The grid allows you to sort data rows on the client side (for server-side sorting, use the dhtmlxConnector library).
There are 2 ways to invoke sorting in the table:
When you click on the header, the grid starts displaying a special control indicating which column the grid is currently sorted by and the direction of this sorting (ascending or descending). Each next click on the same header will reverse the sorting direction.
Columns can have different type of content (numbers, strings, dates) and each type of content requires its own specific way of sorting.
There are 4 predefined sorting types:
To assign the desired types to columns and enable sorting for them, call the setColSorting method for the grid.
Sorting configuration
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');
mygrid.setHeader("Name, Email, Age");
mygrid.setColSorting("int,str,na,str"); mygrid.init();
Related sample: Loading from JSON
To invoke sorting on some event or action, i.e. on the button click or page load, use the sortRows method:
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');
mygrid.setHeader("Name, Email, Age");
mygrid.sortRows(1,"str","asc"); //ascending sorting of the second column
If you need, you can specify your custom sorting type and apply it to a column. You should specify the related logic in a function and set this function for the required column in the setColSorting method:
The custom sorting function will be called for each pair of adjacent values, and it will return 1,-1 or 0:
Note, the length of the function name must be more than 5 symbols.
For example, if you want to sort some column by the number of symbols in the value, use the code as in:
Creating custom sorting type
function sort_custom(a,b,order){
var n=a.length;
var m=b.length;
return n>m?1:-1;
return n<m?1:-1;
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');
mygrid.setHeader("Name, Email, Age");
Related sample: Custom sorting routine
Also, you can call the setCustomSorting method to assign a custom sorting function to a column:
function sort_custom(a,b,order){
var n=a.length;
var m=b.length;
return n>m?1:-1;
return n<m?1:-1;
Related sample: Custom sorting routine
dhtmlxGrid sorts strings in case-sensitive order by default, i.e. takes into consideration the letters' case. To make the sorting case-insensitive use the code as in:
function str_custom(a,b,order){
return (a.toLowerCase()>b.toLowerCase()?1:-1)*(order=="asc"?1:-1);
This sorting function can be applied to data of the format 'dd/mm/yyyy':
function date_custom(a,b,order){
if (a[2]==b[2]){
if (a[1]==b[1])
return (a[0]>b[0]?1:-1)*(order=="asc"?1:-1);
return (a[1]>b[1]?1:-1)*(order=="asc"?1:-1);
} else
return (a[2]>b[2]?1:-1)*(order=="asc"?1:-1);
This sorting function can be applied to data of the format '14:56':
function time_custom(a,b,order){
if (a[0]==b[0])
return (a[1]>b[1]?1:-1)*(order=="asc"?1:-1);
return (a[0]>b[0]?1:-1)*(order=="asc"?1:-1);
The default sorting routine used by Grid is a quick sorting algorithm which is unstable (it means that rows with the same value may change their position after sorting). To enable the stable sorting algorithm in the grid use the enableStableSorting method:
Basically, the stable sorting is a bit slower than the default one, so enable this mode only if it's really necessary.
The sorting routine is designed to sort the grid by values of a single column by default.
But there are situations when you may need to sort the grid by multiple columns, for example, to sort books by the author at first, and then by the book's rating.
To sort the grid by multiple columns use one of the following techniques:
grid.sortRows(1,"str","asc"); // sort by the sibling column
grid.sortRows(0,"str","des"); // sort by the main column
As a result, the grid will be sorted by a column of less importance and after that - by a column of higher importance.
In combination with stable sorting it will give the same result as sorting by two columns.
function sort_by_two(a,b,order,aid,bid){
if (a==b){
var a2=grid.cells(aid,1).getValue();
var b2=grid.cells(bid,1).getValue();
if(order=="asc") { return a2>b2?1:-1; }
else { return a2<b2?1:-1; }
if(order=="asc") { return a>b?1:-1; }
else { return a<b?1:-1; }
dhtmlxGrid provides the onBeforeSorting event to add custom behaviour to default sorting.
For example, to implement server-side sorting without dhtmlxConnector or some other means you can use the onBeforeSorting event as in:
this.clearAll(); //clears grid
this.load("some.url?dir="+dir+"&ind="+ind);//loads new data from the server
//in the required order
this.setSortImgState(true,ind,direction); //sets a correct sorting image
return false;
dhtmlxGrid uses cells' values for sorting by default. To sort combo items by labels (which may differ from cell values), use a custom sorting function:
function custom_1(a,b,ord,a_id,b_id){
return ord=="asc"?(a>b?1:-1):(a>b?-1:1);
//5 - the index of the column that will be sorted
To sort just a part of grid's rows and leave the remaming part fixed, use the following technique:
function custom_sort(a,b,ord,aid,bid) {
var aid=aid.split("_");
var bid=bid.split("_");
if (aid[0]=="top") return 1;
if (bid[0]=="top") return -1;
return ((a>b)?1:-1)*(ord=="asc"?1:-1);
The above code moves rows with ID=“top_*” to the top of the grid and sorts other rows in the required order.
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