
fires after the undo() method was called

void onAfterUndo(array action);
actionarrayan array of command objects


    // your code here

Related samples


This event is defined in the undo extension, so you need to enable the undo plugin. Read the details in the Undo/Redo Functionality article.

The action parameter presents an array of command objects, each of which includes the following set of attributes:

  • type - (string) the type of a command: "add/remove/update"
  • entity - (string) the type of the object which was changed: "task" or "link"
  • value - (object) the changed task/link object
  • oldValue - (object) the task/link object before changes

If no changes were applied, the action argument will be === null. It can happen when gantt.undo() was called, but changes were canceled by onBeforeUndo or the stack was empty.

See also
Change log
  • added in version 4.0
  • the action argument is added in version 5.2
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