specifies the lightbox object
{ name:"description", height:50, type:"textarea", map_to:"text", focus:true},
{ name:"location", height:43, type:"textarea", map_to:"event_location"},
{ name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"}
scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(2013,2,1),"week");
The lightbox object has 1 property:
//default definition
{name:"description", height:200, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
{name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"}
Each object in the sections array can have the following properties:
name | (string) the section's name (according to this name, the scheduler will take the section's label from locale.labels collection). For example, for the 'time' section, the scheduler will take the label stored as scheduler.locale.labels.section_time. |
height | (number) the section's height |
map_to | ('auto' or string) the name of a data property that will be mapped to the section (see details below) |
type | (textarea,time,select,template,multiselect,radio,checkbox,combo) the type of the section's control (editor) |
time_format | (string) sets the order of date-time controls in the 'Time Period' section |
focus | (boolean) if set to true, the section will take the focus on opening the lightbox |
default_value | (any) the default value of the section's control |
onchange | (function) specifies the 'onChange' event handler function for the section's control (for the 'select' control only) |
options | (array of objects) defines select options of the control (for 'select', 'multiselect, 'radio', 'combo' controls). Each object in the array specifies a single option and takes these properties:
vertical | (boolean) specifies whether radio buttons should be placed vertically(true) or horizontally (false) (for the 'select' control only) |
checked_value | (boolean) the value of the checkbox in the checked state. Optional. By default, true (for the 'checkbox' control only) |
unchecked_value | (boolean) the value of the checkbox in the unchecked state. Optional. By default, false (for the 'checkbox' control only) |
The 'map_to' property can take the 'auto' value. The 'auto' value relates to the following: