Check documentation for the latest version of dhtmlxSuite Initializing ColdFusion Connector DHTMLX Docs

Initializing ColdFusion Connector

To use the functionality of DHTMLX Connector, first you should initialize it.

Generally, both client- and server-sides are concerned in it.

Client side

If you need just load data from database (with or without data preprocessing)

1) Specify connector file in the load method of a component.

myGrid = new dhtmlXGridObject("someContainer");// initializes grid

If you need to perform any update operations

1) Specify connector file in the load method of a component.

2) Initialize dhtmlxDataProcessor on the client side (read more about it here).

myGrid = new dhtmlXGridObject("someContainer");// initializes grid
myDP = new dataProcessor("myconnector.cfm");// initializes dhtmlxDataProcessor

Samples Client-Side Initialization

Server side

In our examples we use mapping “dhtmlXConnectors” which links to the folder with cfc files.


  1. Create datasource in CF Admin (further, we will use “datasource” variable for this).
  2. Put connectors into the folder that can be achieved by your custom cf templates.

Main steps:

  1. Include the appropriate connector file into the page.
  2. Instantiate the connector object. Linking variable is a mandatory parameter in all constructors. The second parameter(database type) is optional. By default it's “MySQL”.
  3. The last step is data configuration.
<cfinclude template="../config.cfm">// connector file
<cfset grid = createObject("component","dhtmlxConnectors.GridConnector").init(
<cfset grid.render_table("mytable","item_id","item_nm,item_cd")>
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