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Loads data into spreadsheet from a local data source


Load data into one sheet
cell: string,
value: string | number | Date,
css?: string,
format?: string,
editor?: {
type: string, // type: "select"
options: string | array
locked?: boolean,
link?: {
text?: string,
href: string
// more cell objects
]): void;
Load data into several sheets
sheets: [
name?: string,
id?: string,
rows?: array,
cols?: array,
data: [
cell: string,
value: string | number | Date,
css: string,
format?: string,
editor?: {
type: string, // type: "select"
options: string | array
locked?: boolean,
link?: {
text?: string,
href: string
// more cell objects
merged?: [
from: { column: index, row: index },
to: { column: index, row: index }
// more objects
// more sheet objects
}): void;


If you need to create a data set for one sheet only, specify data as an array of cell objects. For each cell object you can specify the following parameters:

  • cell - (required) the id of a cell that is formed as "id of the column + id of the row", e.g. A1
  • value - (required) the value of a cell
  • css - (optional) the name of the CSS class
  • format - (optional) the name of the default number format or of a custom format that you've added to apply to the cell value
  • editor - (optional) an object with configuration settings for the editor of a cell:
    • type - (required) the type of the cell editor: "select"
    • options - (required) either a range of cells ("A1:B8") or an array of string values
  • locked - (optional) defines whether a cell is locked, false by default
  • link - (optional) an object with configuration settings for the link added into a cell:
    • text - (optional) the text of a link
    • href - (required) the URL that defines the link destination

If you need to create a data set for several sheets at once, specify data as an object with the following parameter:

  • sheets - (required) an array of sheet objects. Each object has the following properties:
    • name - (optional) the sheet name
    • id - (optional) the sheet id
    • rows - (optional) an array of height objects. If not specified, the rows will have a height of 32px.
    • cols - (optional) an array of width objects. If not specified, the columns will have a width of 120px.
    • data - (required) an array of cell objects. Each object has the following properties:
      • cell - (required) the id of a cell that is formed as "id of the column + id of the row", e.g. A1
      • value - (required) the value of a cell
      • css - (optional) the name of the CSS class
      • format - (optional) the name of the default number format or of a custom format that you've added to apply to the cell value
      • editor - (optional) an object with configuration settings for the editor of a cell:
        • type - (required) the type of the cell editor: "select"
        • options - (required) either a range of cells ("A1:B8") or an array of string values
      • locked - (optional) defines whether a cell is locked, false by default
      • link - (optional) an object with configuration settings for the link added into a cell:
        • text - (optional) the text of a link
        • href - (required) the URL that defines the link destination
    • merged - (optional) an array of objects where each object defines a range of cells which need to be merged. Each object must include the following properties:
      • from - an object which defines the position of the first cell from a range:
        • column - the index of the column
        • row - the index of the row
      • to - an object which defines the position of the last cell from a range:
        • column - the index of the column
        • row - the index of the row

In case the multisheets configuration option is set to false, only one sheet will be created.


Example 1. Load data into one sheet
const data = [
{ cell: "A1", value: "Country" },
{ cell: "B1", value: "Product" },
{ cell: "C1", value: "Price" },
{ cell: "D1", value: "Amount" },
{ cell: "E1", value: "Total Price" },

{ cell: "A2", value: "Ecuador" },
{ cell: "B2", value: "Banana" },
{ cell: "C2", value: 6.68, css: "someclass" },
{ cell: "D2", value: 430 },
{ cell: "E2", value: 2872.4 },

// add drop-down lists to cells
{ cell: "A9", value: "Turkey", editor: {type: "select", options: ["Turkey","India","USA","Italy"]} },
{ cell: "B9", value: "", editor: {type: "select", options: "B2:B8" } },

// more data

const spreadsheet = new dhx.Spreadsheet("spreadsheet", {});
Example 2. Load data into several sheets
const data = {
sheets : [
name: "sheet 1",
id: "sheet_1",
rows: [
{ height: 50 }, // the height of the first row
{ height: 50 }, // the height of the second row
// the height of the other rows is 32
cols: [
{ width: 300 }, // the width of the first column
{ width: 300 }, // the width of the second column
// the width of the other columns is 120
data: [
{ cell: "A1", value: "Country" },
{ cell: "B1", value: "Product" }
merged: [
// merge cells A1 and B1
{ from: { column: 0, row: 0 }, to: { column: 1, row: 0 } },
// merge cells A2, A3, A4, and A5
{ from: { column: 0, row: 1 }, to: { column: 0, row: 4 } }
name: "sheet 2",
id: "sheet_2",
data: [
{ cell: "A1", value: "Country" },
{ cell: "B1", value: "Product" },


Parsing styled data

You may also add specific styles for cells while preparing a data set. For that, you need to define data as an object which will include two parameters:

  • styles - (required) an object with CSS classes to be applied to particular cells. Check the details below
  • data - (required) the data to load
const styledData = {
styles: {
someclass: {
background: "#F2F2F2",
color: "#F57C00"
data: [
{ cell: "a1", value: "Country" },
{ cell: "b1", value: "Product" },
{ cell: "c1", value: "Price" },
{ cell: "d1", value: "Amount" },
{ cell: "e1", value: "Total Price" },

{ cell: "a2", value: "Ecuador" },
{ cell: "b2", value: "Banana" },
{ cell: "c2", value: 6.68, css: "someclass" },
{ cell: "d2", value: 430, css: "someclass" },
{ cell: "e2", value: 2872.4 }

const spreadsheet = new dhx.Spreadsheet("spreadsheet", {});

A CSS class is set for a cell via the css property.

List of properties

The list of properties you can specify in the style object:

  • background
  • color
  • textAlign
  • verticalAlign
  • textDecoration
  • fontWeight
  • fontStyle
  • multiline: "wrap" (from v5.0.3)

You may also use the following properties if needed:

  • fontSize
  • font
  • fontFamily
  • textShadow

but in some cases they may not work in the way you expect (for example, when applying position:absolute, display: box, etc. )

Change log:

  • The locked and link properties of the cell object were added in v5.1
  • The merged property of the sheet object was added in v5.0
  • The editor property of the cell object was added in v4.3
  • The rows and cols properties of the sheet object were added in v4.2
  • The ability to prepare data for several sheets was added in v4.1

Related articles: Data loading and export

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