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What's new

If you are updating Spreadsheet from an older version, check Migration to Newer Version for details.

Version 5.1.6

Released on July 25, 2024


  • Inserted rows/columns are missed in the serialized data on loading it
  • An empty date cell displays the last picked date in the datepicker and the timepicker
  • An issue with number localization and an empty string value in a cell
  • Searching doesn't get focus while editing a cell
  • Using ngIf/ngFor for the Spreadsheet container causes a break in the component

Version 5.1.5

Released on February 13, 2024


  • Pasting a cell containing zeros creates an empty cell
  • Copying and then pasting an empty cell throws an error
  • Fix the setValue() functionality for the common format
  • Saving the id of a sheet during serialization and returning it by the afterAction event
  • Fix cross-sheet formula usage via UI
  • Fix Ctrl+F search

Version 5.1.4

Released on January 31, 2024


  • Incorrect pasting of spanned cells

Version 5.1.3

Released on January 29, 2024


  • Incorrect parsing of numeric values in the "common" format
  • Localization i18n issues when Spreadsheet is used together with Suite
  • Performance issues while loading a table with a great number of spans
  • Incorrect pasting of spanned cells

Version 5.1.2

Released on January 16, 2024


  • Fix the issue with copying and pasting cells. Copied and pasted cells with Date to Spreadsheet from Excel are displayed as strings
  • Fix the issue with numeric value in the "common" format that is formatted as a number
  • Fix the issue with parsing data that mutates initial dataset
  • Fix the issue with pasting of spanned cells

Version 5.1.1

Released on December 14, 2023


  • Fix the issue with the fixColumn() method ignoring the arrow icon of the select editor
  • Fix the problem with cell styles taking precedence over the range styles
  • Fix the issue with copying/pasting the content of cells with applied styles and the Undo functionality
  • Fix the problem with a link changing while being pasted into a different cell
  • Fix issues with copying/pasting of merged cells
  • Fix the issue with serialization of styles
  • Fix scrolling to the cell during the call of the setSelectedCell() or setFocusedCell() methods

Version 5.1

Released on December 7, 2023

Review of release on the blog

New functionality



  • Fix the problem with applying Undo to the value set in a cell
  • Fix the limitation on the number of pasted rows
  • Fix replacement of spaces with the   symbols in formulas in the Edit line
  • Fix incorrect work of Excel import with the date-like values
  • Fix incorrect editing of a block of cells
  • Fix the script error that appeared on calling getExcelDate() during filtering
  • Fix converting a text value to a number while pasting a cell content
  • Fix incorrect pasting of data from an Excel file with the modified column width

Version 5.0.10

Released on November 27, 2023


  • Fix types issues

Version 5.0.9

Released on October 24, 2023


  • Fix incorrect calling of the setStyle() method which triggered before/afterSelectionSet events
  • Fix incorrect content wrapping
  • Fix types issues

Version 5.0.7

Released on September 21, 2023


  • Fix the problem with exporting formulas to Excel
  • Fix the issue with restoring the cut content of a cell on clicking the Undo button

Version 5.0.6

Released on September 18, 2023


  • Fix the problem with rendering zeros
  • Fix the issue with applying color styles set as string values
  • Fix the issue with the XSS vulnerability
  • Fix the problem when changing a value in an inactive sheet modified the value in the active sheet instead

Version 5.0.5

Released on August 10, 2023


  • Fix the issue with the XSS vulnerability
  • Fix incorrect pasting of data containing cell spans

Version 5.0.4

Released on June 5, 2023


  • Fix errors during block selection or a context menu call in the read-only mode
  • Fix the issue with the Edit menu displaying in the read-only mode
  • Fix incorrect rounding of numbers
  • Fix the problem with replacing a formula with its result in the editing line after cells merging

Version 5.0.3

Released on April 26, 2023


  • Fix incorrect calculation of the last cell to merge
  • Fix issues with Excel import/export
  • Fix the issue which caused data to be swapped after applying of data validation
  • Fix the issue which interpreted text with the ":" symbol as a link
  • Fix the issue with loading multiline data. Now it is possible to set the multiline: "wrap" property in the styles object
  • Fix the issue with merging of cells on Spreadsheet initialization when multiSheets is set to false
  • Fix the issue with resetting of scroll position after double-click on the resize cursor of a column in the table header

Version 5.0.2

Released on February 14, 2023


  • Fix the issue which caused alignment of a cell not to be saved after copying and pasting the value of the cell
  • Fix the issue which caused the results of filtering to be changed after sorting of data
  • Fix the issue with display of the 12-hour format in the timepicker
  • Fix the issue with removing of link styles after the cell was auto-filled
  • Now it is possible to add several custom formats for dates
  • Now it is possible to remove columns and rows even if they belong to the limited columns and rows

Version 5.0.1

Released on January 19, 2023


  • Fix the issue which caused values entered into the cell with the currency format to be saved as a string not as a number
  • Fix the issue with clearing of selection of the previously searched cells
  • Fix the issue with display of data after parsing it into the spreadsheet
  • Fix the issue with redrawing of the grid after removing columns
  • Fix the issue with sorting of empty values
  • Fix the issue with validation of numeric values when using a drop-down list
  • Fix work of auto-filling of cells with alphanumeric values
  • Improved work with masks of number formats
  • Now all number values in cells will be aligned to the right by default

Version 5.0

Released on November 21, 2022

Review of release on the blog

Breaking changes

The new release introduces some changes to the toolbarBlocks property. Check the Migration article to keep in step with the latest version.

New functionality


  • Extended list of locale options
  • Extended list of hotkey combinations:
    • for data search
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + F
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + G
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + Shift + G
    • for selecting the whole column/row
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + Space
      • Shift + Space
    • for aligning the content of a cell left/right/center
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + Shift + L
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + Shift + R
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + Shift + E
    • for crossing out the content of a cell
      • Alt + Shift + 5 (Cmd + Shift + X)
    • for adding new sheets and switching between them
      • Shift + F11
      • Alt + Arrow Up/ Arrow Down
    • for inserting a hyperlink in a cell
      • Ctrl (Cmd) + K

Version 4.3

Released on May 23, 2022

Review of release on the blog

Breaking changes

Version 4.3 doesn't bring any breaking changes but introduces a new way of handling actions performed in the spreadsheet. Check the details in the Migration article.

New functionality


  • The parse() method is updated. New editor attribute of a cell object is added

Version 4.2

Released on November 29, 2021

Review of release on the blog

New functionality


  • Extended list of locale options
  • Extended list of math and string functions
  • The Align block of the Spreadsheet toolbar is updated. Check the details in the Migration article
  • The parse() and serialize() methods are updated. New rows and cols attributes of the sheet object allows saving the state of the row height and column width for each sheet.


  • Issue with the CTRL-X shortcut key
  • Issue which caused the script error to appear when editing a cell in the spreadsheet with hidden editing bar

Version 4.1.3

Released on August 31, 2021

Review of release on the blog


  • Fix the incorrect behavior of the undo operation when reverting the row/column after its removing
  • Fix the incorrect work of the "mask" property specified in the number format object
  • Fix the issue which caused empty cells/rows at the top of the selection to be trimmed after pasting the data from Excel to the spreadsheet
  • Fix the issue which caused the cells the absolute formula refers to not being marked
  • Fix the issue with the "afterSelectionSet" event which caused the event to occur twice after a range of cells is selected
  • Fix the issue with TypeScript definitions
  • Fix the issues with the "text" number format

Version 4.1.2

Released on June 3, 2021

Review of release on the blog


  • Fix the incorrect auto-filling of the cells that contain math functions when applying auto-filling to several columns at once
  • Fix the issue that caused the selected cell not to become unselected after the next click on this cell using "Ctrl + Click"
  • Fix the issue with applying the math formula to the cell after choosing the formula with the help of key navigation
  • Fix the issue with locking/unlocking the cells if they are selected using "Ctrl + Click"
  • Fix the issue with the "serialize()" method that caused "0" values not to be serialized
  • Fix the issue with the auto adjustment of the width of the column after clicking on the header border between the columns
  • Fix the issue with the display of zero values in the edit line
  • Fix the issue with the editing of long content of the cell
  • Fix the issue with the export of the spreadsheet into the Excel file
  • Fix the issues with incorrect behavior of the horizontal scrollbar and display of columns when working with the spreadsheet that contains a lot of columns
  • Fix the script error that appears after using key navigation in the empty spreadsheet

Version 4.1.1

Released on April 14, 2021

Review of release on the blog


  • Fix the issue with TypeScript definitions
  • Fix the issues with absolute references
  • Fix the issues appeared when working with data loaded from the file with the ".xlsx" extension
  • Fix the issue with incorrect pasting of the data copied from the Excel file
  • Fix the issue that caused the wrong result to return when summing float numbers

Version 4.1

Released on March 24, 2021

Review of release on the blog

New functionality


Version 4.0.5

Released on February 3, 2021


  • Fix the performance issue
  • Fix the script error that happened when the user reverted the latest action in the cell
  • Fix the script error thrown after calling the destructor
  • Fix the issue that caused values from a range of cell to be truncated after inserting into a single cell
  • Fix the issue with recognition of the format of a cell after the cell is cut and then pasted for a second time

Version 4.0.4

Released on January 12, 2021


  • Fix the incorrect work of the "SUM" function when working with more than 2 numbers
  • Fix the issue with initialization of the spreadsheet after calling "destructor()"
  • Fix the issue with types

Version 4.0.3

Released on December 28, 2020


  • Fix the issue with setting the format for the value of a cell within a data set
  • Fix the error that occurred when attaching the spreadsheet to the layout
  • Fix the issue which caused the formula set for a cell not being edited after the result was calculated
  • Fix the incorrect work of the setFocusedCell() method
  • Fix the incorrect behavior of focus when working with formulas
  • Fix the issue with selecting a range of cells using the "ctrl" key
  • Fix the issue with adding a range of cells via "ctrl+click" to a cell with a formula
  • Fix the incorrect work of Math functions
  • Fix the issue with the SUM() formula when selecting it via the popup and a mouse click

Version 4.0.2

Released on December 21, 2020


  • Fix the incorrect behavior of key navigation when creating 2 or more spreadsheet objects on the page
  • Fix the issue with the error thrown from the types.d.ts file
  • Fix issues with copying and pasting a range of cells

Version 4.0.1

Released on December 2, 2020


  • The incorrect displaying of the tooltips when hovering over the Undo/Redo buttons in the toolbar
  • The issue which happened when removing the last column of the spreadsheet after importing the data bigger than the size of the spreadsheet
  • The issue with the setSelectedCell() method which caused the formula of the selected cell not to be shown in the formula bar
  • The incorrect generation of the typescript definitions
  • The visual issue with the alignment of the cell content
  • The issue with serializing of empty cells or cells with zero value

Version 4.0

Released on October 19, 2020

New functionality


  • Fix the incorrect work of the colorpicker when applying the background color to the range of cells
  • Fix the incorrect parsing of numbers when importing Excel files
  • Fix the issue which caused all data copied from a Google or Excel table to be inserted into one cell of the spreadsheet
  • Fix the incorrect work of the editLine:false property that caused the edit operation to finish with an error in the console
  • Fix the issue with the AfterValueChange event which caused the event to be called twice

Version 3.1.4

Released on September 19, 2019


  • Styles fixes

Version 3.1.3

Released on September 19, 2019


  • Issue with focus on a cell when Spreadsheet is attached to Layout

Version 3.1.2

Released on March 25, 2019


  • Issues with text styles in Excel export
  • Issue with underlining right-aligned text

Version 3.1.1

Released on March 25, 2019


  • Issues with export to Excel

Version 3.1

Released on March 21, 2019

New functionality



  • Issues with hotkeys on the active cell

Version 3.0.3

Released on December 13, 2018


  • Incorrect behavior in the custom read-only mode
  • Issues with methods of removing a column/row
  • Issues with loss of focus on the edit line
  • Issues with hotkeys on the active cell

Version 3.0.2

Released on December 6, 2018


  • Issues with hotkeys behavior
  • Issues with placement of the selection handle
  • Issues with loss of focus on the active cell
  • Incorrect behavior of selection on the active cell
  • Incorrect behavior of hotkeys on the active cell
  • Incorrect behavior of scrolling by arrow keys

Version 3.0.1

Released on November 8, 2018


  • Incorrect behavior of the undo operation
  • Incorrect behavior of the cut-paste operation on a group of cells

Version 3.0

Released on October 25, 2018

Breaking change


API of the version 3.0 is not compatible with API v2.1.

In comparison to the previous PHP-based version, DHTMLX Spreadsheet of version 3.0 is a completely client-side JavaScript component.

Check the Migration article to get information about the usage of new API. If you feel like keep using the previous version for a while, the documentation for DHTMLX Spreadsheet v2.1 is still available.

New functionality

The API of Spreadsheet has been changed and became more handy to work with. One more significant update is the total redesign of the component which gave a modern look to the interface of Spreadsheet. Together with the fresh appearance the usability of DHTMLX Spreadsheet is greatly enhanced.