Creating/Selecting Tasks with DnD

dhtmlxGantt library provides an extension that includes advanced drag-n-drop functionality while working with tasks in the timeline.

All in all the click_drag extension allows:

To start using the extension, enable the click_drag plugin using the gantt.plugins method.

To enable advanced drag-n-drop, specify the click_drag configuration option and set the necessary properties from the list below inside its object:

gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd,
    singleRow: true
  • className - (string) sets a custom CSS class for a selected element
  • render - (function) a function that creates an element rendered during dragging. Takes two parameters:
    • startPoint - (object) - an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
    • endPoint - (object) an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
  • viewPort - (HTMLElement) the element to attach an event to and select
  • useRequestAnimationFrame - (boolean) defines whether requestAnimationFrame is used during rendering
  • callback - (function) - a function that will be called when the mouse button is released. Takes 6 parameters:
    • startPoint - (object) - an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
    • endPoint - (object) an object of the type:
      {absolute: {left: number, top: number}, relative: {left: number, top: number} },
      where absolute - the coordinates of the left top corner of the document, and relative - the coordinates of the left top element used as a viewPort
    • startDate - (Date) the date that corresponds to the starting point
    • endDate - (Date) the date that corresponds to the ending point
    • tasksBetweenDates - (array) an array of tasks between the start and end date points
    • tasksInRows - (array) an array of tasks selected between the start and end coordinates vertically
  • singleRow - (boolean) true to add selection only in one row equal to the height of a task

You can attach the following events to the element passed as a viewPort (gantt.$task_data by default - a part of the timeline with task bars):

  • onBeforeDrag - fires after pressing the mouse button before starting to drag
  • onDrag - fires each time after dragging is started but before the mouse button is released
  • onBeforeDragEnd - fires after releasing the mouse button but before the rendered element is deleted and tasks that come under selection are searched for
  • onDragEnd - fires after removing a rendered element and finding tasks that come under selection but before calling the callback function (if specified)

Creating tasks with drag-n-drop

You can create tasks with drag-n-drop right on the timeline by clicking in an empty place to set the start date of a task and dragging to the right to set its duration.

gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd,
    singleRow: true
function onDragEnd(startPoint,endPoint,startDate,endDate,tasksBetweenDates,tasksInRow){
    if (tasksInRow.length === 1) {
        var parent = tasksInRow[0];
            text:"Subtask of " + parent.text,
            start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
            end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)
    } else if (tasksInRow.length === 0) {
            text:"New task",
            start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
            end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)

Related sample:  Create new tasks by Drag and Drop

Setting time for unscheduled tasks

The click_drag extension allows setting time for unscheduled tasks with drag-n-drop.

Selecting tasks with drag-n-drop

It is possible to select tasks with drag-n-drop in several modes: in dates, rows, or in bounds.

gantt.config.multiselect = true;
gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd
gantt.config.autoscroll = true;
gantt.config.autoscroll_speed = 50;
function onDragEnd(startPoint,endPoint,startDate,endDate,tasksBetweenDates,tasksInRows){
    var mode = document.querySelector("input[name=selectMode]:checked").value;
        switch(mode) {
            case "1":
                tasksBetweenDates.forEach(function(item) {
            case "2":
                tasksInRows.forEach(function(item) {
            case "3":
                for (var i=0; i<tasksBetweenDates.length; i++) {
                    for (var j=0; j<tasksInRows.length; j++) {
                        if (tasksBetweenDates[i] === tasksInRows[j]) {

Related sample:  Select multiple tasks by Drag and Drop

Creating parts of split tasks

You can create parts of split tasks with drag-n-drop as well.

gantt.config.click_drag = {
    callback: onDragEnd,
    singleRow: true
function onDragEnd(startPoint,endPoint,startDate,endDate,tasksBetweenDates,tasksInRow){
    if (tasksInRow.length === 1) {
        var currentTask = tasksInRow[0];
        if (currentTask.type === "project") {
            currentTask.render = "split";
                text:"Subtask of " + currentTask.text,
                start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
                end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)
        } else {
            var projectName = "new Project " + currentTask.text;
            var newProject = gantt.addTask({
                text: projectName,
                render: "split",
                type: "project",
            }, currentTask.parent);
            gantt.moveTask(, 0, newProject);
            var newTask = gantt.addTask({
                text:"Subtask of " + projectName,
                start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
                end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)
            }, newProject);
    } else if (tasksInRow.length === 0) {
            text:"New task",
            start_date: gantt.roundDate(startDate),
            end_date: gantt.roundDate(endDate)

Related sample:  Create split tasks by Drag and Drop

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