Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Select-Box Columns in Scheduler DHTMLX Docs

Select-Box Columns in Scheduler

When a scheduler has a select-like collections or a unit/timeline view, it's possible to load a list of related options from the server. In such a case the data loading need to be defined on the client side as:


On the server side the list of options can be retrieved in 2 ways:

  • a hardcoded list
<!--- both values and labels need to be provided --->
<cfset param = structNew()>
<cfset param["1"] = "one">
<cfset param["2"] = "two">
<cfset param["3"] = "three">
<!--- value - label --->
<cfset scheduler.set_options("type",param)> 
<cfset scheduler.render_table("events","event_id","start_date,end_date,text,type_id")>
  • a list created on the base of a different table
<cfset list = createObject("component","dhtmlXConnectors.OptionsConnector").init(
<!--- there must be two fields selected, one as (value), second as (label) --->
<cfset list.render_table("types","type_id","type_id(value),type_name(label)")>
<cfset scheduler = createObject("component","dhtmlXConnectors.SchedulerConnector").init(
<cfset scheduler.set_options("type", list)>
<cfset scheduler.render_table(
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