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Optional. Specifies an array of data objects to set into the chart

data?: object[];


const treeMapData = [
{ id: "2020", month: "2020" },
{ id: "Jan", value: 144.33, month: "Jan", parent: "2020" },
{ id: "Feb", value: 22.12, month: "Feb", parent: "2020" },
{ id: "Mar", value: 53.21, month: "Mar", parent: "2020" },
{ id: "Apr", value: 34.25, month: "Apr", parent: "2020" },
{ id: "May", value: 64.65, month: "May", parent: "2020" },

// more data

const chart = new dhx.Chart("chart_container", {
type: "treeMap",
css: "dhx_widget--bg_white dhx_widget--bordered",
series: [
value: "value",
text: "month",
stroke: "#eeeeee",
strokeWidth: 6,
tooltipTemplate: item => `${item[1]} - ${item[0]}`,
legend: {
treeSeries: [
{ greater: 80 },
{ from: 50, to: 80 },
{ from: 25, to: 50 },
{ less: 25, color: "#CAC2D1"},
halign: "right",
valign: "bottom",
data: treeMapData