
agenda_date specifies the date in the header of the view
agenda_day specifies the content of the day cell of the Agenda view
agenda_text specifies the text in the second column of the Agenda view
agenda_time specifies the date in the first column of the Agenda view
api_date specifies the format of dates that are set by means of API methods. Used to parse incoming dates
calendar_date specifies the content of day-cells in the Mini-Calendar (date picker)
calendar_month specifies the date in the header of the Mini-Calendar (date picker)
calendar_scale_date specifies the format of week-days in the header of the Mini-Calendar (date picker)
calendar_time specifies the date format of the lightbox's start and end date inputs
day_date specifies the date in the header of the Day and Units views
day_scale_date specifies the date in the sub-header of the Day view
drag_marker_class specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the highlighted event's duration on the time scale
drag_marker_content specifies the content of the highlighted block on the time scale
event_bar_date specifies the date of an event. Applied to one-day events only
event_bar_text specifies the event's text. Applied to multi-day events only
event_class specifies the CSS class that will be applied to the event's container
event_date specifies the time part of the start and end dates of the event. Mostly used by other templates for presenting time periods
event_header specifies the event's header
event_text specifies the event's text
format_date Ņonverts date object to a date string. Used to send data back to the server
hour_scale specifies the items of the Y-Axis
load_format specifies the format of requests in the dynamic loading mode
map_date specifies the date in the header of the view
map_info_content specifies the content of the info window in the Map View
map_text specifies the text in the second column of the view
map_time specifies the date in the first column of the view
month_date specifies the date in the header of the view
month_date_class specifies the CSS class that will be applied to a day cell
month_day specifies the format of the day in a cell
month_events_link specifies the presentation of the 'View more' link in a cell of the Month view
month_scale_date specifies the date format of the X-Axis of the view
parse_date converts date string into a Date object
quick_info_content specifies the content of the pop-up edit form
quick_info_date specifies the date of the pop-up edit form
quick_info_title specifies the title of the pop-up edit form
time_picker specifies the drop-down time selector in the lightbox
time_slot_class specifies the CSS class of the background cell in the Day/Week views
time_slot_text specifies the content of the background cell in the Day/Week views
tooltip_date_format specifies the format of start and end dates displayed in the tooltip
tooltip_text specifies the text of tooltips
week_agenda_date specifies the date in the header of the Week Agenda view
week_agenda_event_text specifies the event's text
week_agenda_scale_date the date of a day cell of the view
week_date specifies the date in the header of the view
week_date_class specifies the CSS class that will be applied to a day cell
week_scale_date specifies the date in the sub-header of the view
year_date specifies the date in the header of the view
year_month specifies the month's name in the header of a month block of the view.
year_scale_date specifies the day's name in the sub-header of a month block of the view
year_tooltip specifies the tooltip over a day cell containing some scheduled event(s)
lightbox_header specifies the lightbox's header
{gridName}_date specifies the date in the header of the view
{gridName}_full_date specifies the format of dates in columns with id='date'
{gridName}_single_date specifies the format of dates in columns with id='start_date' or id='end_date'
{gridName}_field specifies the text in the columns
{timelineName}_cell_value specifies the number of scheduled events in a cell of the view
{timelineName}_cell_class specifies the CSS class that will be applied to a cell of the view
{timelineName}_scalex_class specifies the name of a CSS class that will be applied to items of the X-Axis
{timelineName}_second_scalex_class specifies the name of a CSS class that will be applied to items of the second X-Axis
{timelineName}_scaley_class specifies the name of a CSS class that will be applied to items of the Y-Axis
{timelineName}_scale_label specifies items of the Y-Axis
{timelineName}_tooltip specifies the tooltip over a day cell containing some scheduled event(s)
{timelineName}_date specifies the date in the header of the view
{timelineName}_scale_date specifies items of the X-Axis
{timelineName}_second_scale_date specifies items of the second X-Axis
{unitsName}_date specifies the date in the header of the view
{unitsName}_scale_text specifies items of the X-Axis
xml_date a string from an XML file is converted into a date object in conformity with this template
xml_format a date object is converted into a string in conformity with this template. Used to send data back to the server
{timelineName}_row_class specifies the CSS class that will be applied to a row of the Timeline view
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