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Properties overview

colsCountOptional. Sets the number of columns a spreadsheet will have on initialization
dateFormatOptional. Defines the format of dates in the spreadsheet
editLineOptional. Shows/hides the editing bar
exportModulePathOptional. Sets the path to the export module
formatsOptional. Defines the list of number formats
importModulePathOptional. Sets the path to the import module
leftSplitOptional. Sets the number of columns fixed to the left side of the spreadsheet
localizationOptional. Defines the format of numbers, dates, time and currency
menuOptional. Shows/hides the menu
multiSheetsOptional. Enables/disables an ability to work with multiple sheets in the spreadsheet
readonlyOptional. Enables/disables the readonly mode
rowsCountOptional. Sets the number of rows a spreadsheet will have on initialization
timeFormatOptional. Defines the format of time in the spreadsheet
toolbarBlocksOptional. Specifies blocks of buttons that will be shown in the toolbar of spreadsheet
topSplitOptional. Sets the number of rows fixed to the top of the spreadsheet