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Loading List of Files

This documentation is for Vault v2.5. Please go to to see documentation for the current version of dhtmlxVault.

To load files from the server the load method is used.

Server-side code demo

Let's assume that we have the following structure of catalogs.

The downloaded files are placed into the catalog "static", and the script that generates the list of files for the vault is called get_records.php.

    $files = array();
    // read list of files from 'static' directory
    $d = opendir("static");
    while (false != ($f = readdir($d))) {
        if (is_file("static/".$f)) array_push($files, $f);
    // sort files
    // the following 'if' statement is just for demo,
    // it allows you to switch quickly between output formats
    if (true) {
        // for xml output
        // xml headers and root tag
        $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".
        for ($q=0; $q<count($files); $q++) {
            $f = $files[$q];
            // adding single file entry
            $xml .= "\t".
                    '<file '.
                        'name="'.$f.'" '.
                        'serverName="'.$f.'" '.
        // close xml root tag
        $xml .= "\n".'</files>';
        // output
        header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
    } else {
        // for json output
        for ($q=0; $q<count($files); $q++) {
            $f = $files[$q];
            // single file entry
            $files[$q] = '{'.
                            'name: "'.$f.'", '.
                            'serverName: "'.$f.'", '.
        // output
        header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
        print_r("[\n\t".implode(",\n\t", $files)."\n]");

By using the load() method you can show the previously uploaded files. The available formats of the files are the following:

JSON format

    // single file record
        name:       "price.xls", // file name, required
        serverName: "price.xls", // server name, optional, 'name' is used if omitted
        size:       257412       // file size, optional
    {}, // one more file
    {}  // one more file

XML format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <file name="price.xls" serverName="price.xls" size="257412"/>
    <file ... />
    <file ... />
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