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returns the current value of a TimePicker

getValue(asOBject?: boolean): object | string;


  • asObject: boolean - optional, specifies that the value will be returned as an object, false by default


Either an object or a string with the value of a timepicker.


// return value as a string in the 24-hour format
const val1 = timepicker.getValue(); // -> "00:39"

// return value as an object in the 24-hour format
const val2 = timepicker.getValue(true);// -> {hour: 0, minute: 39}

// return value as a string in the 12-hour format
const val3 = timepicker2.getValue(); // -> "06:00AM"

// return value as an object in the 12-hour format
const val4 = timepicker2.getValue(true); // -> {hour: 6, minute: 0, AM: true}

Related sample: Timepicker. Get Timepicker value

The returned value can be of several types, depending on the passed parameter and the applied time format:

  • for the 24-hour format a return string value will include just the hour and minutes: "00:39"
  • for the 12-hour format a return string value will include hour, minutes, and am/pm identifiers: "06:00AM"
  • for the 24-hour format a return object value will contain key:value pairs for hours, minutes and their values
  • for the 12-hour format a return object value will contain key:value pairs for hours, minutes, am/pm identifiers and their values