Integration with dhtmlxDataStore

In this article we want to consider synchronizing multiple schedulers through a dhtmlXDataStore object, from which the schedulers are being populated with data (so an event changed in one scheduler will be reflected in the other one).

Note that dhtmlxDataStore is a part of the dhtmlxSuite5, and it's not included in the dhtmlxScheduler package. However, if you don't have dhtmlxSuite license, you can still use dhtmlxDataStore with dhtmlxScheduler for free. Please follow the steps below to use the component in your app.

<script src="dhtmlxscheduler.js"></script>
<script src="datastore/dhtmlxCommon/codebase/dhtmlxcommon.js"></script>
<script src="datastore/datastore.js"></script>

The common technique of synchronizing Schedulers via DataStore looks like this:

function init() {
    var data = new dhtmlXDataStore({
                if (typeof obj.start_date == "string"){
                    obj.start_date = scheduler.templates.parse_date(obj.start_date);
                    obj.end_date = scheduler.templates.parse_date(obj.end_date);
    scheduler1 = Scheduler.getSchedulerInstance();
    scheduler1.init('scheduler_here',new Date(2019,05,12),"week");
    scheduler1.sync(data, { copy:true });
    scheduler2 = Scheduler.getSchedulerInstance();
    scheduler2.init('scheduler_here_too',new Date(2019,05,12),"month");
    scheduler2.sync(data, { copy:true });

Let's discuss what we've done in the above code snippet.

  1. First of all, we initialize dhtmlXDataStore in its usual way (for details, see chapters Initialization, Data scheme of the dhtmlXDataStore documentation).
  2. Then, we add 2 schedulers. Again, we do this in the usual manner, except for the use of the sync method.

The sync method binds schedulers with DataStore and takes 2 parameters:

  • data - (mandatory) a dhtmlXDataStore instance, the scheduler will get data from.
  • {copy:true} - (mandatory) creates an individual copy of DataStore data for the scheduler.

Let's give a special attention to the 2nd parameter, as it has a special purpose, and applicable only to dhtmlxScheduler (therefore isn't described in the main dhtmlXDataStore documentation).

The parameter 'says' to DataStore to create a copy of data for the component, i.e. in the example above: DataStore, scheduler1 and scheduler2 have their own datasets. But it doesn't mean that you should provide some logic to sync these datasets - everything is made automatically, as usual. You change something in the scheduler, the change immediately goes to DataStore, which updates its dataset and passes the update to the second scheduler.

At this point, you might ask yourself: "What are these difficulties for, if we have the same behavior?".

Here is the answer: besides the main data properties, each event has bags of inner ones, that Scheduler assigns to the event while running. These assigned properties continuously change their values, depending on the selected view. You can simply face the situation, when the user changes an event, which is opened in both schedulers at the same time, but in different views. As a result, mismatch of the values of the same inner property in the different views will cause incorrect event displaying.

So, in our case we use the parameter ({copy:true}) only to ensure the correct processing. But in some situations such data duplication can really be useful. For example, you have 2 schedulers on the page. In both schedulers you use the same events BUT want to display them in different time zones (e.g. Moscow and London). Having one dataset doesn't allow you to solve this task, but having 3 datasets does!

Related sample:  Integration with dhtmlXDataStore

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