Dragging allows users to quickly change the start (end) dates of the tasks, their duration.
By default, the drag-and-drop is enabled and the user can drag a task along its row in the timeline.
To customize the drag-and-drop behavior, use the following events:
Let's consider typical cases when the default drag behavior needs customization:
To deny dragging of specific tasks, use the onBeforeTaskDrag event:
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDrag", function(id, mode, e){
return false; //denies dragging if the global task index is odd
return true; //allows dragging if the global task index is even
To deny dragging tasks out of specific dates, use the onTaskDrag event.
The onTaskDrag event:
Shortly, all happens in the following order:
Let's assume that you want to forbid users to drag tasks out of the "31 March, 2020 - 11 April, 2020" interval.
Then, you can use the code as in:
Denying dragging tasks out of interval - [31.03.2020, 11.04.2020]
var leftLimit = new Date(2020, 2 ,31), rightLimit = new Date(2020, 3 ,12);
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDrag", function(id, mode, task, original){
var modes = gantt.config.drag_mode;
if(mode == modes.move || mode == modes.resize){
var diff = original.duration*(1000*60*60*24);
if(+task.end_date > +rightLimit){
task.end_date = new Date(rightLimit);
if(mode == modes.move)
task.start_date = new Date(task.end_date - diff);
if(+task.start_date < +leftLimit){
task.start_date = new Date(leftLimit);
if(mode == modes.move)
task.end_date = new Date(+task.start_date + diff);
Related sample: Drag parent task with its children
To allow dragging children when the user is dragging their parent's task, use the onTaskDrag event (see more on the event above):
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDrag", function(id, mode, task, original){
var modes = gantt.config.drag_mode;
if(mode == modes.move){
var diff = task.start_date - original.start_date;
child.start_date = new Date(+child.start_date + diff);
child.end_date = new Date(+child.end_date + diff);
gantt.refreshTask(child.id, true);
},id );
//rounds positions of the child items to scale
gantt.attachEvent("onAfterTaskDrag", function(id, mode, e){
var modes = gantt.config.drag_mode;
if(mode == modes.move ){
var state = gantt.getState();
child.start_date = gantt.roundDate({
child.end_date = gantt.calculateEndDate(child.start_date,
child.duration, gantt.config.duration_unit);
},id );
This functionality is available in the Gantt PRO edition only.
Tasks of the project type are not draggable by default. You can enable drag and drop of projects using the drag_project config:
gantt.config.drag_project = true;
Related sample: Draggable projects
There are several ways of implementing tasks moving with their dependent tasks. You can read about all of them in a separate article Dragging Tasks Together with Their Dependent Tasks.
Minimal task duration can be specified via the min_duration setting.
The option defines the minimum size of the task that can be set during resizing and can be used for preventing users from setting a zero duration.
The value is set in milliseconds:
// 1 day
gantt.config.min_duration = 24*60*60*1000;
// 1 hour
gantt.config.min_duration = 60*60*1000;
If you have a large dataset in the Gantt chart, you often need to drag a task to a new distant position or set links between tasks located at a significant distance.
In this case the autoscroll functionality is of great help. It is enabled by default, but you can manage this behavior via the autoscroll configuration option.
gantt.config.autoscroll = false;
Besides, you can adjust the speed of autoscrolling in milliseconds with the help of the corresponding property - autoscroll_speed:
gantt.config.autoscroll = true;
gantt.config.autoscroll_speed = 50;
If you want to prevent certain tasks from being resized, there are two things you can do:
gantt.templates.task_class = function(start, end, task){
if(task.no_resize) { // no_resize is a custom property used for the demonstration
return "no_resize";
return "";
Then, you can hide the resize handles using the following CSS:
.no_resize .gantt_task_drag{
display: none !important;
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDrag", function(id, mode, e){
if(mode === "resize" && gantt.getTask(id).no_resize){
return false;
return true;
The "resize" mode of drag and drop means that the user resizes the task either from the start date or from the end date.
If you need to find out which date the user is modifying by the resize, you can use the gantt.getState().drag_from_start flag:
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDrag", function(id, mode, e){
if(mode === "resize"){
if(gantt.getState().drag_from_start === true) {
// changing the start date of a task
} else {
// changing the end date of a task
return true;
You can locate resize handles using the following selectors:
The following CSS can be used for disabling resizing of start dates of tasks:
display: none !important;
Similarly, preventing resizing of the end dates looks like this:
display: none !important;
Another way to do this is use the onBeforeTaskDrag event. Returning false from the handler will prevent resizing:
gantt.attachEvent("onBeforeTaskDrag", function(id, mode, e){
if(mode === "resize"){
if(gantt.getState().drag_from_start === true) {
return false;
} else {
// changing the end date of a task
return true;
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