The article refers to exporting of dhtmlxScheduler 4.0 or earlier versions. If you use dhtmlxScheduler 4.1+, see details here.
Starting from version 4.1, dhtmlxScheduler provides a new approach for exporting the scheduler into the PDF format - an online export service.
The PHP version of the package:
The Java version of the package:
The .NET version of the package:
Related sample: Export to PDF [Legacy]
On the scheduler page, enable one more extension:
pdf: true
To export scheduler data to PDF, you just need to add on the page a button, which will call the toPDF() method. The parameter of the toPDF() method is the URL of the script, which has been installed previously:
<input type="button" name="save" value="save"
style="right:300px; width:80px; position:absolute; top:1px;">
To configure the export options, you need to deal with both client and server sides.
As mentioned above, for export activation you should use the method toPDF():
scheduler.toPDF(path, color, header, footer);
footer - (boolean, optional) defines whether a footer will be added to the page. By default, false.
See details below.
So, to your HTML page add a code line that will call toPDF() method with the appropriate number of the parameters. For example, it may look like:
In the code snippet above generate.php is a php file that defines export options.
The simplest sample of the file is:
$scPDF = new schedulerPDF();
But before executing the printScheduler() method, you can apply some custom configuration options:
Size of elements:
// the height of the header of the day container in the month mode
$scPDF->monthDayHeaderHeight = 6;
// the height of the header in the month mode
$scPDF->monthHeaderHeight = 8;
// the height of the month name container in the year mode
$scPDF->yearMonthHeaderHeight = 8;
// height of the row in the agenda mode
$scPDF->agendaRowHeight = 6;
// the height of the header in the day and week mode
$scPDF->dayTopHeight = 6;
// the width of the left scale in the day and week mode
$scPDF->dayLeftWidth = 16;
Font size:
// font size settings
$scPDF->monthHeaderFontSize = 9;
$scPDF->monthDayHeaderFontSize = 8;
$scPDF->monthEventFontSize = 7;
$scPDF->yearHeaderFontSize = 8;
$scPDF->yearFontSize = 8;
$scPDF->agendaFontSize = 8;
$scPDF->dayHeaderFontSize = 7;
$scPDF->dayScaleFontSize = 8;
$scPDF->dayEventHeaderFontSize = 7;
$scPDF->dayEventBodyFontSize = 7;
$scPDF->todayFontSize = 11;
Custom colors (make sure, you use the 'custom' value as the name of the colormap on the client side):
$scPDF->lineColor = '586A7E';
$scPDF->bgColor = 'C2D5FC';
$scPDF->dayHeaderColor = 'EBEFF4';
$scPDF->dayBodyColor = 'FFFFFF';
$scPDF->dayHeaderColorInactive = 'E2E3E6';
$scPDF->dayBodyColorInactive = 'ECECEC';
$scPDF->headerTextColor = '2F3A48';
$scPDF->textColor = '2F3A48';
$scPDF->eventTextColor = '887A2E';
$scPDF->eventBorderColor = 'B7A543';
$scPDF->eventColor = 'FFE763';
$scPDF->todayTextColor = '000000';
$scPDF->scaleColorOne = 'FCFEFC';
$scPDF->scaleColorTwo = 'DCE6F4';
$scPDF->yearDayColor = 'EBEFF4';
$scPDF->yearDayColorInactive = 'd6d6d6';
Headers and footers:
// the height of the header
$scPDF->headerImgHeight = 40;
// the height of the footer
$scPDF->footerImgHeight = 40;
// the path to the header image
$scPDF->headerImg = './header.png';
// the path to the footer image
$scPDF->footerImg = './footer.png';
It's possible to define custom header and footer for each page.
To achieve that, do the following steps:
scheduler.toPDF(url, "color", true, true);
As a result, you will have "header.png" and "footer.png" images as the header and footer on all pages in the generated PDF file.
If output of PDF file is failed, there must be the file named as "error_report_xxxx.xml". Please, send this file with any bug-reports.
If output doesn't fail, but still has some problems, you can edit generate.php and change
$debug = false;
$debug = true;
As a result, there will be a new file saved. It will be called like "debug_xxxxx.xml". Please, send it with the related error report.
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