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Optional. Adds event handlers to HTML elements of a custom template of Combobox items

eventHandlers?: {
[eventName: string]: {
[className: string]: (event: Event, id: string | number) => void | boolean;


The eventHandlers object includes a set of key:value pairs, where:

key the name of the event. Note, that at the beginning of the event name the 'on' prefix is used (onclick, onmouseover).
valuean object that contains a key:value pair, where key is the css class name that the handler will be applied to and value is a function that takes two parameters:
  • event - an event object
  • id - the id of a Combobox item


function template() {
return "<div className='class_name'></div>";

const combobox = new dhx.Combobox("combobox_container", {
template: template,
eventHandlers: {
onclick: {
class_name: function(event) {
console.log("You clicked on " +;
// return false;
onmouseover: {
class_name: function(event, id) {
console.log("Item ID: " + id);

Related sample: Combobox. HTML template and handling events

Note. Returning false from a handler function will stop the template event bubbling and block triggering of an event on the item with className.

As an alternative way, you may use stopPropagation() for this purpose:

eventHandlers: {
onclick: {
class_name: (event) => {
evt = event || window.event;
console.log("button click");

Change log:

Added in v8.4