For implementing server-side functionality you should use dhtmlxConnector and dataProcessor like for any other DHTMLX component.
dhtmlxConnector lets you just load data from DB.
dhtmlxConnector + dataProcessor allows making Create/Update/Delete operations.
There are 2 connector types you can use for dhtmlXDataStore objects:
They both work in the same way but differ in the type of the returned data. The first one generates 'xml' data feed, the second one - 'json' data feed.
if (!$db = sqlite_open('db', 0777, $sqliteerror)) {
$data = new JSONDataConnector($db,"SQLite");
$data->render_table("users", "id", "name,age,city");
To implement CRUD operations you should initialize dataProcessor and define a dataStore object as the parameter of the init() command.
var myDataStore = new dhtmlXDataStore({
myDP = new dataProcessor("php/data.php");
You can find the detailed information concerning the usage of dhtmlxConnector and dataProcessor in the related documentation:
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