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Toolbar API overview

Toolbar methods

destructor()removes a Toolbar instance and releases occupied resources
disable()disables and dims an item(s) of Toolbar
enable()enables a disabled item(s) of Toolbar
getSelected()returns an array with IDs of selected items
getState()gets current values/states of controls
hide()hides an item of Toolbar
isDisabled()checks whether an item of Toolbar is disabled
isSelected()checks whether a specified Toolbar item is selected
paint()repaints Toolbar on a page
select()selects a specified item of Toolbar
setFocus()sets focus on an Input control by its ID
setState()sets values/states of controls
show()shows an item of Toolbar
unselect()unselects a selected Toolbar item

Use TreeCollection methods to work with data.

Toolbar events

afterHidefires after hiding a sub-item of Toolbar
beforeHidefires before hiding a sub-item of Toolbar
clickfires after a click on a control
inputfires on entering a text into the input field
inputBlurfires when a control is blurred
inputChangefires on changing the value in the Input control of Toolbar
inputCreatedfires when a new input is added
inputFocusfires when a control is focused
keydownfires when any key is pressed and a control of Toolbar is in focus
openMenufires on expanding a menu control

Use TreeCollection events to work with data.

Toolbar properties

cssOptional. Adds style classes to Toolbar
dataOptional. Specifies an array of data objects to set into Toolbar
menuCssOptional. Adds style classes to all containers of Toolbar controls with nested items
navigationTypeOptional. Defines the action that opens menu options

Toolbar Button properties

A Button control can have the following properties.

Toolbar Custom HTML button properties

A Custom HTML button control may possess the following properties.

Toolbar Datepicker properties

A Datepicker control can have following properties.

Toolbar ImageButton properties

An ImageButton control can have the following properties.

Toolbar Input properties

An Input control can possess the following properties.

Toolbar MenuItem properties

A MenuItem control can have the following properties.

Toolbar NavItem properties

A NavItem control may have the following properties.

Toolbar SelectButton properties

A SelectButton control can have the following properties.

Toolbar Separator properties

A Separator control may have the following properties.

Toolbar Spacer properties

A Spacer control can possess the following properties.

Toolbar Title properties

A Title control can have the following properties.