Migration to Newer Versions

4.1 -> 5.0

Changed properties

The progressBar property is deprecated. The configuration of the progress bar is specified in the templates object. See the example:

const vault = new dhx.Vault("vault_container", {
    uploader: {
        target: "https://docs.dhtmlx.com/vault/backend/upload"
    templates: {             progressBar: {              template: function(percent, extra) {                   return getBasis(extra.current) + "/" + getBasis(extra.total);               }           }      }  });

2.5 -> 3.0

The API of version 2.5 is still available, but it is incompatible with the API of version 3.0.

Changed API

Changed events

Removed API

vault.addDraggableNode vault.readableSize vault.setSLURL
vault.disable vault.removeDraggableNode vault.setSWFURL
vault.enable vault.setAutoRemove vault.setSizes
vault.getData vault.setDownloadURL vault.setSkin
vault.getFileExtension vault.setFilesLimit vault.setWidth
vault.getMaxFileSize vault.setHeight vault.unload
vault.getSLVersion vault.setMaxFileSize
vault.getStatus vault.setProgressMode

Removed events

  • vault.attachEvent("onBeforeClear",function(){})
  • vault.attachEvent("onClear",function(){})
  • vault.attachEvent("onDrop",function(){})
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