DataProcessor | DataProcessor constructor |
Promise | Promise object constructor |
addEvent | adds a new event |
addEventNow | adds a new event and opens the lightbox to confirm |
addMarkedTimespan | marks dates, but with certain settings makes blocking (allows setting custom styling for the limit) |
addSection | adds a section to the currently active view |
addShortcut | adds a new keyboard shortcut |
alert | calls an alert message box |
assert | if the specified expression is false, an errorMessage is shown in a red popup at the top right corner of the screen |
attachEvent | attaches the handler to an inner event of dhtmlxScheduler |
backbone | makes the scheduler reflect all data changes in the Backbone model and vice versa |
batchUpdate | updates multiple events at once |
bind | creates a new function that when called has its this keyword set to the provided value |
blockTime | blocks the specified date and applies the default 'dimmed' style to it. |
callEvent | calls an inner event |
changeEventId | changes the event's id |
checkCollision | checks whether the specified event occurs at the time that has already been occupied by another event(s) |
checkEvent | checks whether an event has some handler(s) specified |
checkInMarkedTimespan | checks whether an event resides in a timespan of a specific type |
checkLimitViolation | checks whether the specified event takes place at the blocked time period |
clearAll | removes all events from the scheduler |
closeAllSections | closes all sections in the currently active view |
closeSection | closes the specified section in the currently active view |
collapse | collapses the expanded scheduler back to the normal size |
confirm | calls a confirm message box |
copy | creates a deep copy of the provided object |
createDataProcessor | creates a new dataProcessor instance and attaches it to scheduler |
createGridView | creates the Grid view in the scheduler |
createTimelineView | creates the Timeline view in the scheduler |
createUnitsView | creates the Units view in the scheduler |
defined | returns false if the provided argument is undefined, otherwise true |
deleteAllSections | deletes all sections from the currently active view |
deleteEvent | deletes the specified event |
deleteMarkedTimespan | removes marking/blocking set by the addMarkedTimespan() method |
deleteSection | deletes a section from the currently active view |
destroyCalendar | destroys previously created mini-calendar |
destructor | destroys a scheduler instance |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event (which was attached before by the attachEvent method) |
edit | opens the inline editor to alter the event's text (the editor in the event's box) |
editStop | closes the inline event editor, if it's currently open |
endLightbox | closes the lightbox |
event | attaches an event handler to an HTML element |
eventRemove | removes an event handler from an HTML element |
expand | expands the scheduler to the full screen view |
exportToPDF | exports a Scheduler into the PDF format |
exportToPNG | exports a Scheduler into the PNG format |
focus | sets focus on the scheduler |
formSection | gives access to the objects of lightbox's sections |
getActionData | returns the current cursor-pointed date and section (if defined) |
getEvent | returns the event object by its id |
getEventEndDate | gets the event's end date |
getEventStartDate | gets the event's start date |
getEventText | gets the event's text |
getEvents | returns a collection of events which occur during the specified period |
getLabel | gets the label of a select control in the lightbox |
getLightbox | gets the lightbox's HTML object element |
getRecDates | returns all occurrences of a recurring event |
getRenderedEvent | gets the object of the currently displayed event |
getSection | gets the object of the specified section in the currently active view |
getShortcutHandler | gets a key navigation shortcut handler |
getState | gets the current state of the scheduler |
getUserData | gets the user data associated with the specified event |
getView | returns a view object by its name. If no name is specified, returns the current view |
hideCover | hides the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen |
hideLightbox | hides the lightbox without saving it |
hideQuickInfo | hides the pop-up event form (if it's currently active) |
highlightEventPosition | highlights the event's duration on the time scale |
init | a constructor of a dhtmlxScheduler object |
invertZones | inverts the specified time zones |
isCalendarVisible | checks whether the calendar is currently opened in the scheduler |
isOneDayEvent | checks whether the specified event one-day or multi-day |
isViewExists | checks whether a view with the specified name exists |
linkCalendar | 'says' to change the active date in the mini calendar each time, the active date in the scheduler is changed |
load | loads data to the scheduler from an external data source |
markCalendar | applies a css class to the specified date |
markTimespan | marks and/or blocks date(s) by applying the default or a custom style to them. Marking is cancelled right after any internal update in the app. Can be used for highlighting |
message | calls a message box of the specified type |
mixin | adds properties of the 'source' object into the 'target' object |
modalbox | calls a modalbox |
openAllSections | opens all sections in the currently active view (if the opened view isn't Timeline in the 'Tree' mode - the method will be ignored) |
openSection | opens the specified section in the currently active view (if the opened view isn't Timeline in the 'Tree' mode - the method will be ignored) |
parse | loads data from a client-side resource |
plugins | activates the specified extensions |
removeShortcut | removes a keyboard shortcut |
render | repaints the scheduler |
renderCalendar | creates a mini calendar |
renderEvent | generates HTML content for a custom event's box |
resetLightbox | removes the current lightbox's HTML object element |
scrollUnit | scrolls the specified number of units in the Units view |
select | selects the specified event |
serialize | serializes all events loaded into the scheduler |
serverList | defines a named collection that can be loaded into Units, Timeline views, or the Lightbox |
setCurrentView | displays the specified view and date |
setEvent | adds a new event to the scheduler's data pool |
setEventEndDate | sets the event's end date |
setEventStartDate | sets the event's start date |
setEventText | sets the event's text |
setLightboxSize | forces the lightbox to resize |
setLoadMode | sets the mode that allows loading data by parts (enables the dynamic loading) |
setSkin | sets the active skin |
setUserData | sets the user data associated with the specified event |
showCover | shows the lightbox modal overlay that blocks interactions with the remaining screen |
showEvent | shows and highlights the specified event in the current or specified view |
showLightbox | opens the lightbox for the specified event |
showQuickInfo | displays the pop-up event form for the specified event |
startLightbox | shows a custom lightbox in the specified HTML container centered on the screen |
toICal | converts scheduler's data to the ICal format |
toJSON | converts scheduler's data into the JSON format |
toPDF | exports the current view to a PDF document (can be used for printing) |
toPDFRange | exports several scheduler's views to a PDF document (can be used for printing) |
toXML | converts scheduler's data into the XML format |
uid | generates a unique ID (unique inside the current scheduler, not GUID) |
unblockTime | removes blocking set by the blockTime() method |
unmarkCalendar | removes a css class from the specified date |
unmarkTimespan | removes marking/blocking set by the markTimespan() method |
unselect | unselects the specified event |
updateCalendar | displays the specified date in the mini calendar |
updateCollection | updates the specified collection with new options |
updateEvent | updates the specified event |
updateView | displays the specified view and date (doesn't invoke any events) |