
updates the specified collection with new options

boolean updateCollection(string collection,array options);
collectionstringthe name of the collection to update
optionsarraythe new values of the collection
booleantrue, if the update was successful; false, if the collection wasn't found


    {name:"description", height:130, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
    {name:"items", height:23, type:"select", 
    options:scheduler.serverList("goods", goods_array), map_to:"section_id" }, 
    {name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"}

  • The method calls the onOptionsLoad event and resets the lightbox.
  • The collection can be created with the serverList method.


Select control

Let's assume that you have the lightbox as in:

scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = [
    { name: "description", ...},
    { name: "sections", type: "select", options: scheduler.serverList("sections"),         map_to: "section_id" },
    { name: "time", ... }

With such declaration it would be possible to update options in the select control through the list named 'sections'.
To update the 'sections' list you can use:

scheduler.updateCollection("sections", [
    { key: 5, label: "Section E" },
    { key: 6, label: "Section F" },
    { key: 7, label: "Section G" }

Units view

Let's assume that you have the Units view as in:

    name: "unit",
    property: "section_id",
    list: scheduler.serverList("sections")  });

To update the list of displayed units you can use:

scheduler.updateCollection("sections", [
    { key: 5, label: "Section E" },
    { key: 6, label: "Section F" },
    { key: 7, label: "Section G" }
See also
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