1) In the new version of DHTMLX Library the names of some methods were changed. We've made these changes as the previous
names of the methods under question didn't reflect their functionality precisely, which could cause ambiguity
or misunderstanding.
2) Since the release of the latest version of DHTMLX library some functionality has been removed. It was made as this functionality is
no longer needed and therefore isn't supported.
3) Functionality moved from object to object
There were changes in the methods of layout components (Layout, Windows, Accordion, Tabbar). It concerns the methods that don't operate on the components in whole, but affect their cells (windows, tabs) directly.
Such methods have earlier been called through myTabbar object and now they are called through myTabbar.tabs() object. Be careful, as the names of these methods are also changed to more logical ones.
Up to version 3.6 | From version 4.0 |
Function names changed | |
myTabbar.destructor() | myTabbar.unload() |
myTabbar.adjustOuterSize() | myTabbar.setSizes() |
myTabbar.loadXML(url, onLoad) | myTabbar.loadStruct(url, onLoad) |
myTabbar.loadXMLString(xmlString, onLoad) | myTabbar.loadStruct(xmlString, onLoad) |
myTabbar.attachEvent("onTabContentLoaded", function(id){}) | myTabbar.attachEvent("onContentLoaded", function(id){}) |
myTabbar.setOnSelectHandler(tabClicked) | myTabbar.attachEvent(("onSelect", function(tabClicked){}) |
Functionality was removed | |
myTabbar.normalize() | code improved |
myTabbar.setStyle() | controlled by skin |
myTabbar.setImagePath() | all images moved to css |
myTabbar.setSkinColors() | controlled by skin |
myTabbar.enableScroll() | code improved |
myTabbar.enableForceHiding() | code improved |
myTabbar.enableAutoSize() | code improved |
myTabbar.setCustomStyle(id, style) | you can use html for tabs(id).setText() |
myTabbar.setMargin() | controlled by skin |
myTabbar.setOffset() | controlled by skin |
myTabbar.setSize(x, y) | you need to change parent container's width/height and then call myTabbar.setSizes() |
myTabbar.setHrefMode(mode) | url or ajax via myTabbar.tabs(id).attachURL() |
Functionality moved from object to object | |
myTabbar.setContent(id, value) | myTabbar.tabs(id).attachObject(value) |
myTabbar.setContentHTML(id, value) | myTabbar.tabs(id).attachHTMLString(value) |
myTabbar.tabWindow(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).getFrame() |
myTabbar.showInnerScroll(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).showInnerScroll() |
myTabbar.hideTab(id, mode) | myTabbar.tabs(id).hide(mode) |
myTabbar.showTab(id, mode) | myTabbar.tabs(id).show(mode) |
myTabbar.enableTab(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).enable() |
myTabbar.disableTab(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).disable() |
myTabbar.getIndex(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).getIndex() |
myTabbar.getLabel(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).getText() |
myTabbar.setLabel(id, text) | myTabbar.tabs(id).setText(text) |
myTabbar.setTabActive(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).setActive() |
myTabbar.removeTab(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).close() |
myTabbar.forceLoad(id) | myTabbar.tabs(id).reloadURL() |
myTabbar.setContentHref(id, href) | myTabbar.tabs(id).attachURL(href, mode) |