Migration From Older Versions

7.1 -> 7.2

The v7.2 update changes several default settings.

all_timed plugin is active by default

The all_timed plugin is enabled by default, allowing the display of overnight events. The previous behavior can be restored via the configuration:

scheduler.config.all_timed = false;

Date functions are now non-mutating

Previously, date functions such as scheduler.date.day_start, scheduler.date.week_start, and scheduler.date.date_part would modify the argument:

const date = new Date(2025, 1, 15, 13, 00);
const dayStart = scheduler.date.day_start(date);
// 2025-02-15 00:00:00
// 2025-02-15 00:00:00

Starting from v7.2, the argument is no longer modified:

const date = new Date(2025, 1, 15, 13, 00);
const dayStart = scheduler.date.day_start(date);
// 2025-02-15 00:00:00
// 2025-02-15 13:00:00

7.0 -> 7.1

The v7.1 update introduces several breaking changes

New engine for recurring events

The new engine for Recurring events will be used when the recurring plugin is activated:


Since the new plugin uses a different set of properties to define recurring events, no straightforward data migration is available at the moment. You can continue using the old engine for Recurring events events until you're ready to perform the migration, by using the setting below:


Undo popup

The new undo_deleted config is enabled by default. You can disable it via the config, if this behavior doesn't suit your needs:

scheduler.config.undo_deleted = false;

Changes in the Map View

The following properties are deprecated and included into the map_settings configuration object:

  • scheduler.config.map_error_position
  • scheduler.config.map_initial_position
  • scheduler.config.map_type

The new usage of these properties looks like this:

scheduler.config.map_settings = {
    initial_position: {
       lat: 48.724,
       lng: 8.215
    error_position: {
       lat: 15,
       lng: 15
    type: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(2024,05,11),"map");

The following templates of the Map view are deprecated and are replaced by map_info_content:

  • scheduler.templates.marker_date
  • scheduler.templates.marker_text

The usage of the new template looks like this:

scheduler.templates.map_info_content = function(event){
    const formatDate = scheduler.templates.tooltip_date_format;
    return `<div><b>Text:</b> ${event.text}
        <div><b>Location:</b> ${event.event_location}</div>
        <div><b>Starts:</b> ${formatDate(event.start_date)}</div>
        <div><b>Ends:</b> ${formatDate(event.end_date)}</div>

Properties available to be used separately and in the common object

The new map_view_provider property can be specified both separately and inside the map_settings configuration object like this:

scheduler.config.map_settings = {
    view_provider: "googleMap"
scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(2024,05,11),"map");

Properties used separately

The map properties listed below are used outside the map_settings configuration object:

6.0 -> 7.0

The v7.0 update introduces several breaking changes.

Skins switched to CSS variables

CSS skins (themes) have been completely reworked and now utilize CSS variables. While the HTML structure of the component and CSS class names have mostly remained unchanged, CSS styles written for older versions of the Scheduler are likely no longer effective with v7.0.

For example, the following style was used to change the background color of an event:

    /*event in day or week view*/
    .dhx_cal_event.manager_event div{
        background-color: #009966 !important;
        color: black !important;
    /*multi-day event in month view*/
        background-color: #009966 !important;
        color: black !important;
    /*event with fixed time, in month view*/
        color: black !important;

Starting from v7.0, the same effect is achieved with the following style:

    .manager_event {
        --dhx-scheduler-event-background: #009966;
        --dhx-scheduler-event-color: black;

Check the available variables on the Skins Customization page.

Migration will require the rewriting of existing CSS to achieve the required design.

Single CSS file

All themes are now embedded into a single dhtmlxscheduler.css file.

To activate a specific skin, use the scheduler.skin property:

scheduler.skin = "material";

Or the setSkin method:


Note that scheduler.setSkin() will repaint the Scheduler.

If you use a skin other than the terrace, the following migration steps are required:

1) Replace the CSS file of the skin with the dhtmlxscheduler.css file:

<!-- OLD -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./codebase/dhtmlxscheduler_material.css" type="text/css">
<!-- NEW -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./codebase/dhtmlxscheduler.css" type="text/css">

2) Enable the required skin from javascript:


Obsolete scheduler.xy settings

The following scheduler.xy properties are no longer used:

  • scheduler.xy.nav_height
  • scheduler.xy.event_header_height

The height of the corresponding elements is set by the styles below:

.dhx_cal_navline {
    height: 40px;
.dhx_cal_event dhx_title {
    height: 30px;

Changed defaults

The default values of details_on_create and details_on_dblclick properties have changed from false to true.

Material skin font

The Material skin no longer imports the Roboto font by default.

If you use the Material skin, you need to import the font manually:

@import url(

New API for Tooltips

Tooltips have a new API that provides easy attachment of tooltip to custom elements. See more details in the related article: Tooltips.

Padding in columns of the Day/Week views

The Day/Week/Units views now have small padding that ensures there is always small empty space at the side of the column. It allows users to create new events by double-clicking on these empty areas.

To remove this padding, use day_column_padding:

scheduler.config.day_column_padding = 0;

Export service

Starting from v7.0, the import/export functionality is included into the Scheduler library.

Therefore, if you have already included https://export.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api.js on your page to enable the online export service, for example:

<script src="codebase/dhtmlxscheduler.js"></script>
<script src="https://export.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api.js"></script>

You need to remove the file and enable the export_api extension using the scheduler.plugins method:

    export_api: true

Promise implementation

The Bluebird library has been excluded from the Scheduler bundle. Promise now uses the native Promise implementation.

5.3 -> 6.0

The newest update v6.0 introduces two major changes in the structure of the Scheduler package:

1) All files of extensions are now bundled with the dhtmlxscheduler.js file. Therefore, in order to activate any of extra extensions provided by DHTMLX Scheduler, you need to use the API call.

  • If you have already included any extension files from the built-in package on your page, for example:
<script src="../codebase/dhtmlxscheduler.js"></script>
<script src="../codebase/ext/dhtmlxscheduler_active_links.js"></script>


import "dhtmlx-scheduler";
import "dhtmlx-scheduler/ext/dhtmlxscheduler_active_links";

Then you need to remove the extension file and enable the extension using the scheduler.plugins method:

   active_links: true

See the full list of extensions here.

  • If you use a modified version of extension files or have developed custom extensions, include them as files on a page and they will work.

  • Note, that the dhtmlxscheduler_csp.js extension is completely removed and does not need to be enabled manually.

2) All locales are now embedded into the dhtmlxscheduler.js file. To activate them, use the API call.

  • If you have included any locale on a page, you need to remove it from the page and enable the required locale using scheduler.i18n.setLocale:
  • If you use a custom locale file, it can be loaded as before.

DataProcessor initialization

DataProcessor constructor has moved from the global dataProcessor function to the scheduler.DataProcessor function.

If you use the dataProcessor in your app, you'll need to update the code that initializes the dataProcessor:

// obsolete
var dp = new dataProcessor("/scheduler/backend/events");
dp.setTransactionMode("REST", false);

This code above should be replaced with the following:

// good
var dp = new scheduler.DataProcessor("/scheduler/backend/events");
dp.setTransactionMode("REST", false);

The recommended approach is to use the scheduler.createDataProcessor function:

// even better
var dp = scheduler.createDataProcessor({
    url: "/scheduler/backend/events",
    mode: "REST"

In this case, DataProcessor.init(scheduler) call is no longer required, DataProcessor.setTransactionMode can be called as usual if needed.

Deprecated API

The dhtmlx object definition was removed from dhtmlxscheduler.js. Thus, some methods and global objects have been deprecated in v6.0.

1) The following methods have been deprecated and replaced with:

Obsolete methodsWorking methods

No changes in the arguments or behavior of the methods were made.

2) The following global objects have been deprecated:

  • dhtmlxAjax
  • dtmlXMLLoaderObject
  • dhtmlDragAndDropObject
  • dhtmlxEventable
  • dhtmlxError

If you still need these objects in you application, enable the legacy plugin:

    legacy: true

5.2 -> 5.3

Touch gestures

The default handler for the swipe gesture has been disabled by default.

You can re-enable it using the scheduler.config.touch_swipe_dates config, as follows:

scheduler.config.touch_swipe_dates = true;

Markup and styles

Box-sizing mode of event elements in Month View has been changed from content-box to border-box in all skins.

The affected elements are: .dhx_cal_event_clear and .dhx_cal_event_line.

It shouldn't cause any visible changes, but if you redefined the render of Month view events, or use a custom skin, you may need to take this change into account.

5.1 -> 5.2

Drag-n-drop behavior

Since version 5.2 it is possible to drag events by any part of the body, not just by the header as it worked in the earlier versions. If you want to restore the previous functionality, make use of the drag_event_body and set it to false (by default the property is enabled).

scheduler.config.drag_event_body = false;

onXLE/onXLS events are deprecated

They still work, but will be removed in future. Here is how they should be replaced:

scheduler.attachEvent("onXLS",function(){}); → 
scheduler.attachEvent("onXLE",function(){}); → 

"xml_date" config and template, and "xml_format" templates are renamed

Below there is the scheme of replacing previously used API:

Since v5.2 the default values of the xml_date config, and xml_date and xml_format templates are undefined. Thus if you haven't assigned any values to them, they won't work.

However, Scheduler will continue to use the old names of the config and templates, so if you've redefined those APIs in your code, they will work as before. For example:

// will work correctly
scheduler.templates.xml_date = function(datestring){
    return new Date(datestring);

Default date format has changed

  • before v5.2 it was set by the scheduler.config.xml_date property and its value was "%m/%d/%Y %H:%i"
  • after v5.2 it is set by the scheduler.config.date_format property and its value is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i"

To restore the previous default date format, specify the setting below:

scheduler.config.date_format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%i";

Improved parsing of dates

Since v5.2 Scheduler tries to automatically identify the format of dates that should be parsed, so there can be some changes in the work of related functions scheduler.date.str_to_date, scheduler.templates.format_date, and scheduler.templates.parse_date.

If you want to restore previous behavior and get dates in the format defined by the user, use the parse_exact_format configuration option:

scheduler.config.parse_exact_format = true;

"vertical" setting of the Multiselect control can't take string value

In previous versions it was possible to set the value of the vertical setting of the Multiselect control as a string, like this:

{ name:"userselect", type:"multiselect", ..., vertical:"false" }

Since v5.2 the property takes just a boolean value, i.e. true or false.

{ name:"userselect", type:"multiselect", ..., vertical: false }

In case you've used the string "false" value for the vertical property, you need to change it into the boolean one.

5.0 -> 5.1

Smart rendering and horizontal scroll features required a complete remaking of the timeline markup. It affected Timeline, TreeTimeline and all modes of these views.

The most notable change is that HTML elements TABLE, TR, TD were removed from the markup and replaced with DIVs with appropriate class names.

If you use table tags in CSS selectors for styling the timeline, an action will be needed in order to migrate such CSS. The overall DOM structure didn't undergo many changes, thus migration would mostly require rewriting several CSS selectors in order for them to match the new markup.

For the reference, here is a sample of CSS selectors before and after the update given below.


  • .dhx_cal_data > table > tbody > tr > td.dhx_matrix_scell - the lefthand label column
  • .dhx_cal_data > table > tbody > tr > td > div.dhx_matrix_line - the timeline row with date cells
  • .dhx_cal_data > table > tbody > tr > td > div.dhx_matrix_line > table > tbody > tr > td.dhx_matrix_cell - a single date cell inside a timeline row


  • .dhx_cal_data .dhx_timeline_table_wrapper .dhx_timeline_label_row .dhx_matrix_scell - the lefthand label column
  • .dhx_cal_data .dhx_timeline_data_wrapper .dhx_matrix_line - the timeline row with date cells
  • .dhx_cal_data .dhx_timeline_data_wrapper .dhx_matrix_line .dhx_matrix_cell - a single date cell inside a timeline row

4.4 -> 5.0

Removed skins

Glossy and Classic skins were deprecated and removed since v5.0. If you use them, you'll either need to migrate to another skin or keep using a corresponding CSS file from an older version.

Major CSS refactoring

Release of v5.0 involves a major CSS overhaul, which may create issues with updating heavily CSS-customized applications: the existing styles may stop working due to the specificity of renewed dhtmlxScheduler styles. There is no general solution for this, the migration will require investigating and correcting CSS issues.

POST route in the REST mode fixed

The update also fixes the POST (insert) route of dataProcessor in the REST mode, the request no longer sends a temporary event id to the server.

The following route:

POST /api/{tempId}
POST /api/1234567890

should be changed to this one:

POST /api

4.x -> 4.3

Since v.4.3 the extensions Week Agenda View, Grid View, Timeline View, Units View, Multisection Events are no longer available in the Standard Edition that is distributed under GNU GPL v2.

If you still want to use them, you may either continue using the version 4.2 (or older), or obtain either Commercial or Enterprise license.

Please check the license details here.

3.6 -> 4.0

Public API is fully backward compatible.

Changed defaults

  • The default skin is changed to "terrace", ext/dhtmlxscheduler_dhx_terrace.js is removed. To change the skin back to the classic one, just include the related CSS file (codebase/dhtmlxscheduler_classic.css). For more details check Skins.

  • multi_day is enabled by default, and if you want to revert such a behavior, add:

scheduler.config.multi_day = false;

Custom skins

Scheduler detects the used skin, based on the name of the CSS file, so if you are using a custom skin (which is not based on "terrace"), rename its css file to dhtmlxscheduler_{skin name}.css. Also, you can disable the skin auto-detection by adding the following line before scheduler.init:

scheduler.skin = "{skin name}";

Deprecated API

The following API is deprecated: getEventText, getEventStartDate, getEventEndDate, setEventText, setEventStartDate, setEventEndDate (those methods are still available, but will be removed in Scheduler 5.x).

Instead, you can use scheduler.getEvent() and set/get properties directly from the event object.

3.6 -> 3.7

Fully backward compatible

3.5 -> 3.6

Fully backward compatible

3.0 -> 3.5

Public API is fully backward compatible.

  • 'Mark now' functionality was moved to the dhtmlxscheduler_limit.js extension.
  • Scheduler now accepts JSON generated by dhtmlxConnector. If there are no special reasons to use XML, consider switching to JSON (will decrease file size and, as a result, increase load speed).

2.3 -> 3.0

Public API is fully backward compatible.

For private API, check Scheduler 3.0.

  • File structure was changed a bit - ext/dhtmlxscheduler_ext.css and dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.css were removed (all styles now available in the dhtmlxscheduler.css).
  • Several templates arguments were changed to match the rest of them: scheduler.templates.agenda_text, scheduler.templates.map_text now use (start_date, end_date, event) as incoming parameters. Before only 'event' was used.

2.2 -> 2.3

  • full backward compatibility
  • Swedish locale file was renamed according to the iso 639-1
sources/locale_se.js => sources/locale_sv.js
sources/locale_recurring_se.js => sources/locale_recurring_sv.js

2.1 -> 2.2

  • full backward compatibility
  • 'createUnitsView' command accepts different set of parameters, but previous syntax will work as well

2.0 -> 2.1

  • formatting rules were corrected, now %d and %m always return 2 digits, if you need the previous behavior, use %j and %n accordingly
  • path to files inside the package is changed a bit
codebase/dhtmlxgrid_recurring.js => codebase/ext/dhtmlxgrid_recurring.js
codebase/dhtmlxgrid_recurring.css => codebase/ext/dhtmlxgrid_recurring.css
codebase/dhtmlxgrid_units.js => codebase/ext/dhtmlxgrid_units.js

1.0 -> 2.0

  • API and data format are fully backward compatible
  • 'onEventChanged' and 'onEventAdded' events will not fire during data loading
  • Spanish locale renamed from locale_sp.js to locale_es.js
  • 'drag_create' option now controls only the ability to create a new event by dnd, creating a new event by dblclick now is controlled by 'dblclick_create'
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