In many use cases you may need to limit the count of events per time slot. For example, you may need to deny creation of the 2nd event if some other event has already been defined at that time.
To control the number of events in a time slot, use the collision extension.
Activating the 'collision' extension
collision: true
Once you enable the extension on the page, the extension will be activated. From this moment on, the scheduler won't allow users to place 2 events in the same time slot (create or move).
By default, the allowable number of events in a time slot is 1. To regulate this number, use the collision_limit property:
Denying creating more than 2 events per time slot
scheduler.config.collision_limit = 2; //allows creating 2 events per time slot
Related sample: Controlling the number of events in a time slot
With the 'collision' extension enabled, each time the user tries to create a new event or modify some existing one inside an already occupied time slot, the scheduler invokes the onEventCollision event which checks the value set with the collision_limit property.
But remember, the onEventCollision event isn't triggered while loading data. So, to control a number of items in a time slot while data is being loaded to the scheduler, you need to extend the previous code a bit:
Denying creating/loading more than 2 events per time slot
scheduler.config.collision_limit = 2; //allows creating 2 events per time slot
scheduler.attachEvent("onEventLoading", function(ev){ return scheduler.checkCollision(ev); });
The checkCollision method checks whether an event occurs at the time that has already been occupied by another event(s) and invokes the onEventCollision event.
To get the number of events resided in a time slot, use the getEvents method:
Getting the number of events in a time slot
var count = scheduler.getEvents(ev.start_date, ev.end_date).length;
Note, the getEvents method iterates over all events and compares their dates, so it may take a bit of time if you are using thousands of events.
Below you'll find a list of steps you need to complete in order to avoid collisions of events in a time slot:
1) Include the collision extension on the page:
collision: true
2) Block creation of new events while data is being loaded from the server.
So, the user won't be able to create an event while data hasn't been loaded and the calendar is empty. For this purpose you should use the onLoadEnd and onLoadStart event handlers and the readonly property, as follows:
// make the scheduler readonly
// before loading data from the data source has been started
scheduler.attachEvent("onLoadStart", function(){
scheduler.config.readonly = true;
// make the scheduler editable
// only after loading data from the data source is completed
scheduler.attachEvent("onLoadEnd", function(){
scheduler.config.readonly = false;
3) Enable dynamic loading to speed up data loading in case you have lots of records and they all load at once.
To enable the dynamic loading, you need to call the setLoadMode method and load your script after that:
Enabling the dynamic loading
4) Check conflicting events on the server side via PHP connector validation. The details are given in the article devoted to data validation.
You can also reload data on the client side if checking fails.
To process the fail of checking, use DataProcessor Events onValidationError and onAfterUpdate and to reload data, make use of the Scheduler methods clearAll and load:
occurs after validation error has fired before data sending
dp.attachEvent("onValidationError", function(id, details){
//reload actual data from the server
fires after server side response has been received and processed
dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function(id, action, tid, response){
if(action == "invalid" || action == "error"){
//reload actual data from the server
Possible response statuses are the following: