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fires before dragging of a column has started

beforeColumnDrag: (data: object, events: MouseEvent) => void | boolean;


  • data: object - data object. It contains the following parameters:
    • start: string | number - the id of a column, from which the dragging process has started
    • source: array - an array with ids of dragged columns
    • target: string | number - the id of a potential target column
  • events: MouseEvent - a native HTML event object


Return false to prevent dragging of a column; otherwise, true.

Example"beforeColumnDrag", function(data, events){
// your logic here
return false;

Change log:

  • Before v7.0, the event took one parameter - the column id.
  • Starting from v7.0, the event takes two parameters: data and e.
  • The event was added in v6.5