
checks whether a task is a child of a different task

boolean isChildOf(string | number childId,string | number parentId);
childIdstring | numberthe id of a task that you want to check as a child
parentIdstring | numberthe id of a task that you want to check as a parent
booleantrue, if the task is a child of the specified parent task. Otherwise, false


const tasks = {
        {"id":"10", "text":"Project #10", "start_date":"01-04-2023", "duration":3, 
            "order":10,"progress":0.4, "open": true},
        {"id":"1", "text":"Task #1",    "start_date":"02-04-2023", "duration":2,  
            "order":10,"progress":0.6, "parent":"10"},
        {"id":"2", "text":"Task #2",    "start_date":"01-04-2023", "duration":2,  
            "order":20,"progress":0.6, "parent":"10"},
        {"id":"3", "text":"Task #3",    "start_date":"05-04-2023", "duration":2,  
            "order":20,"progress":0.6, "parent":"10"}
gantt.isChildOf(2,10); //-> true gantt.isChildOf(2,3); //-> false

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