Sets the style for the cell.
- $style - (array) the style to set:
- bold - (0 or 1) defines whether the bold style should be applied to the cell;
- italic - (0 or 1) defines whether the italic style should be applied to the cell;
- color - (hex value without the leading # sign) the text color;
- background - (hex value without the leading # sign) the background color;
- align - (left, right, center, justify) the alignment in the cell;
- validator - (none, email, number, positive, not_empty) defines a validator applied to the cell;
- lock - (0 or 1) specifies whether the cell is locked or unlocked.
$cell = new SpreadSheetCell($res, "1","B1", $db_prefix);
$cell->setStyle(array("bold" => 0));
See also: getStyle
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