Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Events DHTMLX Docs


onArrowClick fires when the user clicks on an arrow in the calendar's header
onBeforeChange fires before the user clicks on a date in the calendar
onButtonClick fires when the user clicks the Today or Clear buttons
onChange fires when the user changes a month, a year or time in the selector
onClick fires when the user clicks on a date in a calendar
onHide fires when a calendar becomes hidden (useful when attached to an input)
onMouseOut fires when the user moves the mouse cursor out of the specified date
onMouseOver fires when the user moves the mouse cursor over the specified date
onPopupHide fires when a popup becomes hidden
onPopupShow fires when a popup becomes visible
onShow fires when the calendar becomes visible (useful when attached to an input)
onTimeChange fires when the user changes time in the selector
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