Creating/Selecting Tasks with DnD

dhtmlxGantt library provides an extension that includes advanced drag-n-drop functionality while working with tasks in the timeline.

All in all the click_drag extension allows:

To start using the extension, enable the click_drag plugin using the gantt.plugins method.

To enable advanced drag-n-drop, specify the click_drag configuration option and set the necessary properties from the list below inside its object:

gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd,
    singleRow: true
  • className - (string) sets a custom CSS class for a selected element
  • render - (function) a function that creates an element rendered during dragging. Takes two parameters:
    • startPoint - (object) - an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
    • endPoint - (object) an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
  • viewPort - (HTMLElement) the element to attach an event to and select
  • useRequestAnimationFrame - (boolean) defines whether requestAnimationFrame is used during rendering
  • callback - (function) - a function that will be called when the mouse button is released. Takes 6 parameters:
    • startPoint - (object) - an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
    • endPoint - (object) an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
    • startDate - (Date) the date that corresponds to the starting point
    • endDate - (Date) the date that corresponds to the ending point
    • tasksBetweenDates - (array) an array of tasks between the start and end date points
    • tasksInRows - (array) an array of tasks selected between the start and end coordinates vertically
  • singleRow - (boolean) true to add selection only in one row equal to the height of a task

You can attach the following events to the element of a timeline viewport (gantt.$task_data by default - a part of the timeline with task bars):

  • onBeforeDrag - fires after pressing the mouse button before starting to drag
  • onDrag - fires each time after dragging is started but before the mouse button is released
  • onBeforeDragEnd - fires after releasing the mouse button but before the rendered element is deleted and tasks that come under selection are searched for
  • onDragEnd - fires after removing a rendered element and finding tasks that come under selection but before calling the callback function (if specified)
gantt.$task_data.attachEvent("onBeforeDrag", function (coords) {
    gantt.message("onBeforeDrag event");

Related sample:  Attaching event handlers for the "click_drag" extension

Note that the event handlers can be added just for an existing element. Thus you should add event handlers after Gantt initialization, otherwise they won't work, since the elements won't have been created yet.

Creating tasks with drag-n-drop

You can create tasks with drag-n-drop right on the timeline by clicking in an empty place to set the start date of a task and dragging to the right to set its duration.

gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd,
    singleRow: true
function onDragEnd(startPoint,endPoint,startDate,endDate,tasksBetweenDates,tasksInRow){
    if (tasksInRow.length === 1) {
        var parent = tasksInRow[0];
            text:"Subtask of " + parent.text,
            start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
            end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)
    } else if (tasksInRow.length === 0) {
            text:"New task",
            start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
            end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)

Related sample:  Create new tasks by Drag and Drop

Setting time for unscheduled tasks

The click_drag extension allows setting time for unscheduled tasks with drag-n-drop.

Selecting tasks with drag-n-drop

It is possible to select tasks with drag-n-drop in several modes: in dates, rows, or in bounds.

gantt.config.multiselect = true;
gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd
gantt.config.autoscroll = true;
gantt.config.autoscroll_speed = 50;
function onDragEnd(startPoint,endPoint,startDate,endDate,tasksBetweenDates,tasksInRows){
    var mode = document.querySelector("input[name=selectMode]:checked").value;
        switch(mode) {
            case "1":
                tasksBetweenDates.forEach(function(item) {
            case "2":
                tasksInRows.forEach(function(item) {
            case "3":
                for (var i=0; i<tasksBetweenDates.length; i++) {
                    for (var j=0; j<tasksInRows.length; j++) {
                        if (tasksBetweenDates[i] === tasksInRows[j]) {

Related sample:  Select multiple tasks by Drag and Drop

Creating parts of split tasks

You can create parts of split tasks with drag-n-drop as well.

gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd,
    singleRow: true
function onDragEnd(startPoint,endPoint,startDate,endDate,tasksBetweenDates,tasksInRow){
    if (tasksInRow.length === 1) {
        var currentTask = tasksInRow[0];
        if (currentTask.type === "project") {
            currentTask.render = "split";
                text:"Subtask of " + currentTask.text,
                start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
                end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)
        } else {
            var projectName = "new Project " + currentTask.text;
            var newProject = gantt.addTask({
                text: projectName,
                render: "split",
                type: "project",
            }, currentTask.parent);
            gantt.moveTask(, 0, newProject);
            var newTask = gantt.addTask({
                text:"Subtask of " + projectName,
                start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
                end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)
            }, newProject);
    } else if (tasksInRow.length === 0) {
            text:"New task",
            start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
            end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)

Related sample:  Create split tasks by Drag and Drop

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