Tooltips for Gantt Elements

Tooltips allow you to add extra information for users without overflowing the screen with text. By default, tooltips are added to Gantt tasks.

You can add tooltips to any Gantt element via the corresponding API.


To activate tooltips for tasks, enable the tooltip plugin using the gantt.plugins method:

    gantt.plugins({         tooltip: true     });  

Related sample:  Tooltip

Once the extension is activated, tooltips will be automatically displayed with the default settings.

Custom text

By default, tooltips display 3 properties of a task:

  1. The start date of a task.
  2. The end date of a task.
  3. The task name.

To set a custom text for tooltips, use the tooltip_text template:

gantt.templates.tooltip_text = function(start,end,task){
    return "<b>Task:</b> "+task.text+"<br/><b>Duration:</b> " + task.duration;

Tooltip API

Tooltip object

You can access the object of tooltip as gantt.ext.tooltips.tooltip. This object allows manipulating the position, content and visibility of tooltip via a set of methods:

  • getNode() - returns the HTML element of the tooltip
  • setViewport() - locks the position of tooltip to the boundaries of the specified HTML element
    • node - (HTMLElement) the HTML element under the question
  • show() - displays the tooltip at specific coordinates (relative to document.body). The method can take different parameters, depending on the position your want show tooltip at:
    • To display tooltip at specific coordinates (relative to document.body), pass:
      • left - (number) the X coordinate
      • top - (number) the Y coordinate
    • To display tooltip at the mouse event coordinates (tooltip_offset_x/y and viewport will be taken into account), pass:
      • event - (Event) the mouse event object
  • hide() - hides the tooltip element
  • setContent()- puts HTML content into the tooltip. Takes as a parameter:
    • html - (string) a string with HTML content for the tooltip


There are several methods that allow controlling behavior of the tooltip while hovering over DOM elements.


adds tooltip with extended configuration. The method takes an object with tooltip settings as a parameter. The settings that can be adjusted via the method are the following:

  • selector - (string) defines CSS-selector for the elements to listen to mouse events on
  • onmouseenter - (function) a handler called when the mouse pointer enters the element. The parameters are:
    • event - (Event) a native mouse event
    • node - (HTMLElement) the HTML node
  • onmousemove - (function) a handler called when the mouse pointer moves inside the element. The parameters are:
    • event - (Event) a native mouse event
    • node - (HTMLElement) the HTML node
  • onmouseleave - (function) a handler called when the mouse pointer leaves the element. The parameters are:
    • event - (Event) a native mouse event
    • node - (HTMLElement) the HTML node
  • global - (boolean) defines whether the module listens to mouse events on the whole page (true) or only inside a gantt element (false). By default the option is set to false.


adds a tooltip for the specified Gantt element. It is a more simplified version of the attach() method. The method takes as a parameter an object with tooltip details. This object has the following properties:

  • selector - (string) a CSS-selector of the Gantt element to add a tooltip to
  • html - (function) a template for the tooltip. The template function takes two parameters in its turn:
    • event - (Event) a native mouse event
    • node - (HTMLElement) the HTML node and returns a string with a template.
  • global - (boolean) optional, defines whether the module listens to mouse events on the whole page (true) or only inside a gantt element (false). By default the option is set to false.


removes tooltip. As a parameter the method takes:

  • selector - (string) the CSS selector of a Gantt element

Tooltips for different elements

By default, tooltips are added just to the Gantt tasks, but you can also set tooltips for any other Gantt element. For example, for a resource marker:

Resource marker tooltip

There are two corresponding methods in the tooltip API for this purpose:

For example, this is how you can add tooltips for cells of the timeline scale:

var domHelper = gantt.utils.dom;
var pos = domHelper .getRelativeEventPosition(event, gantt.$task_scale);
return gantt.templates.task_date(gantt.dateFromPos(pos.x));

Note, the gantt.ext.tooltips.tooltipFor() method must be called after the Gantt initialization is complete. For instance, you can specify the method inside the onGanttReady event handler like this:

gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function () {
    var tooltips = gantt.ext.tooltips;
        selector: ".gantt_task_link",
        html: function (event, node) {

Related sample:  Custom Tooltips

Or you can use the way as in:

    selector: ".gantt_task_cell",
    html: function (event, domElement) {
        var id =['task_id'].nodeValue;
        var task = gantt.getTask(id);
        return task.text;

Related sample:  Gantt. Custom tooltips for cells

A tooltip added in this way will follow the mouse pointer and use the settings tooltip_offset_x, tooltip_offset_y, tooltip_timeout, tooltip_hide_timeout.

This method allows adding a tooltip with an extended configuration to adjust tooltip behavior to the movement of the mouse pointer.

Customization of tooltip behavior

There is a possibility to modify the default behavior of tooltip. It can be achieved by removing the default tooltip handler and adding a custom one:

// remove the built-in tooltip handler from tasks
  • Add the desired tooltip behavior via the gantt.ext.tooltips.attach() method. In the example below tooltip is shown only above the table:
  selector: ".gantt_grid ["+gantt.config.task_attribute+"]",
  html: (event: MouseEvent) => {
     if (gantt.config.touch && !gantt.config.touch_tooltip) {
   const targetTaskId = gantt.locate(event);
     const task = gantt.getTask(targetTaskId);
     return gantt.templates.tooltip_text(task.start_date, task.end_date, task);
   return null;
  global: false


You can configure the time of tooltips showing and hiding via the related settings.

To specify the time period in milliseconds before a tooltip for a task will appear, use the tooltip_timeout:

gantt.config.tooltip_timeout = 50;

To define how long (in milliseconds) a tooltip will be shown after the user moves the cursor to another position, use the tooltip_hide_timeout property:

gantt.config.tooltip_hide_timeout = 5000;


The position of a tooltip can be configured by changing offsets of its default position via the two configuration properties:

gantt.config.tooltip_offset_x = 30;
gantt.config.tooltip_offset_y = 40;

Displaying area

Before version 6.1 tooltips have been displayed only inside the timeline area. After v6.1 release tooltips displaying isn't limited, and a tooltip follows the movement of the mouse pointer.

If necessary, you can restore the previous behavior by using the code below before initialization of Gantt:

gantt.attachEvent("onGanttReady", function(){
    var tooltips = gantt.ext.tooltips;
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