Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite attachAccordion DHTMLX Docs


adds an accordion object to the popup

dhtmlXAccordion attachAccordion(number width,number height,object conf);
widthnumberaccordion width
heightnumberaccordion height
confobjectoptional, accordion config for object-api init
dhtmlXAccordiondhtmlXAccordion instance


var myPop = new dhtmlXPopup(...);
var myAcc = myPop.attachAccordion(350, 300, {
    icons_path: "icons/",
    items: [
            { id: "a1", text: "Main Page", icon: "flag_red.png" },
            { id: "a2", text: "Navigation", icon: "flag_green.png" },
            { id: "a3", text: "Feedback", icon: "flag_blue.png" }

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