returns dhtmlXPopup instance which was initialized for tooltips
dhtmlXPopup | dhtmlXPopup instance or null |
// we do not recommend using such constructions in your linear code
// popup is initialized after the user hovers over any
// date with attached tooltip at least once
var myPop = myCalendar.getPopup();
// the best way if you plan to attach "heavy" content like grid
// there's no need to specify the 2nd arg - text, only if "loading..."
var lastDate = null;
var myPop = null;
var myGrid = null;
myCalendar.setTooltip("2013-01-01", "Loading...", true, true);
myCalendar.attachEvent("onPopupShow", function(date){
// inside of the event handler 'this' points to myCalendar
// save popup date if a user will move mouse away while response goes to the server
lastDate = this.getFormatedDate("%Y-%m-%d", date);
// load heavy content from server
window.dhx.ajax.get("server.php?date="+lastDate, function(r){
// assuming that response was the following (in json format):
{state: true, date: "2013-01-01", gridConf: {...} }
// date param the same as was in request
var t = null;
try { eval("t="+r.xmlDoc.responseText); } catch(e){};
if (t != null && lastDate != null && t.state == true && lastDate == {
if (!myPop) myPop = myCalendar.getPopup(); // we need it once
myGrid = myPop.attachGrid();
myGrid.load(t.gridConf, "json"); // or something like
myCalendar.attachEvent("onPopupHide", function(){
if (myGrid != null) {
// unload the grid
myGrid = null;
// clear date, we will check it in the callback (above)
// to make sure the popup is still visible
lastDate = null;
// you can also skip grid reinit and just use grid.updateFromXML
to be 100% sure that the popup is inited when you call getPopup(), we added onPopupShow event. It will fire every time the tooltip becomes visible. You can attach any content into it.
almost the same logic can be used to show popups over cells. But instead of tooltips and "onPopupShow" you can use onMouseOver/onMouseOut events, init popup manually and getCellDimension to determine the cell's x,y (where to show the popup).