Export to PNG

Starting from version 4.1, dhtmlxScheduler provides an online export service that gives you the possibility to export the scheduler to the PNG format.

The service is free, but the output PNG file will contain the library's watermark under the GPL license. In case you buy a license, the result of export will be available without a watermark during the valid support period (12 months for all PRO licenses).

Using Export Services

There are several export services available. You can install them on your computer and export Scheduler to PNG locally.

Note that export services are not included into the Scheduler package, read the corresponding article to learn the terms of using each of them.

Limits on request size

There is a common API endpoint https://export.dhtmlx.com/scheduler which serves for export methods (exportToPDF, exportToPNG, etc.). Max request size is 10 MB.

Default Export to PNG

To export a scheduler as a PNG image, do the following steps:

  • To use the online export service, enable the export_api plugin via the plugins method:
    export_api: true

If you use the Scheduler version older than 7.0, you need to include the https://export.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api.js file on your page to enable the online export service, e.g.:

<script src="codebase/dhtmlxscheduler.js"></script>
<script src="https://export.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api.js"></script>

<input value="Export to PNG" type="button" onclick='scheduler.exportToPNG()'>

Related sample:  Export to PDF/PNG

Parameters of the export method

The exportToPNG() method takes as a parameter an object with a number of properties (all the properties are optional):

Calling the export method with optional properties

    header:"<h1>My company</h1>",
    footer:"<h4>Bottom line</h4>",

Name of the output file

To set a custom name for the output file, use the name property in the exportToPNG method:


Header/footer of the output file

To add the header/footer to the output PNG file, use the header/footer properties in the exportToPNG method:

Note, you can use any HTML while specifying the parameters. While specifying images, remember that you need to set global paths as values of the "src" attribute

    header:"<h1>My company</h1>",
    footer:"<h4>Bottom line</h4>"

Custom style for the output file

To apply a custom style for the scheduler, provide the stylesheet with your custom CSS classes:

  • through a link:
    header:'<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://mysite.com/custom.css">' });
  • or through the 'style' tag:
    header:'<style>... custom css classes here ...</style>' });

Note, the aforementioned solution works for the global HTTP reference. If you have CSS classes specified in an Intranet/local environment, you can embed all styles as in:

    header:"<style>.tier1{   background: red;   color:white;}</style>"

Exporting HTML elements

While exporting the Scheduler to the PNG format, you should note that export of HTML elements is limited due to their possible insecurity.

There are HTML elements which are not entirely allowed for export, such as <canvas>, <svg>, <script> and images with the src attribute that contains a Base64 image. However, there are safe ways of exporting images in the SVG and Base64 formats:

  • you can use an <img> element with the src attribute that contains a URL of the image in the SVG format (suitable for the PNG and JPG formats, doesn't work for the Base64 format), e.g.:
<img src=https://www.svgrepo.com/download/530597/hat.svg>
  • you can use style elements, such as background or background-image and specify the url attribute with the link to the image or an image in the Base64 format as its value (suitable for the PNG/JPG/SVG formats)
.red {
    background: url("") 100%/contain no-repeat;
    display: inline-block;
    width: 32px;
    height: 32px;

If you have an export module and you need to export HTML elements that are not supported by our online export server, you can submit a support request to get instructions on the changes you need to make in your module to remove restrictions. However, you should take into account that your server will be vulnerable to XSS-attacks.

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