Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Accordion Skins DHTMLX Docs

Accordion Skins

The following predefined skins are available:

"material" (default)




<!-- here we will place accordion --->
<div id="accObj" style="position: relative; width: 360px; height: 400px;"></div>

The "material" skin is used by default. Depending on the attached CSS skin-file, accordion will try to detect skin automatically. You just need to initialize the accordion:

var myAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion({
    parent: "accObj"
    items: [...]

In order to set skin manually use the following code:

var myAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion({
    parent: "accObj",
    skin: "dhx_web",
    items: [...]

You can also specify a skin as the 2nd param of the old-style init way:

var myAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion("accObj", "dhx_web");

Finally, you can set a skin by using the setSkin method:

var myAcc = new dhtmlXAccordion({
    parent: "accObj"

If the predefined skins don't fit you, try to create your own one with the help of the SkinBuilder tool. Read the details here.

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