Next, we will add a grid on the page. On this step, we will just initialize the grid and populate it with data.
Data source for the grid will contain all the files and folders we have in our 'media' package. For each type of the file we will provide an individual icon ( we already have them in the files_manager/icons folder).
Data items of the source will have 5 properties:
<row id="2">
<cell>File folder</cell>
<cell>2013-10-07 18:59</cell>
As a result, our grid will contain 4 columns:
The DHTMLX library provides the dhtmlxGrid component which allows adding a sortable and editable table on the page. The component supports 4 data types: XML, JSON, CSV, JSArray. We have chosen the XML format to present data.
"index.html" file
var myLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body,"2U");
var myGrid = myLayout.cells("b").attachGrid();
"index.html" file
myGrid.setImagePath("codebase/imgs/"); //sets the path to the source images
myGrid.setIconsPath("icons/"); //sets the path to custom images
myGrid.setHeader(" ,Name,Type,Modified,id"); //sets the header labels
myGrid.setColTypes("img,ro,ro,ro,ro"); //sets the types of columns
myGrid.setInitWidths("70,250,100,*,0"); //sets the initial widths of columns
myGrid.setColAlign("center,left,left,left"); //sets the horizontal alignment
"index.html" file
"index.html" file