Input properties
type: "input",
name?: string,
id?: string,
value?: string | number,
| {
prefix?: string; // "" by default (before the value)
suffix?: string; // "" by default (after the value)
groupSeparator?: string; // "," by default
decSeparator?: string; // "." by default
allowNegative?: boolean; // true by default
maxIntLength?: number; // 16 by default (for the number type)
maxDecLength?: number; // 2 by default (for the number type)
minDecLength?: number; // 0 by default
| boolean,
| {
pattern: ((value: string | number) => string) | string;
charFormat?: {
[char: string]: RegExp;
| string,
css?: string,
disabled?: boolean, // false by default
height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
hidden?: boolean, // false by default
padding?: string | number,
required?: boolean, // false by default
validation?: string | (input: string | number) => boolean,
width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
autocomplete?: boolean, // false by default
icon?: string,
inputType?: "text" | "password" | "number", // "text" by default
max?: number | string,
maxlength?: number | string,
min?: number | string,
minlength?: number | string,
placeholder?: string,
readOnly?: boolean, // false by default
hiddenLabel?: boolean, // false by default
label?: string,
labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
labelWidth?: string | number,
helpMessage?: string,
preMessage?: string,
successMessage?: string,
errorMessage?: string,
type | (required) the type of a control, set it to "input" |
name | (optional) the name of a control |
id | (optional) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set |
value | (optional) the initial value of the input |
numberMask | (optional) sets an input mask for entering number values. Can be set in two ways:
patternMask | (optional) sets an input mask for entering number and string values according to a special pattern. Can be set in two ways:
css | (optional) adds style classes to a control |
disabled | (optional) defines whether a control is enabled (false) or disabled (true), false by default |
height | (optional) the height of a control, "content" by default |
hidden | (optional) makes an input hidden, false by default |
padding | (optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of the Input control |
required | (optional) defines whether a control is required, false by default |
validation | (optional) the rule of input validation. Can be set in two ways:
width | (optional) the width of a control, "content" by default |
autocomplete | (optional) enables/disables the autocomplete functionality of the input, false by default |
icon | (optional) the CSS class name of an icon from the used icon font |
inputType | (optional) sets the type of an input: "text", "password", "number". Using the "number" type for the input sets the type of the value attribute to "number". Use the "password" value to specify a field for entering a password. "text" by default |
max | (optional) the maximal value allowed in the input. The attribute works only with the input type: "number". |
maxlength | (optional) the maximum number of characters allowed in the input. The attribute works with the following input types: "text", "password". |
min | (optional) the minimal value allowed in the input. The attribute works only with the input type: "number". |
minlength | (optional) the minimum number of characters allowed in the input. The attribute works with the following input types: "text", "password". |
placeholder | (optional) a tip for the input |
readOnly | (optional) defines whether an input is readonly, false by default |
hiddenLabel | (optional) makes the label invisible, false by default |
label | (optional) specifies a label for a control |
labelPosition | (optional) defines the position of a label: "left" | "top", "top" by default |
labelWidth | (optional) sets the width of the label of a control |
helpMessage | (optional) adds a help message to a control |
preMessage | (optional) a message that contains instructions for interacting with the control |
successMessage | (optional) a message that appears in case of successful validation of the control value |
errorMessage | (optional) a message that appears in case of error during validation of the control value |
Related article: Input