
displays an additional layer with custom elements for a link in the timeline area

string addLinkLayer(LinkLayerRender | LinkLayerConfig func);
funcLinkLayerRender | LinkLayerConfiga render function or a config object
stringa DOM element that will be displayed in the layer

Available only in PRO Edition


gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
    const link_types = ["FS", "SS", "FF", "SF"]
    gantt.addLinkLayer(function (link) {
        const node = gantt.getLinkNode(;
        if (node){
            const el = document.createElement('div');
            el.className = 'link_layer';
   = (node.childNodes[2].offsetLeft + 20) + 'px'
   = (node.childNodes[2].offsetTop - 6) + 'px'
            el.innerHTML = link_types[link.type];
            return el;
        return false;


This functionality is available in the PRO edition only.

The argument can have these types:

  • linkLayerRender (link, timeline, config, viewport): HTMLElement|boolean|void- a function takes a link's object as a parameter and must return a DOM element that will be displayed in the layer.

    • link - (Link) - the link object
    • timeline? - (any) - optional, the timeline view
    • config? - (GanttConfigOptions) - optional, the Gantt configuration object
    • viewport? - (LayerViewport) - optional, the viewport object
  • linkLayerConfig - (object) - the configuration object for the additional link layer. Has the following properties:

    • id? - (string | number) - optional, the layer ID
    • renderer - (object) - mandatory, a function that answers for rendering the layer's elements
      • render - (LinkLayerRender) - the function that returns HTML element that should be rendered
      • update? - (Function): void - optional, a function where you can update the rendered HTML elements
        • link - (Link) - the link object
        • node - (HTMLElement) - the container of the rendered node
        • timeline? - (any) - optional, the timeline view
        • config? - (GanttConfigOptions) - optional, the Gantt configuration object
        • viewport? - (LayerViewport) - optional, the viewport object
      • onrender? - (Function): void - optional, this function is called after rendering is complete. You can use it to render native components (for example, using the ReactDOM.render method)
        • link - (Link) - the link object
        • node - (HTMLElement) - the container of the rendered node
        • view? - (any) - optional, the layout cell where the layer is added (timeline, by default)
      • getRectangle? - (Function): { left: number, top: number, height: number, width: number } | void - optional, a function that returns the coordinates of the viewport rectangle
        • link - (Link) - the link object
        • view? - (any) - optional, the layout cell where the layer is added (timeline, by default)
        • config? - (GanttConfigOptions) - optional, the Gantt configuration object
        • gantt? - (GanttStatic) - optional, the Gantt object
      • getVisibleRange - (Function): {start: number, end: number} | undefined | void - a function that returns the object with of the visible range
        • gantt? - (GanttStatic) - optional, the Gantt object
        • view? - (any) - optional, the layout cell where the layer is added (timeline, by default)
        • config? - (GanttConfigOptions) - optional, the Gantt configuration object
        • datastore? - (any) - optional, the link datastore object
        • viewport? - (LayerViewport) - optional, the viewport object
    • container? - (HTMLElement) - optional, the layer's container
    • topmost? - (boolean) - optional, if true, the element will be displayed over the link
    • filter? - (Function): boolean - optional, a function that takes a link object as a parameter. If returns 'false', the 'renderer' function won't be called for a link
      • link - (Link) - the link object
  • Beware, custom layers will be reset after the next call of gantt.init

  • Calling the gantt.resetLayout() method will also reset custom layers. In order for custom layers to be displayed on a page, you need to redefine the gantt.addLinkLayer method after calling resetLayout.

Related sample:  Gantt. Additional layer with link types

See also
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