attachEvent | adds any user-defined handler to available events |
attachObj | attaches a calendar to an input field |
clearInsensitiveDays | enables the dates disabled by the setInsensitiveDays method |
clearSensitiveRange | enables the dates disabled by the setInsensitiveRange/setSensitiveRange |
clearTooltip | removes the tooltip set by the setTooltip() method |
close | hides calendar |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event |
detachObj | detaches the calendar from an input field |
disableDays | disables certain dates of each week, month or year |
draw | renders calendar |
enableDays | enables the dates disabled by the disableDays method |
enableIframe | enables iframe background for calendar |
getCellDimension | returns dimension of the specified date cell |
getDate | returns the currently selected date |
getFormatedDate | returns formatted date as a string |
getPopup | returns dhtmlXPopup instance which was initialized for tooltips |
getWeekNumber | returns the week number of the specified date |
hide | hides a calendar |
hideTime | hides the time panel |
hideToday | hides the Today and Clear buttons |
hideWeekNumbers | hides a column with weeks numbers at the left side of the calendar |
isVisible | returns true if calendar currenmly visible |
loadUserLanguage | sets a new language interface for the calendar |
setDate | makes the specified date selected |
setDateFormat | sets the date format |
setFormatedDate | sets date using specified date format |
setHolidays | set dates as holidays |
setInsensitiveDays | disables specified dates in the calendar |
setInsensitiveRange | sets a range of inactive dates in the calendar |
setMinutesInterval | sets a minutes interval in the time selector |
setParent | sets a parent container for the calendar |
setPosition | sets a calendar's position when it's attached to input |
setSensitiveRange | sets a range of active dates in the calendar |
setSkin | sets a skin for a calendar |
setTooltip | sets a tooltip for the specified dates |
setWeekStartDay | sets the starting day of weeks |
setYearsRange | change years range in selector |
show | shows a calendar |
showMonth | makes the specified month/year as currently visible in the calendar |
showTime | shows the time panel |
showToday | shows the Today and Clear buttons |
showWeekNumbers | adds a column with weeks numbers to the left side of the calendar |
unload | destructor, unloads the calendar |