addRow | adds a row to the grid |
addRowAfter | adds a new row to treeGrid, after some other row |
addRowBefore | adds new row to treeGrid, before some other row |
addRowFromClipboard | allows the user to add a new row from clipboard |
adjustColumnSize | adjusts a column's size to make all content visible |
attachEvent | adds any user-defined handler to available events |
attachFooter | attaches an additional line to the footer |
attachHeader | attaches an additional line to the header |
attachToObject | attaches Grid to some object in DOM |
cellById | gets dhtmlXGridCellObject object |
cellByIndex | gets dhtmlXGridCellObject object |
cellToClipboard | copies the value of a cell to the clipboard |
cells | gets dhtmlXGridCellObject object |
cells2 | gets dhtmlXGridCellObject object |
changePage | changes the current page in grid |
changePageRelative | changes the current page in grid |
changeRowId | changes id of the row to the new one |
checkAll | checks all checkboxes in the grid |
clearAll | deletes all rows in the grid |
clearAndLoad | clears the existing grid state and loads data from an external file ( xml, json, jsarray, csv ) |
clearChangedState | clears wasChanged state for all cells in grid (and wasAdded state as well, if called with a parameter) |
clearConfigCookie | clears cookie with grid config details |
clearSelection | removes selection from the grid |
closeItem | collapses row |
collapseAll | collapses all tree structure |
collapseAllGroups | collapses all groups |
collapseColumns | collapses a group of columns |
collapseGroup | collapses a group of rows |
collectTreeValues | gets all possible values in a column |
collectValues | gets all possible values of a column |
copyBlockToClipboard | copies the content of a block selection into clipboard in CSV format (delimiter as set for CSV serialization) |
copyRowContent | copies a row's content to another existing row |
deleteChildItems | deletes all childs of the row in question |
deleteColumn | deletes a column |
deleteRow | deletes a row from the grid |
deleteSelectedRows | deletes selected row(s) |
destructor | destructor, removes the grid and cleans used memory |
detachEvent | removes an event handler |
detachFooter | removes a footer line from the grid (opposite to attachFooter) |
detachHeader | removes a header line from the grid (opposite to attachHeader) |
disableCell | disables the specified cell |
disableUndoRedo | disables the Undo/Redo functionality in the grid |
doRedo | executes the redo operation |
doUndo | executes the undo operation |
doesRowExist | determines if a row with the specified id exists |
editCell | creates an Editor object and switches the selected cell to the edit mode, if allowed |
editStop | returns the value from the editor(if presents) to the cell and closes the editor |
enableAccessKeyMap | enables Access keyboard navigation |
enableAlterCss | sets css styles for even/odd rows |
enableAutoHeight | enables autoheight of the grid |
enableAutoHiddenColumnsSaving | enables automatic saving of a column's state ( hidden/shown ) |
enableAutoSaving | enables automatic saving of size, sorting order and columns order |
enableAutoSizeSaving | enables automatic size saving to cookie |
enableAutoWidth | changes the size of grid's container on the fly to fit total width of grid's columns |
enableBlockSelection | enables block selection mode in grid |
enableCSVAutoID | enables the mode in which IDs for the rows loaded from CSV are autogenerated |
enableCSVHeader | enables recognizing the first row in CSV as the header |
enableCellIds | enables/disables unique ids for cells (id will be automatically created by the template: 'c_[RowId]_[colIndex]') |
enableColSpan | enables/disables colspan support |
enableColumnAutoSize | adjusts column size to make all content visible on the header doublclick |
enableColumnMove | enables the move column functionality |
enableContextMenu | enables/disables context menu |
enableDistributedParsing | enables/disables distributed parsing (rows are parsed portion by portion with some timeout) |
enableDragAndDrop | enables/disables drag-and-drop |
enableDragOrder | switches to the mode in which dragged items drop in the target location in the same order as they were in the source grid |
enableEditEvents | enables/disables events which invoke excell editing |
enableEditTabOnly | enables/disables the mode when readonly cell is not available with tab |
enableExcelKeyMap | enables Excel keyboard navigation |
enableHeaderImages | specifies if the values passed to Header are images' file names |
enableHeaderMenu | enables a popup menu which allows hidding/showing columns |
enableKeyboardSupport | enables/disables hot keys in grid |
enableLightMouseNavigation | enables/disables light mouse navigation mode (row selection with mouse over, editing with single click) |
enableMarkedCells | sets the marked cells support to enabled/disabled state |
enableMathEditing | enables/disables editing of math cells |
enableMathSerialization | enables/disables serialization of math formulas |
enableMercyDrag | enables drag without removing (copy instead of move) |
enableMultiline | sets the multiline rows support to enabled/disabled state |
enableMultiselect | sets multiselect mode to enabled or disabled state |
enableOrderSaving | enables automatic column order saving to cookie |
enablePaging | enables smart paging mode |
enablePreRendering | enables pre-rendering rows during scrolling. |
enableResizing | enables/disables resizing for specified colums |
enableRowsHover | enables/disables hovering on a row on mouse over |
enableRowspan | enables rowspan in treegrid |
enableSmartRendering | enables smart rendering mode |
enableSmartXMLParsing | enables smart xml parsing mode |
enableSortingSaving | enables automatic saving of the sorting state to cookie |
enableStableSorting | enables stable sorting algorithm |
enableTooltips | enables/disables tooltips for specified colums |
enableTreeCellEdit | enables/disables editor of tree cell; enabled by default |
enableTreeGridLines | enables lines in TreeGrid |
enableUndoRedo | enables the Undo/Redo functionality in grid |
enableValidation | enable validation in the grid |
expandAll | expands all tree structure |
expandAllGroups | expands all groups |
expandColumns | expands a group of columns |
expandGroup | expands a group of rows |
filterBy | filters Grid by mask |
filterByAll | forces Grid filtering by registered inputs (created by # starting shortcuts, or by the makeFilter function) |
filterTreeBy | filters treegrid by mask |
findCell | finds cell in the grid by its value |
forEachCell | executes the code for each cell in a row |
forEachRow | executes code for each row in the grid |
forEachRowInGroup | iterates through all rows in some group |
forceFullLoading | loads all data in the grid, which is in dyn. srnd or dyn. paging mode |
forceLabelSelection | affects block selection, so it will copy/paste only the visible text, not the values behind |
getAllRowIds | gets the list of all row ids in the grid |
getAllSubItems | gets the list of ids of all nested rows |
getCellExcellType | returns the excell type of the cell in question |
getChangedRows | gets the list of IDs of the changed rows |
getCheckedRows | gets the list of ids of all the rows with checked exCell in the specified column |
getChildItemIdByIndex | gets the id of a child item in the specified position |
getColIndexById | gets column index by column id |
getColLabel | gets the label of the column specified by index |
getColType | gets column type by column index |
getColTypeById | gets the column type by its ID |
getColWidth | gets the width of the specified column in pixels |
getColumnCombo | returns dhtmlXCombo column object |
getColumnId | gets the id of the column specified by index |
getColumnLabel | gets the label of the column specified by index |
getColumnsNum | returns the number of columns in the grid (including [hidden columns](setColumnHidden)) |
getCombo | gets Combo object of the specified column |
getCustomCombo | gets the combobox specific for the cell in question |
getFilterElement | returns the input object of the filter linked to the column in question by index |
getFilterElementById | returns the input object of the filter linked to the column in question by id |
getFooterLabel | gets the label of the footer specified by index |
getHeaderMenu | returns dhtmlXMenu object of the grid header menu |
getItemIcon | returns the font awesome icon of an item |
getItemImage | gets the image of the tree col |
getItemText | gets real caption of tree col |
getLevel | returns the level of a TreeGrid row |
getMarked | returns an array of marked cells (pairs of row id and column index) |
getOpenState | returns open/close state of the row |
getParentId | returns id of the parent row |
getRedo | gets length of available ReDo operations |
getRowAttribute | returns the row attribute's value which was set in the XML tag |
getRowData | returns the row data |
getRowId | gets the row id by the row index |
getRowIndex | gets the row index by the row id (grid only) |
getRowsNum | returns the number of rows in the grid (in case of dynamic mode it will return an expected number of rows) |
getSelectedBlock | returns the attributes of the current block selection |
getSelectedCellIndex | returns the index of the selected cell or -1, if there is no selected cell |
getSelectedRowId | returns the id of the selected row (a list of ids with default delimiter) or null, if there are no selected rows |
getSortingState | gets the sorting state of the grid |
getStateOfView | returns details about current grid state |
getSubItems | returns a list of child rows ids, separated by comma |
getUndo | gets length of available UnDo operations |
getUserData | gets user data |
gridFromClipboard | initializes grid from CSV stored in the clipboard |
gridToClipboard | copies grid in CSV to the clipboard |
gridToGrid | redefine this method in your code to specify how grid row values should be used in another grid |
gridToTreeElement | redefine this method in your code to define how grid row values should be used in tree |
groupBy | groups grid content by values of the specified column |
groupStat | returns the result of aggregation for a column |
hasChildren | returns the number of the row's children |
init | initializes grid |
insertColumn | adds a new column to the grid |
isColumnHidden | gets the shown/hidden status of the column |
load | loads data from an external file ( xml, json, jsarray, csv ) |
loadHiddenColumnsFromCookie | loads the sorting order from cookie |
loadOpenStates | loads open state of TreeGrid into cookie |
loadOrderFromCookie | loads sorting order from cookie |
loadSizeFromCookie | loads grid layout from cookie |
loadSortingFromCookie | loads sorting order from cookie |
lockRow | locks/unlocks a row for editing |
makeFilter | makes a filter from any input element (text filter), select (dropdown) or DIV (combobox based on dhtmlxCombo) |
makeSearch | makes a search box (sets selection on the row with the found value) from any input |
mark | marks/unmarks the specified cell |
moveColumn | moves the column of the specified index to a new position |
moveRow | moves a row |
moveRowDown | moves a row one position down, if possible |
moveRowTo | moves a row |
moveRowUp | moves a row one position up, if possible |
openItem | expands the specified row |
parse | loads data from a local data source (XML string, CSV string, XML island, XML object, JSON object, javascript array) |
pasteBlockFromClipboard | pastes the content of the clipboard into a block selection of the grid |
post | allows sending POST requests by loading data from external file ( xml, json, jsarray, csv ) |
preventIECaching | prevents caching in IE by adding random values to URL string |
printView | generates the print friendly view |
refreshComboColumn | updates the cells of the combo column |
refreshFilters | refreshes the lists of values in all the filters created by shortcuts or by makeFilter calls |
refreshMath | restores math after column moving |
registerCList | registers an array of options for a multiselect column ("clist") of the grid |
resetColumnsOrder | resets the default order of grid columns after swapping |
rowToClipboard | copies the value of a row to the clipboard |
rowToDragElement | redefine this method in your code to specify how grid row values should be displayed during the dragging |
saveHiddenColumnsToCookie | saves hidden columns to cookie |
saveOpenStates | stores open state of TreeGrid in cookie |
saveOrderToCookie | saves the columns' order to cookie |
saveSizeToCookie | saves grid layout to cookie |
saveSortingToCookie | saves the sorting order to cookie |
selectAll | selects all rows in the grid, doesn't trigger any events |
selectBlock | selects a block in the Grid, according to the specified rows' ids and columns' indexes |
selectCell | sets selection to the specified row-cell |
selectRow | selects a row (and its first cell) |
selectRowById | selects row by ID |
serialize | gets actual xml of the grid |
serializeToCSV | serializes to CSV string |
setActive | sets the grid active to make key navigation possible |
setAwaitedRowHeight | applies a custom height of a row which will be used in the smart rendering mode for row calculation |
setCSVDelimiter | changes csv delimiter |
setCellExcellType | sets an excell type for the cell in question |
setCellTextStyle | sets a style for a cell |
setCheckedRows | sets a value for all checkboxes in the specified column |
setColAlign | aligns values in columns |
setColLabel | sets a new label for the column header |
setColSorting | sets the types of column sort |
setColTypes | sets column types |
setColVAlign | sets vertical align for columns |
setColValidators | assigns validators to the related column |
setColWidth | sets the width for the specified column in pixels (doesn't work with the percentage based grid) |
setColspan | dynamically sets colspan in a row starting from the specified column index |
setColumnColor | colors the background of columns |
setColumnExcellType | sets an excell type for all the cells in the specified column |
setColumnHidden | hides/shows a column |
setColumnId | sets id for the specified column |
setColumnIds | sets id for every column |
setColumnLabel | sets a new column header label |
setColumnMinWidth | sets the minimum column width (works only for manual resizing) |
setColumnsVisibility | sets the list of visible/hidden columns |
setCustomSorting | sets a custom sorting |
setDateFormat | sets a mask for date formatting in the grid (works for "dhxCalendar" and "dhxCalendarA" types only) |
setDelimiter | sets a delimiter character used in list values (default is ",") |
setDragBehavior | sets Drag-And-Drop behavior |
setEditable | manages the editability of the grid |
setExternalTabOrder | sets elements which get focus when the Tab button is pressed in the last or in the first (Tab+Shift) cell |
setFieldName | allows defining an input's name which will be used for data sending, |
setFiltrationLevel | allows to define which level of tree must be used for filtering |
setFooterLabel | sets a new label for a cell in the footer |
setHeader | sets the header label and default params for new headers |
setIconsPath | sets the path to external images used in the grid (tree and img column type) |
setIconset | sets the font awesome iconset |
setImageSize | sets size of treegrid images |
setImagesPath | defines the path to the imgs folder |
setInitWidths | sets the width of columns in pixels |
setInitWidthsP | sets the width of columns in percents |
setItemCloseable | enables/disables closing of row |
setItemIcon | sets a Font Awesome icon for an item |
setItemImage | sets image of tree col |
setItemText | sets real caption of tree col |
setMathRound | enables/disables rounding during the math calculations |
setNoHeader | creates a grid without header |
setNumberFormat | sets a mask for formatting numeric data (works for **"edn"**, **"ron"** excell only) |
setOnOpenEndHandler | sets function called after tree node opened/closed |
setOnOpenStartHandler | sets function called before tree node opened/closed |
setPagingSkin | allows setting a custom paging skin |
setPagingTemplates | allows setting paging templates for the default skin |
setPagingWTMode | configures the paging with toolbar mode |
setRowAttribute | sets a row attribute |
setRowColor | sets the background color of a row (via the bgcolor attribute) |
setRowData | sets new data for row's columns |
setRowExcellType | sets an excell type for all cells in the specified row |
setRowHidden | hides/shows a row |
setRowId | sets a new id for a row by its index |
setRowTextBold | sets the text of a row BOLD |
setRowTextNormal | sets the text weight of a row to normal |
setRowTextStyle | sets the style of a row |
setRowspan | sets rowspan of the specified length starting from the specified cell |
setSerializableColumns | specifies which column must be serialized (if you don't use this method, all columns will be serialized) |
setSerializationLevel | configures XML serialization |
setSizes | resets sizes of the grid's elements |
setSkin | sets one of the predefined skins ("material" (default),"skyblue","web","terrace") |
setSortImgState | sets the position and visibility of a sort arrow |
setStyle | modifies the default style of the grid and its elements |
setSubGrid | attaches a grid-like editor to a grid's column |
setSubTree | attaches a tree-like editor to a grid's column |
setTabOrder | sets the tab order of columns |
setUserData | sets user data for a row |
showRow | scrolls a grid to make the specified row visible |
sortRows | sorts the Grid by the specified column |
sortTreeRows | sorts TreeGrid by the specified column |
splitAt | splits the grid |
startFastOperations | starts the fast operation mode |
stopFastOperations | turns off the fast operation mode, needs to be executed to normalize the view |
submitAddedRows | includes additional data with the info about which rows were added and which ones deleted, enabled by default |
submitColumns | sets the list of columns the data of which will be updated |
submitOnlyChanged | includes only the changed rows into the form submit |
submitOnlyRowID | includes only rows' IDS into the form submit |
submitOnlySelected | includes only the selected rows into the form submit |
submitSerialization | includes a serialized grid as a part of the form submit |
toExcel | exports data from dhtmxlGrid to an Excel document |
toPDF | exports data from dhtmxlGrid to a PDF document |
treeToGridElement | redefine this method in your code to specify how tree node values should be used in the grid |
uid | returns the unique ID |
unGroup | ungroups the grid to return it into the plain view |
uncheckAll | unchecks all checkboxes of the grid |
unmarkAll | removes selection from all the marked cells |
unselectRowById | unselects row by ID |
updateCellFromClipboard | sets the value of a cell from the clipboard |
updateFromXML | refreshes grid from XML (doesn't work for buffering, tree grid or rows in smart rendering mode) |
updateGroups | forces grid grouping by registered parameters |
updateRowFromClipboard | sets the value of a row from the clipboard |
validateCell | forces validation of a specific cell |
onAfterCMove | fires after the column has been moved to a new position |
onAfterRowDeleted | fires after a row has been deleted from the grid |
onAfterSorting | fires exactly after sorting has occured in the grid |
onBeforeBlockSelected | fires when the user starts selecting a block |
onBeforeCMove | fires when a column moving operation starts |
onBeforeContextMenu | fires immediately before showing a context menu |
onBeforeDrag | fires when the drag operation starts |
onBeforeFormSubmit | fires before submitting data to the form |
onBeforePageChanged | fires before the active page in the grid is changed (paging extension) |
onBeforeRowDeleted | fires right before a row is deleted |
onBeforeSelect | fires a moment before a row in the grid is selected |
onBeforeSorting | fires before data sorting is started |
onBlockRightClick | fires after clicking by the right mouse button on the selection block |
onBlockSelected | fires when some area is selected in the grid (block selection extension) |
onCalendarShow | fires when a calendar pops up in the grid |
onCellChanged | fires when a cell value has been changed by user actions or by API calls ( ) |
onCellMarked | fires immediately after a cell has been selected |
onCellUnMarked | fires immediately after a cell is unselected |
onCheck | fires after the state of a checkbox has been changed |
onCheckbox | the event is deprecated, use the onCheck event instead; fires after the state was changed |
onClearAll | fires when the grid is cleared (reloaded) |
onCollectValues | fires after the values have been collected to fill the select filter |
onColumnCollapse | the event occurs after a group of columns has been collapsed |
onColumnHidden | fires after a column has been hidden (the setColumnHidden method has been called) |
onDataReady | fires when the data is loaded to the grid but hasn't been rendered yet |
onDhxCalendarCreated | fires on calendar's initialization on the page |
onDistributedEnd | fires on the end of distributed parsing |
onDrag | fires when an item is dragged to another target and the mouse is released, the event can be blocked |
onDragIn | fires when an item is dragged to a potential target (the event can be blocked) |
onDragOut | fires when an item is dragged out of the potential target (the event can be blocked) |
onDrop | fires when an item is already placed in its final position |
onDynXLS | fires before requesting additional data from the server in case of dynamic Smart Rendering or dynamic Paging |
onEditCancel | fires when the edit operation was canceled |
onEditCell | fires 1-3 times depending on cell's editability (see the stage parameter) |
onEmptyClick | fires on clicking the dhtmlxgrid area which is not filled with data |
onEnter | fires immediately after the Enter key was pressed |
onFilterEnd | fires when filtering is completed (filtering extension) |
onFilterStart | fires when filtering has been activated but before the real filtering started |
onGridReconstructed | fires immediately after a row has been added/deleted or the grid has been reordered |
onGroup | fires when a grid was grouped by some column |
onGroupClick | fires on clicking a group row (can be blocked) |
onGroupStateChanged | fires when a group was opened/closed |
onHeaderClick | fires right after the header has been clicked, before sorting or any other actions |
onKeyPress | fires after a key has been pressed but before the default key processing starts |
onLastRow | fires on pressing the Down-Arrow button while the last row of the page is selected |
onLiveValidationCorrect | fires when validation runs successfully |
onLiveValidationError | fires when validation runs and rules execution are failed |
onMouseOver | fires when the mouse pointer is moved over a cell |
onOpenEnd | fires after opening or closing a branch in treegrid |
onOpenStart | fires at the moment when the "plus" icon is clicked in treegrid |
onPageChanged | fires after the active page of the grid has been changed (paging extension) |
onPaging | fires each time when paging settings are changed (paging extension) |
onResize | fires on each resize iteration |
onResizeEnd | fires when resizing of a column is finished |
onRightClick | fires immediately after the right mouse button has been clicked on a grid's row |
onRowAdded | fires right after a row has been added to the grid |
onRowCreated | fires after a row has been created in the grid and filled with data |
onRowDblClicked | fires right after a row has been double clicked, before a cell editor is opened by a dbl click |
onRowHide | fires when the row is hiding |
onRowIdChange | fires after the ID of a row has been changed (changeRowId, setRowId, dataprocessor) |
onRowInserted | fires when the row is added to the grid and filled with data |
onRowPaste | fires for each row pasted from the clipboard (block selection extension) |
onRowSelect | fires immediately after a row in the grid has been clicked |
onScroll | fires immediately after scrolling has occured |
onSelectStateChanged | fires immediately when the selection state has been changed |
onStatReady | fires after the stat values have been calculated |
onSubAjaxLoad | fires when sub-row-ajax cell loads its data |
onSubGridCreated | fires when the creation of a sub-grid was initialized (can be blocked) |
onSubRowOpen | fires when a sub-row(sub-grid) was opened/closed |
onSyncApply | fires when data synchronization is finished |
onTab | fires during the tabulation in the grid, blockable |
onUndo | fires after the undo operation is implemented |
onUnGroup | fires when the grid was ungrouped |
onValidationCorrect | fires when validation runs successfully |
onValidationError | fires when validation runs and rules execution are failed |
onXLE | fires simultaneously with ending XML parsing, new items are already available in the grid |
onXLS | fires before sending the request for a new XML to the server |