
various helper modules

object utils;


var tooltips = gantt.ext.tooltips;
    selector: ".gantt_scale_cell",
    html: function (event, node) {
        const domHelper = gantt.utils.dom;
        const pos = domHelper.getRelativeEventPosition(event, gantt.$task_scale);
        return gantt.templates.task_date(gantt.dateFromPos(pos.x));


Currently the module contains only the helper for DOM operations available at gantt.utils.dom

var domHelpers = gantt.utils.dom;

Which have following methods:

  • getNodePosition (node): object - returns position of the element on the screen in the format of {x:number, y:number,width:number, height:number} object

    • node - (HTMLElement) - DOM element that will be checked
  • getRelativeEventPosition (e, node): object - returns mouse coordinates relatively to the DOM element in the format of {x:number, y:number} object

    • e - (Event) - event that occured
    • node - (HTMLElement) - DOM element that will be checked
    expire: -1,
    text: "<span id='pointer-date'></span>"
const formatDate = gantt.date.date_to_str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%i");
gantt.attachEvent("onMouseMove", function (id, e){
    const helper = gantt.utils.dom;
    if(helper.isChildOf(e.target, gantt.$task_data)){
        const textContainer = document.querySelector("#pointer-date");
        const pos = helper.getRelativeEventPosition(e, gantt.$task_data);
        const pointerDate = gantt.dateFromPos(pos.x);
        textContainer.innerText = formatDate(pointerDate);
  • isChildOf (child, parent): boolean - returns true if the node provided as the first argument is DOM child of the node provided as the second argument

    • child - (HTMLElement) - child node that will be checked
    • parent - (HTMLElement) - parent node that will be checked
  • hasClass (node, className): boolean - returns true if the class list of the provided node contains a specified css class

    • node - (HTMLElement) - DOM element that will be checked
    • className - (string) - class name that will be checked
  • closest (node, cssSelector): HTMLElement> - returns the first node that matches the provided css selector, starting from the node attribute, up to its DOM parents' branch.

    • node - (HTMLElement) - DOM element will be checked
    • cssSelector - (string) - a class name for the target node
gantt.attachEvent("onEmptyClick", function (e) {
  const domHelpers = gantt.utils.dom;
  if(!domHelpers.closest(e.target, `[${gantt.config.link_attribute}]`)){
    gantt.message("not a link");
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