
calls an alert message box

HTMLElement alert(AlertBoxConfig | string | number config);
configAlertBoxConfig | string | numbereither an object with the alert box's configuration or the text to show
HTMLElementthe div container of the alert box


var box = gantt.alert({
    text:"You can't do this"
// or
var box = gantt.alert("This is an alert box");


The configuration object uses the following properties:

  • id? - (number | string) - optional, the ID of the alert box
  • text - (number | string) - the text of the alert box's body
  • title? - (number | string) - optional, the text of the header
  • ok? - (number | string) - optional, the text of the "OK" button
  • position? - (string) - optional, the position of the alert box for now supports only one value - "top", any other value will result in "center-align"
  • width? - (string) - optional, the width of the alert box (set as CSS <length> or <percentage> values, e.g. "100px", "50%")
  • height? - (string) - optional, the height of the alert box (set as CSS <length> or <percentage> values, e.g. "100px", "50%")
  • callback? (result): void - optional, the function called on button click. Takes true as a parameter (subject to the clicked button)
    • result - (boolean) - result of the clicked button, always returns true (because there is only the "OK" button)

For additional details about supported configuration options of an alert message box, see the Popup Messages and Modal Boxes article.

See also
Change log

added in version 4.0

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