addItem | adds an item to the form |
adjustParentSize | adjusts the parent's size to the form content |
attachEvent | adds any user-defined handler to available events |
checkItem | checks a checkbox or a radio button |
clear | clears the list of files |
clearBackup | deletes the specified backup |
clearNote | removes the note block from an input or a radio button |
clearValidation | removes all validation rules from an input |
detachEvent | detaches a handler from an event |
disableItem | disables an item |
enableItem | enables an item |
enableLiveValidation | sets the mode when validation is invoked just after an input goes out of focus |
forEachItem | iterator, calls a user-defined handler for each item |
getCalendar | returns dhtmlxCalendar instance |
getCheckedValue | returns the value of the checked radio button |
getColorPicker | returns dhtmlxColorPicker instance |
getColumnNode | returns the DOM node of the specified column |
getCombo | returns dhtmlxCombo instance |
getContainer | returns the HTMLElement object of the container control |
getEditor | returns dhtmlxEditor instance |
getFirstActive | returns the first element of the form |
getForm | returns dhtmlxForm instance |
getFormData | returns a hash of data values |
getInput | returns item object (input, textarea, password, calendar, colorpicker, hidden only) |
getItemLabel | returns the label of an item |
getItemText | returns the text of an item |
getItemType | returns the type of an item |
getItemValue | returns the value of an item |
getItemWidth | returns the width of an item set either by init or by the [setItemWidth()](setItemWidth) method |
getItemsList | returns an array with the names of the form's items |
getOptions | returns the options of an item (select, multiselect only) |
getSelect | returns an item's object (select, multiselect only) |
getUploader | returns the uploader instance |
getUploaderStatus | returns the status of uploading |
getUserData | returns any user data set into the given input by the setUserData() method |
hideItem | hides an item |
isItem | returns "true" if an item exists |
isItemChecked | returns "true" if an item is checked (a checkbox and a radio button only) |
isItemEnabled | returns "true" if an item is enabled |
isItemHidden | returns "true" if an item is hidden |
isLocked | returns "true" if the form is locked |
isReadonly | returns "true" if an item is readonly |
load | loads data to the component via XML or JSON, usually data-values pairs |
loadStruct | loads data to the component via XML or JSON, usually component config |
loadStructHTML | loads dhtmlxForm from HTML form structure |
loadStructString | loads XML string into dhtmlxForm instance |
lock | locks the form (disables all the items) |
reloadOptions | reloads options of the item (combo, select, multiselect only) |
removeColumn | removes the specified item |
removeItem | removes an item |
reset | resets the items of the form saved by means of the load or save methods to their initial states |
resetDataProcessor | sets the mode of saving, if Form is used together with DataProcessor |
resetValidateCss | resets CSS treatment of the form's validation |
restoreBackup | restores the specified backup |
save | saves the form's data in DB |
saveBackup | creates a backup of the form |
send | saves data to the server side script |
setCalendarDateFormat | sets the format of date presentation in the calendar input |
setFocusOnFirstActive | moves the focus on the first form's element |
setFontSize | sets the font size for the whole form |
setFormData | sets values for all items (form's controls) in the component |
setItemFocus | sets the keyboard focus on the specified item |
setItemHeight | sets the height of a textarea |
setItemLabel | sets the label of an item |
setItemText | sets the text of an item |
setItemValue | sets the value of an item or clears the list in uploader (if the 2nd param is omitted) |
setItemWidth | sets the width of an item |
setNote | adds the note block under the specified input |
setNumberFormat | allows setting the format of numeric data (for inputs only) |
setReadonly | makes an item readonly |
setRequired | makes/unmakes a certain field required |
setSkin | sets skin for a form |
setTooltip | sets a tooltip for an item |
setUserData | allows attaching user data to a form without modifying the DOM |
setValidateCss | sets CSS treatment of the form validation |
setValidation | adds a validation rule to the input with the specified name |
showItem | shows an item |
uncheckItem | unchecks an item (a checkbox or a radio button only) |
unload | destructor, removes the form instance and cleans the used memory |
unlock | unlocks the form (enables all the items) |
updateValues | updates the inputs' values |
validate | starts the form's validation |
validateItem | invokes the validation of the specified item |