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List API overview


destructor()removes a List instance and releases occupied resources
editItem()enables editing of an item
getFocus()returns the id of an item in focus
getFocusItem()returns the object of an item in focus
paint()repaints a list on a page
resetFocus()resets focus and moves the scroll to the beginning of the list
setFocus()sets focus to an item by its id and moves the scroll to it


afterDragfires after dragging of an item is finished
afterDropfires before the user has finished dragging of an item but after the mouse button is released
afterEditEndfires after editing of an item is ended
afterEditStartfires after editing of an item has started
beforeDragfires before dragging of an item has started
beforeDropfires before the user has finished dragging of an item and released the mouse button
beforeEditEndfires before editing of an item is ended
beforeEditStartfires before editing of an item has started
cancelDropfires on moving a mouse pointer out of item's borders while dragging the item
canDropfires when a dragged item is over a target item
clickfires on clicking an item
doubleClickfires on double clicking an item
dragInfires when an item is dragged to another potential target
dragOutfires when an item is dragged out of a potential target
dragStartfires when dragging of an item has started
focusChangefires on moving focus to a new item
itemMouseOverfires on moving the mouse pointer over an item
itemRightClickfires on right clicking an item


cssOptional. Adds a CSS class(es) to the component
dataOptional. Specifies an array of data objects to set into the list
dragCopyOptional. Defines that an item is copied to a target during drag-n-drop
dragModeOptional. Enables drag-n-drop in List
editableOptional. Enables editing in List
eventHandlersOptional. Adds event handlers to HTML elements of a custom template of List items
heightOptional. Sets the height of List
htmlEnableOptional. Enables/disables rendering of HTML content (inner HTML) in List options
itemHeightOptional. Sets the height of an item
keyNavigationOptional. Enables/disables navigation in List by arrow keys
multiselectionOptional. Enables selection of multiple List items, sets the mode of multiselection
selectionOptional. Enables selection of List items
templateOptional. Specifies a template for List items
virtualOptional. Enables dynamic rendering of List items