Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite loadStruct DHTMLX Docs


loads data to the component via XML or JSON, usually component config

promise loadStruct(string|object data, [function doOnLoad] );
datastring|objectXML|JSON URL|string|object
doOnLoadfunction(optional) calls user-defined handler after data is loaded and rendered
promisea "promise" object


var myComponent = new dhtmlXComponent();
// local json/xml object
// local json/xml string
myComponent.loadStruct('<data><node id="a1".../></data>');
// json/xml from server
// local json/xml with callback
myComponent.loadStruct({data:[{id:"a1",..},{id:"a2",..}]}, function(){
    // data loaded and rendered
    // your code here
// local json/xml string with callback
myComponent.loadStruct('<data><node id="a1".../></data>', function(){
    // data loaded and rendered
    // your code here
// json/xml from server with callback
myComponent.loadStruct("server/data.xml", function(){
    // data loaded and rendered
    // your code here
// returns a "promise" object, see details
    // text - a server side response


The type of incoming data will be detected automatically, so you can use this method for loading both XML and JSON in different formats:string, URL from server, object itself.

In the case of loading config from server:

  • async POST request will be performed (that's why you need callback)
    (to use GET instead of POST set dhx.ajax.method = "get", please check details here)
  • to prevent caching in some browsers an extra param like "dhxr0123456789" will be added
    (to disable the extra param set dhx.ajax.cache = true, please check details here)
  • callback order: onXLS event => [request] => onXLE event => doOnLoad()
  • make sure response has the header "Content-Type: text/xml" for XML mode

DHTMLX is integrated with Promiz.js library to treat the result of asynchronous operations (like data loading) without callbacks. Read more about integration of DHTMLX with Promiz.js.

JSON Format

// summary
    {id: "item_a", type: "button", ...},
    {id: "item_b", type: "buttonSelect", ...},
    {id: "item_c", type: "buttonInput", ...}
// button
    id:      "open"             // required, will be generated automatically if empty
    type:    "button"           // required, item type
    img:     "open.gif"         // optional, icon for the enabled item
    imgdis:  "open_dis.gif"     // optional, icon for the disabled image
    text:    "Open"             // optional, item text
    title:   "Tooltip here"     // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled: false              // optional, disable an item
    hidden:  true               // optional, hide an item
    action:  "function_name"    // optional, function name to exec on click
    userdata: {                 // optional, userdata
        p1: "value1"            // userdata, name:value pairs
        p2: "value2"
    // deprecated from 4.0:
    img_disabled: "open_dis.gif"    // => imgdis:  "open_dis.gif"
    disabled:     true              // => enabled: false
// buttonSelect
    id:           "new"             // required, generated automatically if empty
    type:         "buttonSelect"    // required, item type
    img:          "new.gif"         // optional, icon for the enabled item
    imgdis:       "new_dis.gif"     // optional, icon for the disabled image
    text:         "New"             // optional, item text
    title:        "Tooltip here"    // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled:      false             // optional, disable an item
    hidden:       true              // optional, hide an item
    action:       "function_name"   // optional, function name to exec on click
    openAll:      true              // optional, open sublevels by clicking an icon 
    renderSelect: false             // optional, do not show selection in sublevels
    mode:         "select"          // optional, working in the "select" mode
    width:        70                // optional, static button width, 
                                    // useful in "select" mode
    maxOpen:      5                 // optional, count of visible sublevel items
    selected:     "subitem_id"      // optional, preselect item for the "select" mode
    userdata: {                     // optional, userdata
        p1: "value1"                // userdata, name:value pairs
        p2: "value2"
    options: [{                     // list of subitems
        id:      "new_text"         // required, generated automatically if empty
        type:    "button"           // required, item type for a button
        img:     "text_doc.gif"     // optional, icon for both enabled/disabled item
        text:    "Text Document"    // optional, item text
        enabled: false              // optional, disable an item
        action:  "function_name"    // optional, function name to exec on click
        userdata: {                 // optional, userdata
            p1: "value1"            // userdata, name:value pairs
            p2: "value2"
        id:      "sep_id"           // required, generated automatically if empty
        type:    "separator"        // required, item type for a separator
    // deprecated from 4.0:
    img_disabled: "open_dis.gif"    // => imgdis:  "open_dis.gif"
    disabled:     true              // => enabled: false
    options: [{
        type: "obj"                 // => type: "button"
        type: "sep"                 // => type: "separator"
// buttonTwoState
    id:       "open"            // required, will be generated automatically if empty
    type:     "buttonTwoState"  // required, item type
    img:      "open.gif"        // optional, icon for the enabled item
    imgdis:   "open_dis.gif"    // optional, icon for the disabled image
    text:     "Open"            // optional, item text
    title:    "Tooltip here"    // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled:  false             // optional, disable an item
    hidden:   true              // optional, hide an item
    action:   "function_name"   // optional, function name to exec on click
    selected: true              // optional, pressed on init
    userdata: {                 // optional, userdata
        p1: "value1"            // userdata, name:value pairs
        p2: "value2"
    // deprecated from 4.0:
    img_disabled: "open_dis.gif"    // => imgdis:   "open_dis.gif"
    disabled:     true              // => enabled:  false
    pressed:      true              // => selected: true
// buttonInput
    id:      "filter"               // required, generated automatically if empty
    type:    "buttonInput"          // required, item type
    value:   "Text inside input"    // optional, text inside of an input
    title:   "Tooltip here"         // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled: false                  // optional, disable an item
    hidden:  true                   // optional, hide an item
    width:   120                    // optional, input width
    userdata: {                     // optional, userdata
        p1: "value1"                // userdata, name:value pairs
        p2: "value2"
    // deprecated from 4.0:
    disabled: true                  // => enabled: false
    text:     "Text inside input"   // => value: "Text inside input"
// slider
    id:       "net_limit"   // required, will be generated automatically if empty
    type:     "slider"      // required, item type
    length:   70            // optional, slider line length
    valueMin: 10            // required, min value
    valueMax: 100           // required, max value
    valueNow: 70            // optional, initial value
    textMin:  "10 MBit"     // optional, text label for min value (left side)
    textMax:  "100 MBit"    // optional, text label for max value (right side)
    toolTip:  "%v MBit"     // optional, tooltip while dragging 
                            // (actual value will replace "%v")
    enabled:  false         // optional, disable an item
    hidden:   true          // optional, hide an item
    userdata: {             // optional, userdata
        p1: "value1"        // userdata, name:value pairs
        p2: "value2"
    // deprecated from 4.0:
    disabled:     true          // => enabled:  false
    value_min:    10            // => valueMin: 10
    value_max:    100           // => valueMax: 100
    value_now:    70            // => valueNow: 70
    text_min:     "10 MBit"     // => textMin:  "10 MBit"
    text_max:     "100 MBit"    // => textMax:  "100 MBit"
    tip_template: "%v MBit"     // => toolTip:  "%v MBit"
// text
    id:     "info"                  // required, generated automatically if empty
    type:   "text"                  // required, item type
    text:   "dhtmlxToolbar Demo"    // required, item text,
                                    // use span style='color:red;' to modify 
    title:  "Tooltip here"          // optional, tooltip for an item
    hidden: true                    // optional, hide an item
    userdata: {                     // optional, userdata
        p1: "value1"                // userdata, name:value pairs
        p2: "value2"
// separator
    id:     "sep_id"        // required, will be generated automatically if empty
    type:   "separator"     // required, item type

XML Format

// summary
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <item id="item_a" type="button" ... />
    <item id="item_b" type="buttonSelect" ... />
    <item id="item_c" type="buttonInput" ... />
// button
    id      = "open"            // required, generated automatically if empty
    type    = "button"          // required, item type
    img     = "open.gif"        // optional, icon for the enabled item
    imgdis  = "open_dis.gif"    // optional, icon for the disabled image
    text    = "Open"            // optional, item text
    title   = "Tooltip here"    // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled = "false"           // optional, disable an item
    hidden  = "true"            // optional, hide an item
    action  = "function_name"   // optional, function name to exec on click
    // optional, userdata
    <userdata name="p1">value1</userdata>
    <userdata name="p2">value2</userdata>
// buttonSelect
    id           = "new"            // required, generated automatically if empty
    type         = "buttonSelect"   // required, item type
    img          = "new.gif"        // optional, icon for the enabled item
    imgdis       = "new_dis.gif"    // optional, icon for the disabled image
    text         = "New"            // optional, item text
    title        = "Tooltip here"   // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled      = "false"          // optional, disable an item
    hidden       = "true"           // optional, hide an item
    action       = "function_name"  // optional, function name to exec on click
    openAll      = "true"           // optional, open sublevels by clicking the icon 
    renderSelect = "false"          // optional, do not show selection in the sublevel
    mode         = "select"         // optional, working in the "select" mode
    width        = "70"             // optional, static button width, 
                                    // useful in "select" mode
    maxOpen      = "5"              // optional, count of visible sublevel items
    selected     = "subitem_id"     // optional, preselect item for the "select" mode
    // optional, userdata
    <userdata name="p1">value1</userdata>
    <userdata name="p2">value2</userdata>
    // list of subitems
        id       = "new_text"       // required, generated automatically if empty
        type     = "button"         // required, item type for a button
        img      = "text_doc.gif"   // optional, icon for both enabled/disabled item
        text     = "Text Document"  // optional, item text
        enabled  = "false"          // optional, disable an item
        action   = "function_name"  // optional, function name to exec on click
            Text Document           // optional, alternate the text of an item
        id       = "new_text"       // required, generated automatically if empty
        type     = "separator"      // required, item type for a separator
// buttonTwoState
    id       = "open"           // required, will be generated automatically if empty
    type     = "buttonTwoState" // required, item type
    img      = "open.gif"       // optional, icon for the enabled item
    imgdis   = "open_dis.gif"   // optional, icon for the disabled image
    text     = "Open"           // optional, item text
    title    = "Tooltip here"   // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled  = "false"          // optional, disable an item
    hidden   = "true"           // optional, hide an item
    action   = "function_name"  // optional, function name to exec on click
    selected = "true"           // optional, pressed on init
    // optional, userdata
    <userdata name="p1">value1</userdata>
    <userdata name="p2">value2</userdata>
// buttonInput
    id      = "filter"              // required, generated automatically if empty
    type    = "buttonInput"         // required, item type
    value   = "Text inside input"   // optional, text inside of an input
    title   = "Tooltip here"        // optional, tooltip for an item
    enabled = "false"               // optional, disable an item
    hidden  = "true"                // optional, hide an item
    width   = "120"                 // optional, input width
    // optional, userdata
    <userdata name="p1">value1</userdata>
    <userdata name="p2">value2</userdata>
// slider
    id       = "net_limit"  // required, will be generated automatically if empty
    type     = "slider"     // required, item type
    length   = "70"         // optional, slider line length
    valueMin = "10"         // required, min value
    valueMax = "100"        // required, max value
    valueNow = "70"         // optional, initial value
    textMin  = "10 MBit"    // optional, text label for min value (left side)
    textMax  = "100 MBit"   // optional, text label for max value (right side)
    toolTip  = "%v MBit"    // optional, tooltip while dragging 
                            // (actual value will replace %v)
    enabled  = "false"      // optional, disable an item
    hidden   = "true"       // optional, hide an item
    // optional, userdata
    <userdata name="p1">value1</userdata>
    <userdata name="p2">value2</userdata>
// text
    id     = "info"                 // required, generated automatically if empty
    type   = "text"                 // required, item type
    text   = "dhtmlxToolbar Demo"   // required, item text,
                                    // use span style='color:red;' to modify
    title  = "Tooltip here"         // optional, tooltip for an item
    hidden = "true"                 // optional, hide an item
    // optional, userdata
    <userdata name="p1">value1</userdata>
    <userdata name="p2">value2</userdata>
// separator
    id     = "sep_id"       // required, will be generated automatically if empty
    type   = "separator"    // required, item type

Change log
  • added in 4.0
  • integration with Promiz.js is added in version 5.1
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