defines configuration settings of the time scale
Scales scales;
gantt.config.scales = [
{unit: "month", step: 1, format: "%F, %Y"},
{unit: "week", step: 1, format: function (date) {
return "Week #" +;
{unit: "day", step: 1, format: "%D", css: function(date) {
if(!gantt.isWorkTime({ date: date, unit: "day"})){
return "weekend"
Each object in the array specifies a single scale. An object can take the following attributes:
- unit - (string) - the name of the scale unit. The available values are: "minute", "hour", "day" (default), "week", "quarter", "month", "year".
There is also a possiblity to set a custom unit. Read more on the topic here.
- step? - (number) - the step of the time scale (X-Axis), 1 by default.
- format? (date): any - (string | Function) - the format of the scale's labels. If set as a function, expects a date object as a parameter.
- date - (Date) - a date that will be converted
- date? (date): any - (string | Function) - the format of the scale's labels. If set as a function, expects a date object as a parameter.
- date - (Date) - a date that will be converted
- css? (date): any - a function that returns the name of a CSS class that will be applied to the scale units. Takes a date object as a parameter.
- date - (Date) - a date that will be checked
- sticky? - (boolean) - makes the scale label visible if the scale cell is larger than the viewport width
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