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Related sample: Combobox. Styling (custom CSS)

There is a possibility to make changes in the look and feel of a combo box. For this you need to take the following steps:

  • add a new CSS class(es) with desired settings in the <style> section of your HTML page or in your file with styles (don't forget to include your file on the page in this case)
.my_first_class {
/*some styles*/

.my_second_class {
/*some styles*/
  • specify the name of the created CSS class (or names of classes separated by spaces) as the value of the css property in the ComboBox configuration:
const combo = new dhx.Combobox("combo_container", {
css:"my_first_class my_second_class"

For example:

body {
margin: 0;
.custom-class .dhx_combobox-input-box {
border-radius: 20px;
background: #FFF;

const combo = new dhx.Combobox("combo_container", {
css: "custom-class"

Custom filter for options

Custom filter

It is possible to set a custom filtering function for the options of ComboBox via the filter option. A custom function takes two parameters:

item(object) an item of data collection
target(string) the string to compare to

and should return true/false to specify whether an item should be displayed in the filtered list of options.

function fuzzySearch(item, target) {
const source = item.value.toLowerCase();
target = target.toLowerCase();
const sourceLen = source.length;
const targetLen = target.length;
if (targetLen > sourceLen) {
return false;
let sourceIndex = 0;
let targetIndex = 0;
while (sourceIndex < sourceLen && targetIndex < targetLen) {
if (source[sourceIndex] === target[targetIndex]) {
return targetIndex === targetLen;

const combo = new dhx.Combobox("combo_container", {
filter: fuzzySearch

Related sample: Combobox. Custom filter

In the above example a custom filtering function compares an entered value with items of data collection letter by letter, and shows all the words that contain entered letters independent of their order in a word in the popup list.