
DataProcessor DataProcessor constructor
Promise Promise object constructor
addEvent adds a new event
addEventNow adds a new event and opens the lightbox to confirm
addMarkedTimespan marks dates, but with certain settings makes blocking (allows setting custom styling for the limit)
addSection adds a section to the currently active view
addShortcut adds a new keyboard shortcut
alert calls an alert message box
assert if the specified expression is false, an errorMessage is shown in a red popup at the top right corner of the screen
attachEvent attaches the handler to an inner event of dhtmlxScheduler
backbone makes the scheduler reflect all data changes in the Backbone model and vice versa
batchUpdate updates multiple events at once
bind creates a new function that when called has its this keyword set to the provided value
blockTime blocks the specified date and applies the default 'dimmed' style to it.
callEvent calls an inner event
changeEventId changes the event's id
checkCollision checks whether the specified event occurs at the time that has already been occupied by another event(s)
checkEvent checks whether an event has some handler(s) specified
checkInMarkedTimespan checks whether an event resides in a timespan of a specific type
checkLimitViolation checks whether the specified event takes place at the blocked time period
clearAll removes all events from the scheduler
closeAllSections closes all sections in the currently active view
closeSection closes the specified section in the currently active view
collapse collapses the expanded scheduler back to the normal size
confirm calls a confirm message box
copy creates a deep copy of the provided object
createDataProcessor creates a new dataProcessor instance and attaches it to scheduler
createGridView creates the Grid view in the scheduler
createTimelineView creates the Timeline view in the scheduler
createUnitsView creates the Units view in the scheduler
defined returns false if the provided argument is undefined, otherwise true
deleteAllSections deletes all sections from the currently active view
deleteEvent deletes the specified event
deleteMarkedTimespan removes marking/blocking set by the addMarkedTimespan() method
deleteSection deletes a section from the currently active view
destroyCalendar destroys previously created mini-calendar
destructor destroys a scheduler instance
detachEvent detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method)
edit opens the inline editor to alter the event's text (the editor in the event's box)
editStop closes the inline event editor, if it's currently open
endLightbox closes the lightbox
event attaches an event handler to an HTML element
eventRemove removes an event handler from an HTML element
expand expands the scheduler to the full screen view
exportToPDF exports a Scheduler into the PDF format
exportToPNG exports a Scheduler into the PNG format
focus sets focus on the scheduler
formSection gives access to the objects of lightbox's sections
getActionData returns the current cursor-pointed date and section (if defined)
getEvent returns the event object by its id
getEventEndDate gets the event's end date
getEventStartDate gets the event's start date
getEventText gets the event's text
getEvents returns a collection of events which occur during the specified period
getLabel gets the label of a select control in the lightbox
getLightbox gets the lightbox's HTML object element
getRecDates returns all occurrences of a recurring event
getRenderedEvent gets the object of the currently displayed event
getSection gets the object of the specified section in the currently active view
getShortcutHandler gets a key navigation shortcut handler
getState gets the current state of the scheduler
getUserData gets the user data associated with the specified event
getView returns a view object by its name. If no name is specified, returns the current view
hideCover hides the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen
hideLightbox hides the lightbox without saving it
hideQuickInfo hides the pop-up event form (if it's currently active)
highlightEventPosition highlights the event's duration on the time scale
init a constructor of a dhtmlxScheduler object
invertZones inverts the specified time zones
isCalendarVisible checks whether the calendar is currently opened in the scheduler
isOneDayEvent checks whether the specified event one-day or multi-day
isViewExists checks whether a view with the specified name exists
linkCalendar 'says' to change the active date in the mini calendar each time, the active date in the scheduler is changed
load loads data to the scheduler from an external data source
markCalendar applies a css class to the specified date
markTimespan marks and/or blocks date(s) by applying the default or a custom style to them. Marking is cancelled right after any internal update in the app. Can be used for highlighting
message calls a message box of the specified type
mixin adds properties of the 'source' object into the 'target' object
modalbox calls a modalbox
openAllSections opens all sections in the currently active view (if the opened view isn't Timeline in the 'Tree' mode - the method will be ignored)
openSection opens the specified section in the currently active view (if the opened view isn't Timeline in the 'Tree' mode - the method will be ignored)
parse loads data from a client-side resource
plugins activates the specified extensions
removeShortcut removes a keyboard shortcut
render repaints the scheduler
renderCalendar creates a mini calendar
renderEvent generates HTML content for a custom event's box
resetLightbox removes the current lightbox's HTML object element
scrollUnit scrolls the specified number of units in the Units view
select selects the specified event
serialize serializes all events loaded into the scheduler
serverList defines a named collection that can be loaded into Units, Timeline views, or the Lightbox
setCurrentView displays the specified view and date
setEvent adds a new event to the scheduler's data pool
setEventEndDate sets the event's end date
setEventStartDate sets the event's start date
setEventText sets the event's text
setLightboxSize forces the lightbox to resize
setLoadMode sets the mode that allows loading data by parts (enables the dynamic loading)
setSkin sets the active skin
setUserData sets the user data associated with the specified event
showCover shows the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen
showEvent shows and highlights the specified event in the current or specified view
showLightbox opens the lightbox for the specified event
showQuickInfo displays the pop-up event form for the specified event
startLightbox shows a custom lightbox in the specified HTML container centered on the screen
toICal converts scheduler's data to the ICal format
toJSON converts scheduler's data into the JSON format
toPDF exports the current view to a PDF document (can be used for printing)
toPDFRange exports several scheduler's views to a PDF document (can be used for printing)
toXML converts scheduler's data into the XML format
uid generates a unique ID (unique inside the current scheduler, not GUID)
unblockTime removes blocking set by the blockTime() method
unmarkCalendar removes a css class from the specified date
unmarkTimespan removes marking/blocking set by the markTimespan() method
unselect unselects the specified event
updateCalendar displays the specified date in the mini calendar
updateCollection updates the specified collection with new options
updateEvent updates the specified event
updateView displays the specified view and date (doesn't invoke any events)
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