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Optional. Defines the type of borders between cells inside rows and columns of a layout

type?: "line" | "wide" | "space" | "none";

Default value: "none"


const layout = new dhx.Layout("layout_container", {
rows: [
type: "wide", // "line" | "space" | "none"
cols: [
html: "1",
html: "2",
type: "line",
cols: [
html: "3",
html: "4",

Related sample: Layout. Types in a complex layout

"line"adds a border to a cell
"space"adds a border and space around a cell
"wide"adds a border to a cell and space between the neighboring cells
"none"removes visible borders and space between cells (the default one)

Note, that if the children cell has no specified type of borders, the cell has the same type of borders as its parent cell.

Change log:

added in v7.0