGanttReady fires after the dhtmlxGantt initialization is complete but the Gantt chart is not rendered on the page yet
onGanttRender fires after the Gantt chart was rendered on the page
onGanttScroll fires when the Gantt chart is scrolled to a particular point
onGridHeaderClick fires when the user clicks on the grid's header
onGridResize fires when the user is dragging the grid's border to resize the grid
onGridResizeEnd fires after the user finished dragging the grid's border to resize the grid
onGridResizeStart fires before the user starts to drag the grid's border to resize the grid
onLightbox fires after the user has opened the lightbox (edit form)
onLightboxButton fires when the user clicks on a custom button in the lightbox
onLightboxCancel fires when the user clicks on the 'Cancel' button in the lightbox
onLightboxChange fires when the structure of the lightbox is changed
onLightboxDelete fires when the user clicks on the 'Delete' button in the lightbox
onLightboxSave fires when the user clicks on the 'Save' button in the lightbox
onLinkClick fires when the user clicks on a link
onLinkCreated fires when a user creates a new link between tasks
onLinkDblClick fires when the user double clicks on a link
onLinkIdChange fires when the id of a link is changed
onLinkValidation fires when the user adds a new link and dhtmlxGantt checks whether the link is valid
onLoadEnd fires after loading data from the data source has been completed
onLoadStart fires immediately before loading data from the data source has been started
onMouseMove fires when the mouse is moved over the gantt container
onMultiSelect fires after selection of a task or a range of tasks has been completed
onOptionsLoad fires after a collection of options has been loaded from the server, but isn't parsed yet
onParse fires after data was parsed (became available for API) but before it was rendered in the Gantt chart
onQuickInfo fires when the pop-up edit form appears
onRowDragEnd fires after the user drops a vertically reordered row in the grid
onRowDragStart fires before the user drags a row of the grid to vertically reorder it
onRowResize fires when the user is dragging the border of the row to resize the row height
onScaleAdjusted fires when the scale is re-rendered in order to display all tasks completely
onScaleClick fires when the user clicks on the cell in the time scale
onTaskClick fires when the user clicks on a task row in the grid area (including the 'expand/collapse' and 'add task' buttons) or on a task bar in the timeline area
onTaskClosed fires when a branch has been closed
onTaskCreated fires when a user creates a new task by pressing the'+' button in a grid, or when the createTask method is called
onTaskDblClick fires when the user double clicks on a task
onTaskDrag fires when the user drags a task
onTaskIdChange fires when the id of a task is changed
onTaskLoading fires when a task is being loaded from the data source
onTaskMultiSelect fires after the task selection state has changed (the task has been selected/unselected)
onTaskOpened fires when a branch has been opened
onTaskRowClick fires when the user clicks on a row in the table
onTaskSelected fires when the user selects a task
onTaskUnselected fires when the user unselects a task by selecting some other task
onTemplatesReady fires when the dhtmlxGantt templates are initialized
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